Sniping comments from "entitled pirates", right out of the box: Check
Whining without even looking, because somebody wrote "sandbox": Check
Intelligently written praise from more than one player: BIG check!
Praise from a fan of the game I contribute to: HUGE check!
Lots of discussion about the patch, so I just edited the code to
not need a patch. Changed the MC to my brother (didn't use his real name)

, and changed Hailey to . . . (well, didn't use
my real name, either). Default value for Flag is now True. That all works pretty well (with some adjustments along the way).
I really like the story, so far. I don't yet know if the sister is intentionally 'dropping hints', or if her behavior is subconscious. The brother's inner monologues can be a bit creepy, but he's a boy . . . boys are horny . . . seems pretty realistic
A word to the wise though, dev: You've publicly admitted to being the creator of the incest patch. Patreon's Trust and Safety Team will look at your entire brand, not just the content you post to their platform. Your content seems to be headed toward a loving, caring, consensual relationship. If you keep it that way, you're not likely to offend anybody. Any 'offensive' content would have to come from a third party
not associated with you, and without your knowledge or consent.
Oh, and I love the 'game within a game' bit about the deep space mission . . . I hope you include more of that, going forward!
You have a good, solid start!!! Keep up the good work! (And, thanks for making Hailey really, really pretty!)