Okey, lets circle back a bit, because i think it's becoming a bit convoluted on all sides.
Forget everything i said sofar, everything.
I don't know if you got kids, and it doesn't really matter. What if you're told by a school representative "We have this old pervert, who runs a brothel to cater to the elites' depraved fantasies, but he loves to teach physics, honestly, he just wants to tutor kids."
Would you be like: "Oh, he honestly just wants to tutor them? Yeah well then, cool, sure go ahead." Probably not. Why not? Because you would suspect an ulterior motive behind it. That's the point where i started.
Everything else were speculations based on the things we either know or are fairly sure of. Things like
- He has tutored a physics club at a local high school roughly 8 years ago. Perhaps he still does.
- The school is more likely a public than a private school, based on the fact that trailer park kids attend it.
- A grown-up male person is not allowed on school grounds, unless he has a valid reason to be there.
- Chuck is a self-proclaimed, proud pervert. We don't know what exactly gets him going, but it's likely not vanilla.
- Behind every known case of misconduct, abuse, cheating, peeping and harrassment is a dark field of undiscovered cases.
So if you scrap my basic premise "He has an ulterior motive" you can scrap everything else i said. That's cool, you can do that, because i can not prove that premise.
In case you don't scrap my basic premise, i tried to display possible, more or less well founded reasons, why it could be attractive for Chuck to tutor a club at a public high school. Every single one of my reasons is debateable, because they are all speculative.
However, i think we can agree on the prospect that a school is a premium hunting ground for a cunning predator, with a huge amount of potential game compared to other places.
Personally i don't believe he tried to fuck the whole female class of 2014. Personally i don't believe he was there to sniff on some jerseys or to install cams in the women bathrooms. These are and were just examples, to illustrate the wide variety of what Chuck could pull off at a school.
There are several good reasons why he could have chosen St.Ives, but Chuck didn't, so he obviously deemed the public school more worthy or easier to achieve his goals. And one of these goals could be as simple as "It's more fun to tutor lower and middle class kids, than these spoiled, bratty ones from St.Ives."
It is quite likely that Chuck went with "Don't shit where you eat", but it's good to know that this teenager Kelsey smoked a joint in the schools backyard, that other one, Aubrey, likes accessories she can't really afford, it's good to know that Mrs Brannigan, the english teacher is unhappy in her marriage, and that Mrs Gonzales, the mother of Juan, works as a maid at the Rockefeller Estate.
All these informations may prove useful one day, and 'Uncle' Chuck can get them easily by hanging around for a coffee and a gossip at the teachers room, by talking to his pupils and observing the day to day life at the school.
Edwin, infact, is a prime example for this.
Even if there is no shared history between Victoria and Chuck, he knew years later the exact angle of attack to make Edwin surrender, he remembered this kid with a struggling single mother, and offered an incentive Edwin simply could not refuse.