
Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
No offense, but if i have to read the Dev diary to get my expectations right I can still blame the writing in game. Until Nikki's mystery boyfriend was introduced (who didn't get his own story arc or was even a character) the game was pretty open about anything. But now i realize why the game stopped scoring points. If the game only had one ending why bother tracking. Sadly, that is not the only problem with the game otherwise the ending wouldn't have sucked.
But point taken, I was probably fooled by the incest patch. With the current ending it is rather pointless and could have been neglected, right from the start.

Dave Filoni wurg to the rescue! If you can, give this mystery boyfriend, that snatches 'title-girl' a handsome face and charming personality. If i get NTRed than only by the best their is, at what he does.
Oh... and i request a happy vegan ending with Gollum Ashley, she was MC's only friend.
Unfortunately I have to work with what is provided already in the game, not versed in DAZ, but I think some will like what I've come up with. Was going to give you spoilers, but I think it's ready, so here it is:

Three new endings for the game:
Taylor/Nikki ending
Taylor/Nikki/Molly endings - one for faithful, one for the cheating route

For all three Nikki cannot have a boyfriend

Here is the link to the mod page: My Sister, My Roommate Alternate Ending Mod



Mar 3, 2019
Unfortunately I have to work with what is provided already in the game, not versed in DAZ, but I think some will like what I've come up with. Was going to give you spoilers, but I think it's ready, so here it is:

Three new endings for the game:
Taylor/Nikki ending
Taylor/Nikki/Molly endings - one for faithful, one for the cheating route

For all three Nikki cannot have a boyfriend

Here is the link to the mod page: My Sister, My Roommate Alternate Ending Mod

pls save Taylor/Nikki ending
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Dec 9, 2019
Okay, so I got this game a while ago, grabbed the walkthrough and... holy cow.

This is actually damned good. Animations could be a tad better, but I LOVE the little winks and humor in the plot. The self-referential humor about the adult gaming community and where to find incest patches. Molly pulling a giant easel out of her little bag.

There really need to be more games with a sense of humor like that. Too much entertainment doesn't bother to take advantage of its own potential like this.

Bravo to creator!


Nov 15, 2018
That's one hell of an imagination to make up an entire plot line even the dev didn't know existed.

He made it clear Nikki was never and end game option and the mother was never involved in anything yet somehow someone invented a family harem path.
As writer already explained....the implementation of gentleman and deviant points. Nikki not been an ending has nothing to do with no deviant path actually implemented.

Totally ignoring Nikki-

With endings available a lot of story lines and character not only irrelevant they contradict available endings making majority of choices redundant, for example the whole saving the Flower girl from evil photographer only to have her suddenly become money obsessed cam whore.

The endings limited and the end of game had massive time jumps where information dumped on us and entire arcs just cut off that in many ways contradictory to what had developed up to hostage point.

Nikki not only relationship ended arbitrarily after been let develop, all relationships except Nikki are axed even if you use gentleman path and only chase one girl.

I like a lot about Sumo's writing but he laid out a 5 star banquet but we were served a 3 star set menu. I still very much enjoyed and much prefer the bittersweet endings to fairy tale endings. Also don't forget we might be complaining but it just shows Sumo made some great characters players became invested in enough to complain here.


Active Member
Feb 3, 2019
I still have saves for v13 laying around from may of this year. Are they still useable, or do i need to start over?
Oct 24, 2019
So Suomodeine made a post on their Patreon reagarding this its fairly long so I'll link to it for people that want to read the whole thing but here is what I think is the important bit for many here.
So, here's what I'm going to do over the next couple months:
(1) Re-do all of my very early game renders. They are bad and I've wanted to do that for a long time. This will take some time, but it will make the game feel like a more complete package.
(2) Add more story detail to what happened during the three month time jump between Ashley's arrest and the trial. That was better in my head than it was in reality. This can also help set up for my next task...
(3) And finally, I'm going to add another few endings that will hopefully not be as disappointing to those that supported me while I've been developing this game.
(4) And maybe along the way, I'll try to get the game ready for a Steam release. If that happens, I may need a new name for the game, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.

By doing this, I really really hope that I'm not alienating those people that liked the ending I wrote or those that supported me and defended my endings over the last couple days. I don’t plan on taking away the good ending, but I will had a couple other options as well. That’s the plan right now, at least.

Admitting I messed up isn't an easy thing to do, but it's very obvious to me that I should have done things differently. I was so caught up in finishing the story I planned, I wasn't thinking about the story this game had become. I really hope by doing this, I can build back your confidence in my ability to deliver a great story.
Full post for anyone that wants to read it:


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Removed the completed tag. Read two posts above mine for the reasons why.


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
So Suomodeine made a post on their Patreon reagarding this its fairly long so I'll link to it for people that want to read the whole thing but here is what I think is the important bit for many here.

Full post for anyone that wants to read it:
Didn't think the video was worth posting here too?? I'm really proud of that thing...



Active Member
Feb 3, 2019
Just in case its not too early to ask this, but will this game or at the very least the steam version get an ending list?
Ngl i was surprised by the ending i got, but i also cheated so its very fitting it did come back to bite me.
Form the v14 walktrough linked here this looks like it has tons of endings and replay potential, beyond just the molly ending, which i will try next now.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2017
So Suomodeine made a post on their Patreon regarding this its fairly long so I'll link to it for people that want to read the whole thing but here is what I think is the important bit for many here.

Full post for anyone that wants to read it:
Glad to see the dev take the feedback he got in stride. It's never easy to take constructive criticism and this dev must be commended for listening to his supporters and their dissatisfaction with the ending. Kudos to you Sumodeine, you deserve them.
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Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
The impossible love story with nikki and the wedding was a good ending, i was never a fan of harem shit, but i didn't like the fact that taylor was alone because i rejected the good girl (forgot her name).


Active Member
Feb 3, 2019
Oh my, why deny us the ending we all wanted to see man ?

I liked the game and the molly ending is cool but man... I think 99% of us wanted an ending with nikki becoming taylor's real love and long-term relationship

How do you anglos say ? Bittersweet ? Yes that's it :(
I'm very conflicted about this ending. On one hand the author even foreshadowed it in the molly, nikki and tylor movie evening on christmas eve, where both tylor and nikki made.. what felt like a fourth wall breaking commentary on how just getting the girl and ending up together is done all the time and boring, which i would even agree upon. (the one fact that really rubs me the wrong way, just to come out and say it bluntly. Is the whole xmas bathing scene its obvious this whole 3 months gap and the xmas bathing were just done because now its xmas irl as well, but i really hate all there is to this "joke" if i want to have somone preaching to me about climate change, it should be a bit more clever or over the top.. this was just hamfisted and very, very badly done, imo.) On the other hand this ending (played the cheating on molly with chealsea and banging ashley.. to calm her down lol)
I really enjoyed how uplifting and funny the trail as a result of banging ashley was and would even go as far as to say comedy might be what Sumodeine and team should try their hands at in the future, again (this type of comedy, not the preachy in your face type. Guess you call that situational comedy, right?)

I also can not deny that i like it if an author has a clear vision and sticks to it.. but was this really all the ending was supposed to be in this vision? That is the big question here. and one only the creators of this game can answer for themselves. I'm glad that they go back an rework the game, because its missing features like a scene gallery, ending list and maybe also some kind of progress indicator to let the player know there is a ton of stuff left to do even after the molly and nikki endings are done.
It also sounds like we get other routes / endings, which i would very much appreachiate, i would like to see what kind of person chelsea is for example.

u z i

Nov 9, 2018
Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below NIKKI ENDING IS HERE

Mod available look below

Ya there is look below

thank you for letting us know. but i have yet to play the main game(last few updates) :LOL:


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
I don't know if I'm a fan of this development.

No, the ending was good but not perfect and Yes, I would have liked some fooling around with Nikki at the end.

But it feels to me that fans pressuring the writer to change his story....I'm not a fan of that.
I like to play the way the Dev had it in his mind. I do not mind fan criticism and I do not mind the Dev changing his mind halfway through the story.

But this feels like the dev was "forced" to change his story, due to over the top criticism on his ending.

The dev needs his fan, so I understand him buckling under pressure, but this just feels wrong to me. Imagine DrPinkCakes changing the outcome of the Fire in Acting lessons? Then it's not his story anymore.

I'm sorry I don't like this.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
WTF ? why did this one lose the "completed" tag ? that makes me angry *hulks out*....

EDIT - just read the post about Sumo's plans... well damn... was hoping this was the end, and he would move on... after all as I said before most of the anger is still coming from the people that were adamant about wanting a Nikki ending... getting endings for awesome Skylar, maybe Sarah and... lame gym sock Cory would make me change my rating for the game, but will do little to convince the Nikki lovers...
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3.90 star(s) 129 Votes