
Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
"Love interest" and "feelings" can be two entirely different concepts. A girl in a story can start out as the MC's best friend, someone who they would never think of having a relationship with or even see in a sexual way. This means that they are NOT a love interest of the MC. However, the girl could have feelings for the guy knowing that he doesn't see her in the same way and as the events of the story unfold, the guy can start to see the girl in a different way and thus develop feelings for her that weren't there before. This still doesn't make her a love interest because just because he feels something does not mean he will actively try to pursue her or that they will end up together, it just means he feel differently about her.

This is where this story is right now; feelings exist between the two that will be resolved in the final update but they will not end up together. This is not a rocket science, it's a very simple storytelling trope that you and others refuse to understand.

Also, you claim I'm "distorting the developers words", but is it a "distortion" to say these character obviously have feelings for each other when Sumo said this?
Hey sherlock....

I don't know if you're just a few fries short of a happy meal but either you can't read or are just that kind of special.

I've never said they don't have feelings...try clicking the link posted in that quote above. You might learn something, or not because you're being incredibly dense.

They aren't love intrest. Period. End Of discussion on that subject.
You want to talk about all the feelings they have ? I've already said they have feelings and that they love each other. There's different types of love at play here though. This however doesn't change the fact that they are not primary love intrest. Do you get it yet or are the caps and large font you post in strictly for your benefit ?

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
No, you see as i've pointed out to you now for the 80th time they can have feelings. I've been crystal clear on that.
You on the other hand have tried to bend over backwards to push a narrative that they are love intrest in the conventional sense when the Dev has gone out of their way to tell you otherwise. They are not love intrest as defined by the developer as in you will not see them get together.

So if you would stop being intentionally daft and using said language to obsfucate your argument and confuse people like killer1000 who want to see a bro x sis ship then maybe this wouldn't occur.

They are not love interest. It's literally that simple.
And for the 1 millionth time, I am NOT trying to say that Nikki is a love interest, has become a love interest, or trying to turn her into one, I am simply saying that that there are feelings that exist between. Feelings ≠ love interest, I have acknowledged that numerous times, but some people clearly think they do and that any discussion of feelings means that I or others are trying to, in your words, "push a narrative" that she is a love interest when that's simply not the case.

She's not a love interest, but they have feelings. It's literally that simple.
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Why are you arguing so vehemently with people who ultimately agree with you. It has never been said that Nikki and Tales had no feelings toward each other. Only that Nikki is not endgame material, a.k.a. Love Interest. That's it.

From an outsider standpoint, it looks like one party is saying "I love strawberries" and the other is saying "But there is no apple in a strawberry cake". Did this analogy seem stupid? There you have it.

Just to clarify, I like this game a lot, but I'm getting pretty tired of seeing the same argument over and over and over and over every time I visit the thread...
Because they don't agree. There are folks here who see the word "feelings" and respond with, "Nikki is not a love interest and never will be. Stop trying to change Sumo's story." But these are two entirely different concepts and I've been trying to point that out but clearly there are some who refuse to see it.

A better analogy could be that we have one side saying, "smoking one joint doesn't make you an addict, it just means you smoked one joint", while the other side says, "NO! That makes you an addict and you're not supposed to be an addict!".

Ghostface Reborn

Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2018
And no one is contesting that. Now move on with your life. Go out. Smell the sun. Feel the flowers.
this wouldn't get so out of hand of people like
ZTex could quit brown nosing for one damn minute an to reason and facts-it would nott have gotten this far...............or, just allowed us to ask a question, express our opinion-and let us move on-this drama would not be happening.
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Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
this wouldn't get so out of hand of people like
ZTex could quit brown nosing for one damn minute an to reason and facts-it would nott have gotten this far...............or, just allowed us to ask a question, express our opinion-and let us move on-this drama would not be happening.
Uh, I've been far from brown nosing.
I've been very logical in my assesment of the situation.

Unfortunately some people aren't able to be rational and argue in good faith as seen by both your post here and the post above.
Literally no one was saying feelings = love interest except for people who need to feel right online or else their frail existence and mental state shatter.

You can express your opinion all you want by all means, i've not once been a gatekeeper to valid criticism. But when people intentionally argue their opinions as facts in bad faith by distorting the words used you better believe i'm going to correct that. It's bad for the game to have people spreading misinformation.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
I've already said they have feelings and that they love each other. There's different types of love at play here though. This however doesn't change the fact that they are not primary love intrest.
This right here is you proving my point.

I am not, and have not been, saying that "feelings = love interest" but you seem to view what I've been saying in that way and that's a failure of comprehension on your part. Again, I've said countless times that they're two different things and just because one of them is true doesn't mean the other is true, but you don't seem to get that.

You keep trying to paint me as someone who's saying, "tHeY lIkE eAcH oThEr sO tHeY mUsT bE lOvE iNtErEsTs, hUrR dUrR.", but that is nowhere near what's been going on here and you are just flat-out wrong in your assessment of what I've been saying.


Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
And yet, you both are still the ones complaining... *sigh*
Can't we just all agree to disagree on this particular point (even though I keep thinking it's just a semantic argument over the term "Love interest") and start talking about other aspects of the game?
I admit I don't visit this thread every day, but it seems to me that each time I do, it's either to read Holy Bacchus and/or killer1000 arguing over this and escalating the thing to useless heights. Not saying the other side involved is any better, but for real, guys, one of you need to be the better party and, in the world of Disney most obnoxious song, let it go

Ghostface Reborn

Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2018
Uh, I've been far from brown nosing.
I've been very logical in my assesment of the situation.

Unfortunately some people aren't able to be rational and argue in good faith as seen by both your post here and the post above.
Literally no one was saying feelings = love interest except for people who need to feel right online or else their frail existence and mental state shatter.

You can express your opinion all you want by all means, i've not once been a gatekeeper to valid criticism. But when people intentionally argue their opinions as facts in bad faith by distorting the words used you better believe i'm going to correct that. It's bad for the game to have people spreading misinformation.
evidence to the contrary, yeah, people like you who. you've done so plenty.
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Uh, I've been far from brown nosing.
I've been very logical in my assesment of the situation.

Unfortunately some people aren't able to be rational and argue in good faith as seen by both your post here and the post above.
Literally no one was saying feelings = love interest except for people who need to feel right online or else their frail existence and mental state shatter.

You can express your opinion all you want by all means, i've not once been a gatekeeper to valid criticism. But when people intentionally argue their opinions as facts in bad faith by distorting the words used you better believe i'm going to correct that. It's bad for the game to have people spreading misinformation.
Exactly what about this whole exchange has been "spreading misinformation"?

Nikki is not a love interest for Taylor = True.
Nikki and Taylor will not end up together = True.
Nikki and Taylor have feelings for each other = True.
Feelings ≠ love interest = True.
Feelings do not mean they'll end up together = True.

This is everything I've been saying yet you still try to say I'm doing something wrong.
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Ghostface Reborn

Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2018
And yet, you both are still the ones complaining... *sigh*
Can't we just all agree to disagree on this particular point (even though I keep thinking it's just a semantic argument over the term "Love interest") and start talking about other aspects of the game?
I admit I don't visit this thread every day, but it seems to me that each time I do, it's either to read Holy Bacchus and/or killer1000 arguing over this and escalating the thing to useless heights. Not saying the other side involved is any better, but for real, guys, one of you need to be the better party and, in the world of Disney most obnoxious song, let it go
i never wanted nor started this argument


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Not saying the other side involved is any better,
Hey, i've got them both on ignore and have for a while now.

It's hardly my fault one of them seems to be arguing over something not a single one of us ever brought up and the other one you mentioned tried starting shit in another thread over stuff brought up here so my thought about their level of maturity and personality are better left unsaid.

Just know they aren't very nice.

Ghostface Reborn

Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2018
Hey, i've got them both on ignore and have for a while now.

It's hardly my fault one of them seems to be arguing over something not a single one of us ever brought up and the other one you mentioned tried starting shit in another thread over stuff brought up here so my thought about their level of maturity and personality are better left unsaid.

Just know they aren't very nice.
don't play the innocent victim. you were the one instigate this drama in the first place.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
And yet, you both are still the ones complaining... *sigh*
Can't we just all agree to disagree on this particular point (even though I keep thinking it's just a semantic argument over the term "Love interest") and start talking about other aspects of the game?
I admit I don't visit this thread every day, but it seems to me that each time I do, it's either to read Holy Bacchus and/or killer1000 arguing over this and escalating the thing to useless heights. Not saying the other side involved is any better, but for real, guys, one of you need to be the better party and, in the world of Disney most obnoxious song, let it go
I'd stop arguing if people stopped trying to make me out to be the bad guy, as though I'm saying something untrue and trying to misrepresent Sumo's story or doing logical cartwheels to make the story fit my own interpretation. In the words of another Disney heroine, Mrs Incredible, "I will not be made the enemy here."
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Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
Exactly what about this whole exchange has been "spreading misinformation"?

Nikki is not a love interest for Taylor = True.
Nikki and Taylor will not end up together = True.
Nikki and Taylor have feelings for each other = True.
Feelings ≠ love interest = True.
Feelings do not mean they'll end up together = True.

This is everything I've been saying yet you still try to say I'm doing something wrong.
You for quite a while have been saying they are love interest and supporting those who share that viewpoint.
Even going so far as to side with people who say the incest is nothing more than a sub-plot because the brother and sister are not going to get together.

That's what i've been pointing out is wrong. They're not love intrest they can and do have feelings that's part of the story.
I don't think for a moment you'd reasonable debate or defend this, yet you have.

It's taken several pages to get you to the point to stop falling into the pratfalls of using intentionally vague language that riles up people like Killer1000.

In good faith you and I both know they aren't going to be a couple but they have feelings. That's the plot, so why would you defend this obviously bullheaded statement - https://f95zone.to/threads/my-sister-my-roommate-v14-sumodeine.5593/page-187#post-2242574

You can follow that chain of your circlejerking with someone who doesn't agree with you because you resorted to using vague language.

Now said person wants to claim they didn't want the debate. Which is ....baffeling considering just how much of it they instigated.

Also, the blatantly shifting like so

Literally no one was arguing that. If you had been paying attention, we've all been pretty fucking clear that they have feelings. Even the people who have you on block because you been so obstinate.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Hey, i've got them both on ignore and have for a while now.

It's hardly my fault one of them seems to be arguing over something not a single one of us ever brought up and the other one you mentioned tried starting shit in another thread over stuff brought up here so my thought about their level of maturity and personality are better left unsaid.

Just know they aren't very nice.
You keep bringing this up. Also, blocking people is immature. At least I'll stand up for my point of view instead of living in an echo chamber.
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Ghostface Reborn

Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2018
You for quite a while have been saying they are love interest and supporting those who share that viewpoint.
Even going so far as to side with people who say the incest is nothing more than a sub-plot because the brother and sister are not going to get together.

That's what i've been pointing out is wrong. They're not love intrest they can and do have feelings that's part of the story.
I don't think for a moment you'd reasonable debate or defend this, yet you have.

It's taken several pages to get you to the point to stop falling into the pratfalls of using intentionally vague language that riles up people like Killer1000.

In good faith you and I both know they aren't going to be a couple but they have feelings. That's the plot, so why would you defend this obviously bullheaded statement - https://f95zone.to/threads/my-sister-my-roommate-v14-sumodeine.5593/page-187#post-2242574

You can follow that chain of your circlejerking with someone who doesn't agree with you because you resorted to using vague language.

Now said person wants to claim they didn't want the debate. Which is ....baffeling considering just how much of it they instigated.

Also, the blatantly shifting like so

Literally no one was arguing that. If you had been paying attention, we've all been pretty fucking clear that they have feelings. Even the people who have you on block because you been so obstinate.
i asked a question and expressed my opinion about it-hardly my fault you wanted to debate about it. anyone who clicks those links can clearly see who insigated what-who engaged who.
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Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
i asked a question and expressed my opinion about it-hardly my fault you wanted to debate about it. anyone who clicks those links can clearly see who insigated what-who engaged who.
Yes, we can.
So much so that the developer told you to knock it off and stop playing the game because you couldn't fathom or grasp that you were in fact wrong about your opinion that you've treated as fact.
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