There's a strong vocal presence on these forums that want every single game to be for them and them only, and they will declaim loudly if a game isn't aimed a them or doesn't include one of their fetishes. And of course, rather than creating a game of their own or finding one that focuses on these interests, they'll try to browbeat new developers into making the game they want,not what the developer is attempting to make. Many developers cave into these demands, which is unfortunate, as it's frequently a small minority that really want that content. There's likely an audience for all types of content here who rarely if ever post but are looking for games that do something different.
I want to support every honest developer that creates a game, even if that game has content that's not to my liking. It takes a lot of time and effort to create one of these games, and I appreciate that. I personally don't want every game to be the "same-old same-old", and I find it refreshing when someone tries something different, whether it pleases me or not.
I would very much like to see this game succeed as the creators originally intended. Maybe that happens, maybe it doesn't, but I want to see a game that isn't just the usual fuckfest or harem or catering entirely to the same demographic as all of the others.
I think there are some valid points of criticism for this game that have been raised in this thread, but I also feel like a lot of the criticism is of the "it's not how I want it so I'm going to complain" variety. I don't think that's useful or encouraging. I understand that there are things that people like to see in these games, but once again not every game needs to be the same, and they would all get very boring if they were.