I actually don't think Sierra was ever mentioned before the 1.0 update. If my memory is correct, in the original it just said the MC was in a wreck with his sister in the car and that is how the relationship was made public. We were left to assume that it was Jenna in the car with him and that it wasn't a bad wreck, just an unlucky one because it outed their relationship and caused public shame. I don't remember there being anything about a dead older sister until AFTER she was added in during the 1.0 update.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that detail because I HATE when women the MC has slept with die in these games.
Other than that, I agree completely. It would have been great to see her pop up in the Dear Sister ending.
Yeah, I don't recall her being brought up before then. But then again, I hated Jenna at first because of her attitude and her trying to work her way into everything. She got more depth as the game went on, but I had a tendency to fast forward through a lot of her early conversations because of my initial dislike of her. She's a much more interesting and sympathetic character to me now knowing her story and the way she's changed, as well as seeing her flashback stuff.
Would really love a retcon where Sierra lives somehow. Maybe she just shows up without having aged a day for the mystery factor, or she never died and has daughters of her own (and maybe they're the MC's too). Or maybe she's been in a coma this entire time and they had her mixed up with someone else, an she senses all of the incest going on and wants in so wakes up again.
Honestly, this update is making me thinkg PL 2, although I'll doubt if that will be a thing. Maybe have the game switch back and forth between the past (via memories) and the present, with one path where the MC somehow changes the past ala The Butterfly Effect.