I think he was trying to talk about the no condom, no sex, and no cum in my mouth scene. She's a lying hypocritical slut that (depending on choices made by the player) won't return the curtsy to her live in boyfriend that she gives to just about anyone else she interacts with, including someone she supposedly hates like Bill.
Dev seems intent on keeping the boyfriend a beta cuck, despite his personality being polar opposites at the start of the game. I was hoping for a path that had redemption for the BF where he finally had taken enough shit from Nadia, Bill, etc., and takes the bull by the horns so to speak...instead of letting everyone around him dictate his and his girls actions. But oh well, Dev wants a beta cuck, then that's what we're going to get.
As far as wrapping up stories in a release or two, I don't see how that's going to happen, unless a quite a few corners are cut.