just finished it
played the no share path..since I'm not into sharing ... tried it a bit when the first share warning was issued but when I saw that April was going to jack off that dude I said fuck this .. no thank you .. can't do it...
and I gotta say...
Not a fan of the les scenes but when they happen to involve MC I'm .. okay with it
Wasn't a fan of the scene from week 2? I think , with Darla Mom Sis and Reiko... since it didn't involve MC but it did involve MCs mom and sister... definitely wasn't a fan of that scene..
So that's mostly my .. bad thoughts lets call them
but ...
The game is top notch.. 110% recommending to anyone who doesn't mind the les/bi content actually mostly bi ...well all of it is bi anyway ..
Story.. fucking loved it... seriously ... it's great.. it's the thing that kept me hooked well the biggest reason other reason would be I can't wait until does the deed with every member of the family

Wrestling.. fucking great... seriously.. moves, tactics , THE COMMENTARY... absolutely amazing... loved every second of it...
Intro music for the wrestlers?get the fuck outta here ... that was pure awesome... again another aspect that enhanced my playthrough... seriously genius..and what was even more awesome that it fit the wrestler.. like the music for Whitechapel Society... fucking genius.. fits them to a T..awesome
Overall this a great VN ... seriously awesome
only major thing that bothered me was that one scene that didn't include the MC ...but I see that after that there were no more scenes where MC wasn't involved..I think..