
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Uuuh, Mina meeting August and other members of the Club who are FOR SURE going to try to turn her into a whore, if not worse ?
I think the more acute risk is Mina learning enough about August to work out just what the Club is (or at least purports to be). Given her... curiosity, I find that a lot more likely to lead to problems than August being sufficiently smitten by her beauty to insist on recruiting an otherwise unsuitable woman (i.e. one who is nowhere near desperate enough to tolerate what patrons do to their toys).

That is simply not true.

Every discussion about the job was about how he would manage the girls and convince them to keep working there. There was nothing at all about him doing any sex work himself. That conversation with Kathleen where she suddenly demands that we whip out our dick because we had previously agreed to it was terrible writing because we never once agreed to anything of the sort.

Before that scene, the player's character was holding almost all the cards. The club was desperate for new help to replace the worker that quit just before their most lucrative time of the year. The player was very reluctant to join because he didn't want to risk his future career by getting involved in any illegal activities, which was clear to August who said that "I can see in your face that you're already half way out the door". They were throwing money at him out of desperation because that was their only choice.

We also need to recognize that the player character is also very close to being a nepotism hire. He should be getting preferential treatment from Kathleen, instead of her injecting him with experimental date rape drugs and everything else she's doing. There is no good reason for him not to call her bluff and tell her that he isn't there to whore himself out. They need him more than he needs them. And he should be smart enough to see that if they are going to suddenly change the rules like that, he should quit as soon as possible before they demand even more.

This is the single biggest fault with the game. It starts off as a set up for a game where the player can either gladly descend into depravity, or carefully try to walk the very thin line where he keeps his hands as clean as possible. Then it just suddenly turns on a dime and say nah he's just a desperate whore who agreed to all this.
I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with this at all. If you thought the MC would be calling the shots once he joined the Club, I don't think you were paying attention. Like TD said, the MC sold out his conscience the moment he learned Rose was sent to have sex with him purely as part of her interviewing process... and still took the job.

In fact, please note that upon learning what Chuck expected the MC to do with Rose, the MC (and player) gets no option to refuse the job, nor to call Chuck and rip him a new one for being a party to human trafficking. No, the MC takes the job, full stop. As he says to himself:

There's no player escape clause on this matter, which IMHO rather dwarfs the lack of alternative when Kathleen starts pulling our strings later on. Where there IS player input, however, is on how the MC responds to his strings being tugged. In Rosalind's case, we get the chance to accept her without any further hardship, or to indulge in the opportunity (and perhaps to regret it afterwards). In the case of Kathleen telling us to strip, we can play along with her game or deliberately sabotage it, but in the end we're still going to be working for her for the long haul.

In other words, we ARE given meaningful choices, but only within the scope of the game's overarching narrative. I find that neither surprising nor inappropriate in a video game, particularly a visual novel.

On specific point of the MC being a patronage hire, I again disagree. The Club is an exclusive, underground brothel: knowing someone already in management (or at least management adjacent) is the ONLY way to get hired. The MC's referral may be a little more senior than usual, but a) that only carries so far, and b) Kathleen ain't the one who recommended him and she's the one who decides exactly how far it carries in this case. And if there was any doubt before that moment that Kathleen wasn't a kindly lady, well, there certainly isn't afterwards. IMHO, that's another point of the scene.

I get not digging the game because of being railroaded into being a wishy-washy hypocrite. In fact I'm surprised people seem as okay with it as they are. It's like shit or get off the horse, Edwin. Don't you know you're into a porn game? But ultimately that's just baked into premise, and is something I take less as actionable criticism and more as an incompatibility issue.
I may be biased, but I do think you have the right way to view this particular issue. I know I find a number of things the MC automatically does distasteful (having to throat fuck Felicia in the first Exhibition, and going balls to the wall with Dalia prior to Exhibition 2 are examples that spring to mind). But I've always felt they made sufficient sense given the MC's canonical character and the limits of the medium to accept them as a part of the story without feeling railroaded - or at least, not more railroaded than the MC himself. That's what got me through issues like the MC having to dance to Kathleen's tune when I first played the game, and it still holds true nearly 4 years later.

Ultimately, I think anyone who really struggles with this sort of scene will probably struggle with the game as a whole. So as a relatively early indicator of where the game is going, the scene works as it should.

Plus, on the specific topic of the MC objecting to whipping it out at Kathleen's command, it feels like a preposterously hypocritical take. The MC already knows getting naked in front of a small audience is the least of what the girls are in story for, and they have even less recourse to withdraw than he does. If he'll turn a blind eye to much worse for the geese, he can suck it up when it's the gander's turn. Getting drugged was a much bigger issue, but that happened before he could respond, and he is at least able to express his displeasure at that turn of events.

(All that said - TANGENT ALERT! - it would have been nice to have an option to object *after the fact* when Kathleen injects him with the drug should he win the "prize" in Week 1. By that point he's at least developed a rudimentary working relationship with Kathleen, and there are plenty of reasons why an MC might draw the line at being routinely dosed with an experimental, mood altering drug. I think it would have been relatively feasible to add a scene where the MC can express some of the player's potential concerns/frustration and Kathleen could humor them sufficiently to explain why the MC won't make a larger issue of it. It's not a major concern (since the game does thoroughly foreshadow that the prize might be something he's better off without), and its always possible this sort of assurance might interfere with a future plot point. So I definitely don't think it needs to be retroactively changed. It's just an example of where I think the game walked closer to the line than necessary.)
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Game Developer
Dec 8, 2017
(All that said - TANGENT ALERT! - it would have been nice to have an option to object *after the fact* when Kathleen injects him with the drug should he win the "prize" in Week 1. By that point he's at least developed a rudimentary working relationship with Kathleen, and there are plenty of reasons why an MC might draw the line at being routinely dosed with an experimental, mood altering drug. I think it would have been relatively feasible to add a scene where the MC can express some of the player's potential concerns/frustration and Kathleen could humor them sufficiently to explain why the MC won't make a larger issue of it. It's not a major concern (since the game does thoroughly foreshadow that the prize might be something he's better off without), and its always possible this sort of assurance might interfere with a future plot point. So I definitely don't think it needs to be retroactively changed. It's just an example of where I think the game walked closer to the line than necessary.)
Yeeeeeeah... the drug is the one super big hand wavy aspect of the story in general. Both in Edwin's general acceptance at being dosed with it, especially as a purportedly intelligent medical student, and also it being the biggest fantastical element to the story. The perfume is one thing, but the injection was me aping Starless a bit too hard early on out of pure horniness.

If it were me, my mental health would plummet off a cliff and the next year of my life would be living in constant fear of some unknown side effect. Which should probably be similar to Edwin's anxious ass.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Yeeeeeeah... the drug is the one super big hand wavy aspect of the story in general. Both in Edwin's general acceptance at being dosed with it, especially as a purportedly intelligent medical student, and also it being the biggest fantastical element to the story. The perfume is one thing, but the injection was me aping Starless a bit too hard early on out of pure horniness.

If it were me, my mental health would plummet off a cliff and the next year of my life would be living in constant fear of some unknown side effect. Which should probably be similar to Edwin's anxious ass.
I mean, I agree obviously, but at the same time, don't count out the Edwin's ability to rationalize. Abel and Sophia have the intellectual and logistical horsepower needed to properly vet a drug like that, even in an off-the-cuff manner. Of course, that may be contrary to their eventual endgame, and whether they have the ethical horsepower to actually do so... is a question. But! The point is there ARE ways to mitigate the worst issues of the drug without resorting strictly to genre conventions. It's just the we don't really see them being discussed/employed much.

Then again, depending on just what will ultimately happen with the drug, chalking it up to genre conventions may be preferable to trying to justify it only to invalidate a lot of those justifications later on. It's hard to say for certain at this point. Given that most of us seem willing to roll with the drug as is, you probably made the right decision to leave it as a handwave. If, in retrospect, it was a bigger handwave than was strictly necessary, well, no one's perfect. Learn from the mistake and carry on.

You can always go back and fix it in that GOTY edition. ;)
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Dec 25, 2022
On specific point of the MC being a patronage hire, I again disagree. The Club is an exclusive, underground brothel: knowing someone already in management (or at least management adjacent) is the ONLY way to get hired. The MC's referral may be a little more senior than usual, but a) that only carries so far, and b) Kathleen ain't the one who recommended him and she's the one who decides exactly how far it carries in this case. And if there was any doubt before that moment that Kathleen wasn't a kindly lady, well, there certainly isn't afterwards. IMHO, that's another point of the scene.
This one is a little bit difficult. I'd say that Edwin is actually a patronage hire but the Club isn't exactly a united group. It's more like 3 owners have their own sphere of interests with their little things going on. And since those spheres collide, it's beneficial for them to cooperate or something like this. So he's kind of getting special treatment from Chuck but other two? Not so much. Still it gives him an upper hand initially and even more influence when he starts to impress Kat and/or become closer to Hana. Also there are some moments in the game that make me think that all owners have some plans for Edwin (like him getting invited to Hana's celebration of becoming an owner)

Plus, on the specific topic of the MC objecting to whipping it out at Kathleen's command, it feels like a preposterously hypocritical take. The MC already knows getting naked in front of a small audience is the least of what the girls are in story for, and they have even less recourse to withdraw than he does. If he'll turn a blind eye to much worse for the geese, he can suck it up when it's the gander's turn. Getting drugged was a much bigger issue, but that happened before he could respond, and he is at least able to express his displeasure at that turn of events.
Failed to register hypocrisy here. Carnations have their own agreements with owners, Edwin has his own (even if it's full of gaslighting). Girls agreed to whore themselves, Edwin didn't (directly). Initially, there was a certain line that separated him from carnations which only becomes blurry afterwords.

(All that said - TANGENT ALERT! - it would have been nice to have an option to object *after the fact* when Kathleen injects him with the drug should he win the "prize" in Week 1. By that point he's at least developed a rudimentary working relationship with Kathleen, and there are plenty of reasons why an MC might draw the line at being routinely dosed with an experimental, mood altering drug. I think it would have been relatively feasible to add a scene where the MC can express some of the player's potential concerns/frustration and Kathleen could humor them sufficiently to explain why the MC won't make a larger issue of it. It's not a major concern (since the game does thoroughly foreshadow that the prize might be something he's better off without), and its always possible this sort of assurance might interfere with a future plot point. So I definitely don't think it needs to be retroactively changed. It's just an example of where I think the game walked closer to the line than necessary.)
This. Maybe not right after injection since his brains were in a certain mode but surely in the sauna when Kat joined him. This was the moment where he could (and should) go full apeshit about him being drugged, especially since he's a med student. But, ah well, a little plothole.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
Im not sure why people think that Mina would wind up at carnations. The point of that club is they use peoples desperation to get them to perform depraved acts. Nothing in the game paints Mina as a desperate woman


Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2021
Im not sure why people think that Mina would wind up at carnations. The point of that club is they use peoples desperation to get them to perform depraved acts. Nothing in the game paints Mina as a desperate woman
nah she most likely won't, but we just saw August and her in the same scene so people are jumping to conclusions
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