Erm...why did Mc encourage lesbian staff to chase after the mom?
Just for the record: bisexual, not lesbian.
It's not operating at but a deficit amount. I'll give you a short 7 day example. Like I said in the beginning, you start out using your own money of 50k. Which is fine but you do not truly make a profit until you are not operating on you initial money. So:
Day 1 -50k Lobby -7,200 Kitchen -18,500 Day 2 Housekeeping -3,950 Day 3 Bar -16,200
This come to -90,250 with 1 guest staying at 4k for 2 nights and 1 staff at -250 gives you a daily deficit of -12,357
This is the first 7 days of the game. Figures will be different pending the version your playing. The principle is the same.
In time you will recoup your investment and be purely operating on Manor profit. As I stated, it all depends how you choose to play and I chose to play it as real. The game doesn't do this so I created a spreadsheet of all expenses & income.
In my openion, the game should have a bank (if nothing else a bank icon where you borrow money) instead of a money cheat. After all it is suppose to be a simulator game. Thank you
Two things:
First, as whichone pointed out, you cannot add the costs to the loan. You start out with $50,000 in hand and a $50,000 loan. So basically you could pay back the loan - but then have no money to run the hotel. Only when you start paying money on things you start accumulating a debt putting you in the red if you compare what you have and what you owe. At the start you have $0 - you have 50k, you owe 50k - not a minus.
Second, you are mixing one time payments (investments) with regular payments (recurrent, actually divided into personnel and other recurrent like electricity, but since this game only features staff as of now, let's keep it simple).
Investments are a one time thing (often to be renewed after a couple years) and does not feature in your regular cost except for depreciation (which does not happen in this game). So while you may have significantly less money at the end of week 1 than when starting it, that is not a running deficit. For that what's imprtant are only the costs directly related to week 1 - staff costs.
Assume you were earning $3,000 per month, and need $1,500 for your living expenses (rent, food, clothing) and another $500 for luxuries (gym membership, movies, travels). Now you decide to buy a new car for $10,000. So you ran a deficit of $9,000 this month - but you're still financially stable since you regularily earn $1,000 more than you spend and do not buy a car every month.
Similar here: once you have the lobby, you have it. The $7,200 are not going to be spent again. So while it may seem like $7,200/week in the first week, after some time of playing it diminishes. Right now, the lobby cost me around $230/week if calculated this way, and it will go down and down even more.
And the game treats all of this as real (accounting for simplifications like "no electricity bill" etc.). Which doesn't mean that a bank would be out of place, and if I understood correctly Faerin is planning it, not least for story elements including the loan. But there is no problem with the maths/economics. And it's pretty normal, too: every new business must start by investing.