For me the important thing is that MM is fine. And ofc are working on a new update.
I cant say for the other, because perhaps them pay on the patreon page. So i can understand the frustration. But MM explain and say sorry. So work with some mental or family problem is not a simple task. The important thing is that the game is alive. And soon or later everyone can play his awesome game again.
For me as i say in many other thread i cant use a credit card. So the only thing i can do is wait, play and help him like a beta tester.
If other ppl like me play for free i think is usless to complain about... when the game come out. We are play for free so we need to wait, is stupid to say if MM have say the true or not in his message. I prefer to trust in him.
We can only support him and say... take all the time you need the important thing is health first and then everything else.
We wait you

And thank you to let us play free till now you game.