Hey sherlock...."Love interest" and "feelings" can be two entirely different concepts. A girl in a story can start out as the MC's best friend, someone who they would never think of having a relationship with or even see in a sexual way. This means that they are NOT a love interest of the MC. However, the girl could have feelings for the guy knowing that he doesn't see her in the same way and as the events of the story unfold, the guy can start to see the girl in a different way and thus develop feelings for her that weren't there before. This still doesn't make her a love interest because just because he feels something does not mean he will actively try to pursue her or that they will end up together, it just means he feel differently about her.
This is where this story is right now; feelings exist between the two that will be resolved in the final update but they will not end up together. This is not a rocket science, it's a very simple storytelling trope that you and others refuse to understand.
Also, you claim I'm "distorting the developers words", but is it a "distortion" to say these character obviously have feelings for each other when Sumo said this?
I don't know if you're just a few fries short of a happy meal but either you can't read or are just that kind of special.
I've never said they don't have feelings...try clicking the link posted in that quote above. You might learn something, or not because you're being incredibly dense.
They aren't love intrest. Period. End Of discussion on that subject.
You want to talk about all the feelings they have ? I've already said they have feelings and that they love each other. There's different types of love at play here though. This however doesn't change the fact that they are not primary love intrest. Do you get it yet or are the caps and large font you post in strictly for your benefit ?