
Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
So after finally completing it. I can say I really enjoyed it.

The good (best from the top of my head)
Animations and VN screen to screen felt really well done. I enjoyed that nearly each transition screen, characters were constantly moving positions, eyes looking towards different places, different expressions, People in the background were moving. Got the impression alot of time was spent making the scenes flow. I apricate that. Character models also very pretty.

The bad
Well I kinda got sick of the MCs moral policing, just about at every turn of the game. He always comes back to whinging, how this is not a nice place, or that this is depraved or its some shithole. Its a high end VIP brothel work place, not a dirty corner one with bad hygiene. Yet we are allowed to do depraved stuff (which makes the game fun). He'd go out and preform on the show, then go back to complaining about it after. Maybe its a little hard to describe. I share the same view Felicia pointed out.. "Noones holding a gun to their heads" They've all signed up for fast easy money out of desperation or not. High pay, humiliating work. If they want a stable job, go work in a fast food joint on minimum wage. That being said, I do enjoy seeing the MCs constant care for the girls even if he uses "its his job" as an excuse. Its the Moral policing he constantly does that gets annoying. If it was more about the customers rather than the place itself, it'd ease this problem. I got the impression he was suppose to be a delinquent as a child too.

The Characters
Well out of the Carnations, I got the feeling Rosalind is going to win. Unfortunately havent been able to do anything outside of the clubs work with her, but I did choose trying to help with her debt problem, so maybe that leads to something down the line. Chose to see if I can help Veronica too, but shes kinda my least fav of the 3 (even tho I like really tall girls), but havent really felt like we have gelled, maybe it will change if I solve her gym problem, seeing as I've predicted her loosing and shes already 2-0 down. Not much to say on Felicia, but I like her.

Hana, not really into girls with tats, but shes a nice friendly one (black hair yellow eyes is kinda nice). Im kinda hoping now that shes taken on a new role in the club, she could become a little bit corrupted ? Say like that last show she was made to sit through for the first time, Observing her "crush" at work, she'd start having those twisted feelings she never knew or felt before (as was said by someone, she has porno star in her blood :p). But of course, I expect the changes she hopefully makes is towards the girls safety. Some of those customers are.... not good. She could do alot in that area if she can grab the riens.

Mina, well my favorite one of the bunch. Obviously one girl I wanted to see corrupted heavily, but her recent reveal about her many fantasies and willing to experiment, its on a good path ^_~ . For as bubbly as she is, shes been one starved girl. her bi-curious trait gives me hope for 3-somes with Felicia and Hana in the future.

The game also employs the only NTR I do like, thats the MC taking other girls, married or not. As much as I like Ian in the sense hes your best mate , yep taking Mina too. He'll just have to deal being 3rd wheel :p. Not like he hasnt earned it with the player he is.
Not going to go into more characters, but I liked the cast on a whole. Each character felt like they had a place. Im sure we see more of the house girls in future updates.

Good game, think its really up their in quality. I like the background choices giving a little more flavour to the game. Nice touch.
Look forward to more.
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
Ah I see. Interesting concept. I didnt know that.
After I thought about it last night, I felt like it be nice if Felicia won, and if I could complete Veronicas saving her gym, and fixing Rosalinds debt, Everyone would kinda win then. Felica would be part of the clientele then too.

But I was judging Rosalind to win just on my gutt instinct from what I have seen. First week I did the photoshoot with Rosalind, but Felica won the 1st Carnation event. Veronica finshed last and thus had the penalty game. But I spent my time with Hana.

2nd week with all 3 photoshoots, I was asked by Kathleen who I liked most, and I went with Rosalind, mainly based on me being a depraved pervert who thinks hot girls peeing right in front of you is super hot. Veronica also did, but I felt more commitment from Rosalind (Hench why I was predicting she would win), Felicia won photoshoot vote, but Rosalind did go on to win the 2nd Carnation event after two votes from Hana and kathleen. Veronica once againt received the penalty.
So as it stands, Felicia 1, Rosalind 1, and Veronics finished last with both events (unless its some different type of scoring system ?). That seems to be the way my game has been going. So I guess me choosing Rosalind twice has put her favorite in the contest ?
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Ah I see. Interesting concept. I didnt know that.
After I thought about it last night, I felt like it be nice if Felicia won, and if I could complete Veronicas saving her gym, and fixing Rosalinds debt, Everyone would kinda win then. Felica would be part of the clientele then too.

But I was judging Rosalind to win just on my gutt instinct from what I have seen. First week I did the photoshoot with Rosalind, but Felica won the 1st Carnation event. Veronica finshed last and thus had the penalty game. But I spent my time with Hana.

2nd week with all 3 photoshoots, I was asked by Kathleen who I liked most, and I went with Rosalind, mainly based on me being a depraved pervert who thinks hot girls peeing right in front of you is super hot. Veronica also did, but I felt more commitment from Rosalind (Hench why I was predicting she would win), Felicia won photoshoot vote, but Rosalind did go on to win the 2nd Carnation event after two votes from Hana and kathleen. Veronica once againt received the penalty.
So as it stands, Felicia 1, Rosalind 1, and Veronics finished last with both events (unless its some different type of scoring system ?). That seems to be the way my game has been going. So I guess me choosing Rosalind twice has put her favorite in the contest ?
Not really, we players have a lot of influence on the outcome of the contests. Not total or open influence, but we can squeeze and push a bit here and there, so our favourite can bag it. It is possible for all Carnations to win each week, but not equally easy or hard. For instance, the second week contest has a bias towards Rosi. Feli and Veronica can win this event too, but that is quite a bit harder.

As for who wins the contest in the end has been topic of discussion several times already. I personally think that Felicia winning could be the best outcome if we have a good wire to the three Carnations. Felicia would get a place among the PC patrons and her coveted influence to reopen the school in her hometown. Rosi´s "debts" are substantial, but neither Felicia nor the (new) Club leadership would break into a sweat covering them. Which could happen, if we have good relations with Feli and/or the Club leaders at the end. (If we aim for a goodish, but slightly corrupted PC leadership, a high libido Rosi might still be convinced to stay at PC for some "parttime" shifts)
In the case of Veronica I think her biggest win would be if we can convince her to start anew with another, better sized and located Gym. She could still live her dream and would be better off. Because let us face it, her current Gym was already in sinking condition BEFORE Sam started his meddling to make her situation even worse. It was a millstone around Veronica´s neck from the start.

From Kath´s PoV Veronica winning would be best. Even Veronica acknowledged that winning at PC would just be a bandaid, no cure. If Veronica wins, it is only a question of time until she is back at PC again. Rosi has to get rid of the debt her ass of a husband left her, so Rosi has to stay working at PC. Feli woulld still get a bit a of the influence she needs in the case she does not win (we see that she is popular at the club), so Feli might be gone, but for Kath a Veronica win would be best. Two for the price of one.


Apr 11, 2022
My speculations, mild spoilers maybe:

I'm bettinfg MC's dad worked for ths charity the club uses to find women, which he may have found out/maybe involed woth. Murdered maybe?

Victoria probsbly A) not left porn cuase she ended up being onto it or B) Got out of porn by being a Carnation and winning a previous game. Could also play into a long game scenario like Veronica where someone took out dad so mom would get desprite.

Hana's anger mechanic is probably gonna work like corruption and determine wjat kind of boss she is (epilogue kinda stuff) Kind vs ust

Somethong tells me Lucy is gonna be a high eaening/head girll by the end. She' expeimenring and lyong wothout batring an eye now

I can see a scenario where Felicia bails out the other 2 women since she has resources.

Not saying any of this IS happening, just speculating.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Am I the only worried about how Kathleen will keep the exhibitions "competitive"?
That might come only into play if we push for the early win of one specific Carnation. And how that happens is even more important. If it is a neck-to-neck decision each time who wins, then even a win of both current events by one Carnation is no problem. As long as the competition is exciting to the members, all is well. But I agree, if we push for one winner too early and strongly (e.g. even in some conversations), this could give Kath ideas how to "level" the playing field.
In my playthroughs normally Felicia wins the first event and Rosi the second.

My speculations, mild spoilers maybe:
I'm bettinfg MC's dad worked for ths charity the club uses to find women, which he may have found out/maybe involed woth. Murdered maybe?
Victoria probsbly A) not left porn cuase she ended up being onto it or B) Got out of porn by being a Carnation and winning a previous game. Could also play into a long game scenario like Veronica where someone took out dad so mom would get desprite.
Hana's anger mechanic is probably gonna work like corruption and determine wjat kind of boss she is (epilogue kinda stuff) Kind vs ust
Somethong tells me Lucy is gonna be a high eaening/head girll by the end. She' expeimenring and lyong wothout batring an eye now
I can see a scenario where Felicia bails out the other 2 women since she has resources.
Not saying any of this IS happening, just speculating.
Unless there is a major twist, which would collide with what we know to be facts in the "Carnations world", Victoria was never with the Carnations Club. She made porn about one and a half decade ago, but unrelated to the PC Club which as far as we know is a decade old tops. Most likely the club is roughly 6 years old.
August and Chuck go way back as we learned and August is at the club for five years now. I have the gutfeeling that PC started as the brainchild of Kath and Chuck, who then brought in his old pal August, who is the most business like owner of the three, keeping the day-to-day of the Club running smoothly.
So the Club might be a bit older than August being there, but I think no more than a year at most.

I do not think that Hana´s anger is working 1:1 like corruption, esp. how she gains/looses anger. I think her anger is a sign how likely she is to seriously act against the club. Low anger means she might not like some things going on at PC, but she will not go against the Club outside some rebellious acts, like the midnight swim after the concert. High anger might mean she is pissed off enough to truly go against the Club.
IMO, how nice Hana will be as a leader of the Club (if she stays, which in some playthroughs might be in doubt)will mostly hinge on plate full of flagg events and how we MC´s adviced/acted during said events.


Dec 29, 2017
Other points can be debated but unless something changes I think it is almost impassible that Victoria took part in a previous game.
1. We know she did porn 13/14 years before the game takes place (the video shows 2009 when she says she is 31 and her age in game is 44).
2. August says he has been at the club for 5 years and since he is a owner its safe to assume he was there at the start
3. We know Ian has worked/attended the club for the last 3 years (since he turned 18)

With just these three points it makes it really hard for Victoria to have been part of the Carnations at any point. She would have had to keep doing porn from the time MC was a child (in 2009) until 2019 when the club first opened, or stopped at some point and while being relatively financially stable with no "wish" for the club to grant yet still for some reason got involved. Even if she did get involved it would have to be in the first two years of the club before Ian started attending (as a customer or as a worker). This is because Ian/MC/Victoria have devolved a comedy routine around the fact that Ian has been able to talk to Victoria like he does almost everyone else and this started back when Ian and MC were kids. So unless Ian (who cant resist joking that he knows Rose) can somehow fool MC and Victoria by acting the exact same as he always did (despise Victoria allegedly being a Carnation) the timeline does not really line up.

I think a much bigger hint is that in one of the first videos we see Victoria in the person who is by the camera/asking questions is standing in a way that just their face is not shown. It could be a red herring but it could also be that showing their face at the start would ruin an upcoming twist.
Unless there is a major twist, which would collide with what we know to be facts in the "Carnations world", Victoria was never with the Carnations Club. She made porn about one and a half decade ago, but unrelated to the PC Club which as far as we know is a decade old tops. Most likely the club is roughly 6 years old.
August and Chuck go way back as we learned and August is at the club for five years now. I have the gutfeeling that PC started as the brainchild of Kath and Chuck, who then brought in his old pal August, who is the most business like owner of the three, keeping the day-to-day of the Club running smoothly.
So the Club might be a bit older than August being there, but I think no more than a year at most.
I agree with both your conclusion about Victoria, she never worked for the club.
simpgor made a small mistake, Vicky is according to her profile 46 years old. Both your timelines about the club and Ians work there are correct.
However, if we assume TD1900 had no slip of the pen with Victorias age both in her profile and in her gonzo video, i do believe Vicky is lying about her age there. She tried to give a fake name to conceal her identity, but was forced to say her real one; i am convinced she tried that again with her age, but this time the cameraman either let it slide or didn't knew her real age.
Do the math again, and keep your discovery either to yourself or bury it deep in spoilers, because i believe this is a big one.

On that note, what do you guys think about Dr. Charles Kohlers age of 65 and his alleged sister Grace Beaufort, Killians mother, who is also 46 years old. Quite a late arrival in the Kohlers family, neh?
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Dec 29, 2017
My speculations, mild spoilers maybe:
I'm bettinfg MC's dad worked for ths charity the club uses to find women, which he may have found out/maybe involed woth. Murdered maybe? (...) Could also play into a long game scenario like Veronica where someone took out dad so mom would get desprite.
Edwins dad died when he was 6 years old, he recently had his 22th birthday. While his dad could have worked for the charity back then, it wasn't used for the Carnations Club at that time, because the Club was established roughly 10 years later. Also to murder someones husband in the faint hope you could trick the grieving widow into porn, sounds a bit like, i dunno ... overkill?
Victoria probsbly A) not left porn cuase she ended up being onto it (...)
Victoria pretty surely left porn some time ago for good, the question of course is, was she into it? not unfeasible...:sneaky:
Somethong tells me Lucy is gonna be a high eaening/head girll by the end. She' expeimenring and lyong wothout batring an eye now
Right, Lucy's doing a grade A corruption career at the moment. Sex work is a slippery slope...:devilish:
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
I think that sounds like reaching to me. So far nothing ingame indicates that Victoria was doing porn anything other than a long time ago, when Edwin was still a kid.
I find more likely that she simply knew Chuck because he already walked around the sex indutry by that time, before becoming a partner at the Carnation Club. His nice teacher/mentor behaviour was likely always a facade to hide his darker self.

About Grace and Chuck i suppose maybe they only share one parent or their parents got a surprise pregnancy late in their marriage. :unsure:


Dec 29, 2017
I think that sounds like reaching to me.
Hi, RC-1138 Boss, i am not sure, if you are adressing whizwart or me here, but could you elaborate a bit? One or two sentence should be enough, just because i can't tell to which statement 'reaching' is directed. Blame my bad comprehension.
(...) So far nothing ingame indicates that Victoria was doing porn anything other than a long time ago, when Edwin was still a kid.
Yes, my "some time ago, for good" is misleading, i think she left porn much more than 6 years ago. Question is when Edwin still was a kid like
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I find more likely that she simply knew Chuck because he already walked around the sex indutry by that time, before becoming a partner at the Carnation Club. His nice teacher/mentor behaviour was likely always a facade to hide his darker self.
100% agree.(y)

About Grace and Chuck i suppose maybe they only share one parent or their parents got a surprise pregnancy late in their marriage.
Well, the latter is definetly possible, period. The former a bit less, since nowhere it is said, that those two are only half-siblings, as far as i remember. As a matter of fact, i am still also undecided about this age gap, so i asked for your opinions.

But for sure those blue eyes run prominently in this family, given that they are usually considered recessive. (John H. McDonald, University of Delaware disagrees)
Hm, and red hair is also commonly caused by a recessive allele found on chromosome 16.
Which proves of course nothing, because the Beaufort side of the family can be very well all red haired, blue eyed folks of irish, scottish or british descendance. Hmmm, but Beaufort seems to be an awfully french name to me. Ah, well, there are redheads everywhere and Kohler is quite sure a german name. As i said nothing is proven, i am just curious and try to connect the dots in a plausible way.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Hi, RC-1138 Boss, i am not sure, if you are adressing whizwart or me here, but could you elaborate a bit? One or two sentence should be enough, just because i can't tell to which statement 'reaching' is directed. Blame my bad comprehension.
My fault. Sorry.
i was reading your two comments including the one where you quoted whizwart conspiracy theory about Edwin's dad death. Somehow i mixed this and your comment about until when Victoria was working doing porn when making my post. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Yes, my "some time ago, for good" is misleading, i think she left porn much more than 6 years ago. Question is when Edwin still was a kid like
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Truth be told it could be either of them. I really can't see any clue indicate which one. :unsure:

Well, the latter is definetly possible, period. The former a bit less, since nowhere it is said, that those two are only half-siblings, as far as i remember. As a matter of fact, i am still also undecided about this age gap, so i asked for your opinions.

But for sure those blue eyes run prominently in this family, given that they are usually considered recessive. (John H. McDonald, University of Delaware disagrees)
Hm, and red hair is also commonly caused by a recessive allele found on chromosome 16.
Which proves of course nothing, because the Beaufort side of the family can be very well all red haired, blue eyed folks of irish, scottish or british descendance. Hmmm, but Beaufort seems to be an awfully french name to me. Ah, well, there are redheads everywhere and Kohler is quite sure a german name. As i said nothing is proven, i am just curious and try to connect the dots in a plausible way.
I was thinking more on the former but not much. I suppose we are bound to have more answers for this when Edwin meet Grace again to talk about Ian.
May 3, 2022
Man, it feels kinda good to use abuse the characters but as the story progresses and you get to know them they kinda grow on you and suddenly you feel a bit of guilt about further doing it as the game demands.
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New Member
Jul 14, 2019
I enjoyed reading the dialogue so much, the MC's comments seem to contain a queer unique sense of humour (e.g. At least one of us is trying to get me laid) and a calm and gentle sort of sharpeness (e.g. but you of all people should know showing affection doesn't come easy to some), these together puts my mind at ease somehow.
Can anyone point me to some key words if I wish to find writing of similar styles? Or even better recommend some novels? Many thanks.
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