Hey guys, thought I’d give a little dev update to ya’ll. The learning process is coming along nicely. My Daz skills are slowly but surely improving.
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This is the first ever Daz render I’ve done and it’s not anything special but I’m really proud of it. I began learning lightning, posing, etc. and although I still have some work to do with lighting, posing and facial expressions, I’m quite happy with the progress I’ve made so far. I’ll spend the next week learning more and then I should be good to start rendering
I’ve also planned out the rest of the game and while that is definitely subject to change as I refine it and alter / add some ideas, the core plan is done and so are some other elements. I think what I have planned is going to be really interesting and hopefully all of you like it. I began doing some writing too, nothing extreme, but I’ve had a couple of scenes written.
I know a major let down in Part 1 were the sex scenes, especially the dialogue for them, so I want to make sure they’re as strong as possible since they’re such an important part of the game, which is why ive been writing some practice scenes to get an idea and see what works and what doesn’t.
That’s all for this dev update, I hope you’re all as excited as I am to see Chapter 1 of Part 2 be officially released