To be fair, the starter is broken, so outside of the first fight (which IS a lottery, although a bit stacked in the players favor because the rival starter has useless moves), and maybe the second (that may catch you by surprise), once your starter evolves (at level 16, IIRC, you ARE going to reach it in the very first route), it's going to break fights in half. At the very least. It's not begginer friendly, and the cpu is a cheating bastard, with illegal moves on certain pokemon, so I call it unfair (and I told it in so many words to the creator), but the starter makes it not hard, so long as you know what you are doing.
And when I said broken, I mean BROKEN. Base stat total of a minor legendary or a pseudo legendary in her third stage (600 BST), the single best type combination in the game (fairy/steel) and several signature moves that range from very good to "Scarlet/Violet levels of broken", but balanced so they are actually fun to use and require certain strategy, even if they are, as I said, broken. Her first signature move buffs her defense and special defense while doing damage, and it goes from there. And her ability is Beast Boost, so her offensive is going to go through the roof once she gets one or two KOs.
And the other waifumons aren't exactly weaklings, either. The first one you can get in the very first route and it's basically a slightly weaker mega Lopunny with one of the best fighting moves ever.
That said, there are things to improve to make it a better, smoother experience, and, as I said, I told the creator about it, and what I would change.
Right now, Ecchi is a better game, no doubts about it, among other things because it is way more complete, and because the game experience is way smoother, but I wouldn't disregard the other one, specially if you like your pokemon games on the more challenging side. Personally, I like both XD