You mean original don't you?
About all else, well it's your game so your choice, I think it's a pity to ask for feedback and when people gave it to you, you kind of ignore it because they are not paying you. They may not be your supporters now, but if you ignore the feedback that people not paying now gives you, it surelly won't get you points with all that people that voted the original.
And of course people that support you would vote for the option that implies less time before the update, if I'm paying I wouldn't want to wait 2 months even if I don't like the models that much, simply because I'm paying...
But whatever this are just my thoughts, it's your game and your choice to do what you want with it. I think it would be better if next time you want feedback, you ask just your patreon, because it's better than ask for feedback and then ignore the feedback from those that don't suppot you at the momment.
Sorry if I'm a dick, I'm just salty as fuck since I liked the original models and when you asked for feedback about them I saw the posibility of seeing them again, and seeing you pretty much saying (paraphrasing) "yeah thanks for saying what you want, I'm just gonna ignore you all because you don't pay" it's frustrating and I only can think time and time again, why is he/she/it asking for the public opinion if then he is going to ignore it?
Again sorry, I'm just pissed, but well this is my opinion only so just ignore me if you want, if the mods don't delete the reply first, that's it.