
Dec 17, 2020
I got a new error when opening up my game. I was expecting the f12gang line 8 name error and Constant debug intro script error I mentioned, but now a new one popped up with the stuff for
Script 'FmodEx' Line 64: FmodEx::Error Occured.
FMOD error! (60) Error initializing output device.

I'm not sure how to make my game in a playable state without deleting both my save and the game stuff currently.

simple hell

May 25, 2020
I got a new error when opening up my game. I was expecting the f12gang line 8 name error and Constant debug intro script error I mentioned, but now a new one popped up with the stuff for
Script 'FmodEx' Line 64: FmodEx::Error Occured.
FMOD error! (60) Error initializing output device.

I'm not sure how to make my game in a playable state without deleting both my save and the game stuff currently.
im not sure how to fix it exactly but the save is stored in a separate file deleting the game still saves the save


Apr 27, 2018
New problem: what's the encounter rate for poliwag and shellder? I can't seem to find any of them in the area the dex says they live at. All I see is the same four pokemon............ mostly tentacool which has an obnoxiously high encounter rate.
Nov 29, 2020
New problem: what's the encounter rate for poliwag and shellder? I can't seem to find any of them in the area the dex says they live at. All I see is the same four pokemon............ mostly tentacool which has an obnoxiously high encounter rate.
If you're finding Tentacool, you're not looking in the right spot. You want Freebooter Grotto, a Cave on the South side of Route 7. Shellder is 10%, Poliwag is 5%. Both floors' encounter tables are identical. Additionally, Rock Tomb is accessible at Low Tide and Rock Slide at High Tide. The Tide changes every 6 hours.

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Apr 27, 2018
If you're finding Tentacool, you're not looking in the right spot. You want Freebooter Grotto, a Cave on the South side of Route 7. Shellder is 10%, Poliwag is 5%. Both floors' encounter tables are identical. Additionally, Rock Tomb is accessible at Low Tide and Rock Slide at High Tide. The Tide changes every 6 hours.

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I guess I'd better try to look for a king's rock......... assuming that it's in the game. I might also want to try looking for a metal coat.
Nov 29, 2020
I guess I'd better try to look for a king's rock......... assuming that it's in the game. I might also want to try looking for a metal coat.
Metal Coats are plentiful. There's one on Route 11, one in a Dumpster in Argent City, and they can be stolen from Magnemite in the Power Plant.

King's Rock is a different story. The only way I know to get them is Pickup (Zigzagoon/Linoone, Meowth, Teddiursa, Pachirisu). And it seems to be level-exclusive. Low level exclusive. I think 21-30, but maybe 11-20. I'm not sure. I wasn't taking strict notes at the time. Wild Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed, Slowbro/Slowking or Hariyama could have it, but none of those can be encountered, as far as I know.


Jun 3, 2018
Pokémon Ecchi Version - 12/20/2020 Update

Download here:

The focus of this update shall be adding new playable content to Marigold City and its surroundings.

To address some concerns: Due to the sheer amount, I'm grateful when people have offered to illustrate a few. They can be considered placeholders. At some point, I'll be able to dedicate a release entirely to giving Pokémon illustrations and I'll be able to revisit these ones. In the meanwhile, I think most people would want more gameplay or events.

- Updated the chart of illustrated Pokémon.
- Added 17 new box wallpapers.
- Fixed Wintercress Town's Fly location.
- Fixed tree collision in Wintercress Town.
- Trainers beware! There are reports of naked travelers being attacked by wild alpha Pokémon!
- The Name Rater is back home in Yarrow City.
- When following, Jamie will run along with the player.
- A masked man terrorizes Inngoers in Marigold City.
- The skies have reportedly darkened at times over the abandoned Power Plant near Route 12.
- The roads along Route 21 have opened.
- Riolu illustrated ( thanks to Amonrisaey ).
- Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Meowth line, Psyduck line, Clefairy line, Poliwag line, Gastly line, Wooper line, Cubone line, Pinsir line, Lileep line, Seedot line, Electabuzz, Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Geodude, Goldeen, Abra, Jynx, and Dratini illustrated ( thanks to MelvMelvTheMelv ).
- Piloswine and Teddiursa lines illustrated ( thanks to Jill Ashford ).
- A new wardrobe system has been introduced, allowing you to be in various states of undress.
- Various sex statistics are now displayed on the back of the Trainer Card.


Dec 17, 2020
I'm going to see if this update fixes any of my bugs or anything, that 'game state' was pretty unique and put me in a predicament, and I'll see if I can access the main menu of the game after unpacking everything in my files for the game
May 30, 2019
Hey so, where does the 'Diglett-Man' guy go in Marigold city after you find him in the upper-left corner of town? I can't seem to find him anywhere, but the job-guy says it's not completed.
May 30, 2019
Okay, new problem: If I fly from outside Marigold City, to Marigold City, It makes me stuck as If I were in hotspring water all the time, essentially creating a noclip glitch, except i'm still bound by walls. Haven't confirmed if it works flying to other cities or not yet.

Also apparently insert-media is broken on this site, so here's a direct imgur link instead:

Edit: after testing, apparently I can still go into battles like this, but It doesnt fix it on exit like I was hoping it would. Also; did not know there was an inbattle sprite for the hotspring-towel outfit.

Edit2: Apparently the glitch stops appearing after you catch the 'Diglett-Man'. That was weird.
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May 30, 2019
New question: How exactly do I get to Wintercress? I can't find a way to the route for the life of me. @_@

Edit: Nevermind. Figures, just as I ask, I find it. >-<'


May 5, 2017
I think there is a bug in the new release concerning the wardrobe system.
You can no longer use the bed to increase your pokemons morale.

Yep, if you get undressed by "rape" you can still do it but the game doesn't recognize you as naked once you used the dressing room.
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Nov 29, 2020
What's really weird, if you undress/redress via towels in a Hotspring, you count as naked for groping and spawning Alpha Pokémon, but not for the bed.
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Dec 17, 2020
um, now my game now says "Map is corrupt. Game cannot continue". that is a new one, but at least I can attempt to fix it via new game.

I forgot about debug, but it still has the 12gang error thing I mentioned

I am goingto see if a new game fixes it.
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