Alright, soooo everyone is forgetting that this is version 0.1b thats ZERO . ONE B and in all honesty maybe only 1% of the story and only 1% of the content planned.
Is this game for everyone? No, but from the positive comments we get, there are people who enjoy it.
Does this happen when other developers post their very first copy/demo of a game that has 0 content in it yet or is it just because I am actually trying to engage people on here?
If you need YOUR Harem and can't handle a story involving a woman who is interested in something besides YOUR dick, then I'm sorry but this game doesn't seem like it is for you as it treats everyone equally and fairly just like society but with a porn twist.
Is Liam a rapist/creep? No, he owns his own company and helps the 2 main characters out with their freshly started one with guidance and wisdom.
Does he get close to Lillie for awhile? Yes and in doing so opens up an entire arc of new experiences that she wouldn't have otherwise explored.
We didn't include a skip button in their content with the update because we wanted to emphasize that he was not "buying her off" and that she was interested because he was kind to her and was there for her at the beginning.
Thank you and I hope everyone has a great evening.