I agree that her being calm would've been beneficial, but your claim that there wouldn't have been any tension sounds like you haven't been paying attention to their dynamic.
She should at least be happy that you weren't in that group. She did have the right to act that way, but doing so helped no one, herself least of all.
I have paid attention to Naomi and Alice dynamic. But like i said, if she had remained calm like she did at the very end of this update it wouldn't have been so bad. No "claim" involved. She cut Alice off at every chance while pushing her own speculation of her mother on to her without even knowing if it was true or not because of one thing Alice said years ago while intoxicated. She annoyed me with her outburst like i said in my original post. If she didn't annoy you and you personally sympathize with her that's fine. You're allowed to view what happened however you want.
On to your other reply. What do you mean "wasn't in that group"? The MC literal was thinking about killing her himself. He was quite literally in the group with them. Just because he didn't say it out loud doesn't mean he didn't contemplate it. We see it in his inner dialogue. What part of she didn't have to help anyone is so hard to understand. A woman, who i assume is living alone is just supposed to let 4 total strangers in her house in the middle of an apocalypse?
Imagine if the roles were reversed almost all of you would have wanted to killed these people just like at the school, myself include, so this "she should atleast be happy we didn't kill her while locking her up in her room and using her house as we please" is nonsensical. Let see if you would be happy if these bandit or whatever other group came in and locked us in a room. We should atleast be happy they didn't potentially kill us yet right? Right?
Like i said more than once already. We did what was necessary and i never disagreed with said action. I would've literally killed her if the option was there. That doesn't change that we're bad for doing what we did and she acted as anyone should from her PoV. It's that simple. No need for all these odd justification. That was the focus of my original comment in the first place, her PoV not ours. This defense for something i never said i was against in the first place is so weird. "How dare she treat us like intruders coming in her house without getting her to agree willingly". Not the in-game group's PoV btw this is from the Irl group

. Atleast the MC acknowledged what they did was bad.