
Nov 27, 2017
I'm so glad I left this thread so many moons ago.
Take out the incompetent end users that can't use the search bar for "diary bug" or "stuck" and this thread would easily be under 50 pages long.
Too bad there isn't anything else noteworthy, guess I'll stick to the discord instead.
Isn't the game finished anyway? thought it was completed a year ago or so and that was it, another project or something on the way etc etc.


Oct 2, 2021
Mann.. I played this game and rated it here 2 years ago (build 0.54) and started replaying today to try the last patch (1.0.7) and i find it was better without the music they added at the start of the game.

The main menu music, the first cutscene with Vendetta and the additional backstory they added takes away all the creepy atmosphere and the souls-like imo.

However, this game stays a 5 stars to me and one of the best platformer i've ever played.


Jun 19, 2022
Isn't the game finished anyway? thought it was completed a year ago or so and that was it, another project or something on the way etc etc.
I know at one point he had been thinking about DLC, but that was before he got burnt out trying to re-censor the entire game to fit new DLsite guidelines. That, plus he's abandoned Unity due to all the price changes and is now focusing on 2.5D games. So yeah, as was said above, it's sadly pretty unlikely - which is too bad, but I get it.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2021
Candore got raped unconscious by prisoners, possibly to death.

This game is so done a fork has already been stuck in it, it has been served, and it has already journeyed through the sewers into the ocean.

D-Lis mentioned a minuscule possibility of revisiting the game but on the note that the newest version of Unity is very different compared to the version that was used to make the original "A Witch's Night of Revenge". D-Lis is currently making his next project using Godot engine after the drama that unfolded when Unity put out notice that they would charge developers for each existing install of their game.
Candore's fate is so cruel and tragic. Really furthers the game's dark theme of the worst, saddest things happening to the best, noblest, and most innocent of humanity. Rest in peace dear Candore

She and both Aradias are in a gentler place now. Oh how I wish, I could one day go to the land where the three of them are all hanging out and laughing like best friends, along with Aradia's sister and father. They would totally geek out showing each other cool sword tricks and going on awesome adventures

My favorite hobby now is probably getting ChatGPT to write sweet stories about the lives that Aradia and Candore could have in a better, kinder world


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
Anyone know where the lightning dagger is? last weapon i need
Sunken Valley, below the bridges. Reach it by going to the left, going downward, then jumping from the tree on the left to a platform under the bridge. Of course, it's much easier to reach if you jump to the platform before you put down the bridge, but that jump was possible even before it was made easier in later versions.

It's a trick weapon (staff) dagger. It's probably in the Top 3 for Worst Weapons in the Game. It has interesting behavior in potentially hitting a crowd hard if you see a bunch of enemies stacked together, hit them all with 1 strike, then run away, but it's a truly awful weapon in that it is slow and weak.

A modder might be able to improve it by making its damage about 10x higher. Yes, it's a bad weapon so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it takes to make it decent.
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Sep 19, 2020
How do i get the bigger booba ending scene like the one the senior inquisitor is doing? I just have the regular sized ones.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
How do i get the bigger booba ending scene like the one the senior inquisitor is doing? I just have the regular sized ones.
This is what I like to call a "Spine test" where some things were repositioned/scaled etc. Meaning it's kinda like a false-advert. but it technically can be imported back in the game...

There's also a WIP project to make game's animation-graphics assets to be released in "source" project form. It's been awhile since I started to work on it and it's not that far from being released as a full package. Here's a little demo in attached files, though.

If anyone is interested in modding the game's animations/graphics via Spine editor or wants to learn how it works internally, feel free to look. It's not a mod for a regular users as is, but can be really helpful in a long run.

What you want to do with the attached archive is to extract it anywhere on your machine, install cracked Spine 3.8.75 and open included .spine source file. Rest of it works the same as you can find in Nephilim50's spine modding guide posted on this forum, but it skips the whole process of data extraction/texture unpacking and the rest of data matching. Also comes with a correctly applied uncensored assets this time around.


Dec 11, 2019
Is there any way to make it harder to escape the grapples?

Even on very hard where the first enemy, fodder on normal, can damn near oneshot you with his knock-down attack, it still takes exactly two clicks of the attack button to escape once he grabs you. It's way, way too easy to get out of it.


Nov 13, 2017
Is there any way to make it harder to escape the grapples?

Even on very hard where the first enemy, fodder on normal, can damn near oneshot you with his knock-down attack, it still takes exactly two clicks of the attack button to escape once he grabs you. It's way, way too easy to get out of it.
With the NoEroMod enemies can knock you down with normal attacks and you have to mash to get back up. Then if you get grappled you have to mash to escape. Depending on the enemy animation its harder to escape certain attacks. Also if you dont manage to escape before getting penetrated the escape meter resets. And there are things like traps that are actually impossible to escape by mashing, so they become a real threat. You can use a potion to insta-escape but that uses a precious resource and if you have none left its a game over. Its a really fun mod if you want to have the risk of enemies getting you without doing it on purpose. Make sure you look at the readme and check the settings you can configure. Personally I disabled the elite enemies because I dislike getting instagrabbed by enemies just from them walking into you and you cant dodge through them.

Last edited:
Mar 28, 2022
hm, i read through the thread, they said there's Bunny suit mod, and Bone mod, and a caine mod(?), but when i clicked on the link that supposed to lead to that post, it just appear nothing, as if they got deleted. Does anyone know where i can download it?


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
Also the time to wind up parry is fucking 0.85 seconds long, literally unplayable
Parry speed is pretty good once you're used to it. What you need to know is the parry window stays open for a pretty long time. Even on decently busy enemies modded to move 35% faster, it's still reliable. Krongorka's upcoming combat mod may make enemies move laterally in less predictable ways more often though, which should be an interesting challenge.


Jun 16, 2017
NoR Uncensored Assets for v1.06


Alternatively, you can check out GranTurboAutismo's package HERE with my assets + mosaic remover and machine translation already applied.

Game not included.

This will only work for NoR 1.06, it will not work for v1.05. Maybe I'll make a v1.05 version another day.

This is a basic de-censoring pack that removes the baked-in mosaic censorship on the vanilla sprites. It contains no mods or cheats for those who want a regular vanilla play-through with uncensored assets. Requires a mosaic overlay remover like the BepInEx one attached to this post to work, which may not play well with other mods or translations. Non-BepInEx mosaic removers may or may not be added in the future.


-Asset files that replace the baked-in mosaic censorship found in the vanilla game, lovingly crafted by myself and Quaking_Nuts
-Every modified sprite sheet in raw .png format to be used however you want
-A special optional sharedassets file that swaps the first unlockable bonus costume model with a (kinda shitty)
-An incredible map by Kek1245


-Copy all sharedassets files from the Uncensored Assetfiles folder into your NightofRevenge_Data folder, and replace all existing files
-If you wish to install the Bunnysuit mod, complete the step above, then overwrite the sharedassets2.assets file with the one in the BONUS Bunnysuit folder. BACKUP THE FILE BEFORE OVERWRITING.

Installing BepInEx Mosaic Remover:

Yes, I know, it fucks up the particles, and I know it fucks up translations, but I'm still waiting on a mod-free mosaic remover that edits the Assembly-CSharp, so it'll have to do for now.

-Place the contents of the .zip file into the same folder as your NoR .exe
-Run the game, then quit out of the game
-New folders should now be available in the BepInEx folder. Place DumbRendererDemosaic.dll in the BepInEx/plugins folder.
(Sometimes this file pops a single false positive on Virustotal from some no-name AV suite, run your own scan if you want to be cautious.)

Let me know if you notice any major fuckups or significant graphical screw-ups (pieces with ugly outline glow) and I'll do a quick patch if I missed anything. The Bunnysuit mod is kind of shitty and I won't be fixing gaps in the model, mostly because it's more-or-less impossible. (the sprite sheet it too cramped to resize)
I used replace packs, but there are still mosaics in the game?
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