Fist let me say I appreciate all the work the developer has put into the game, and I like the models.
However I did not like what I played of the game. Story for me is all over the place, does not seem to decide what kind of game it is... Is is Future, Ancient, Modern times.. who knows. One minute you are talking with dad, next you are in a cave fighting, next you are playing D&D, then some modern girls in an office (modern)....
And sex scenes... would not know, since I did not like the story, I fast forward and lots of talking, shifting between genres, but did not see any sex (did get to see MC's dick in shower... so there is that)
I like a good story.. I do, but it needs to bring me into the world and get to know characters I want to care about. I got to the second fight you have... and did not care anymore. Because one minute the MC is bad ass, the next fight with a skinny dude I have to pick a bunch of choices to fight him...
Either the MC is Bad Ass or not. And sex... MC had a few opportunities to have sex.. (slave girls, etc.) But game would rather have to talk to a bunch of guys and play D&D...
Well anyway, I will stop here. But for me I will pass on this game from now on.
I do wish the developer luck