I hadn't seen that post. Well it started around September right. I guess it's more than halfway done. It's fine for a game to be short and sweet, this one's just missing the sweet part... which probably won't change if the dev's already talking about a new project. The shiny new thing will become the focus and the original will get a mediocre rushed ending slapped on. That's just how it goes.
The "cheats" made me lose all respect for this dev. Holding the updates for months didn't help either. He fully understands that playing through his game feels like absolute shit, but he's charging to make it slightly more tolerable instead of fixing the problems.
I don't see how this is remotely possible, I don't think it is possible to be complete in 2024 at this rate. There needs to be a lot more content. You can clearly tell that was planned - look around the castle at how many freaking doors there are that we still haven't gotten the keys to lol... Also clearly more content is planned for the knight lady in the white dress that you rescue from the spiders. The second area of the spider dungeon is unfinished (the part where you go down the ladder) and we still have the right dungeon door that we didn't get a key to yet, plus whatever the hell is behind the metal locked door.
There have been numerous hints that there was/is a plan to build in a system where you can make the princess get fatter or skinnier by manipulating how much you feed her.
There is a system to make glass vials and fill them with cum or piss, not sure what that is for yet, seems not fully implemented.
Not to mention, the content with the princess (read: the primary point of the game) is
very limited.
During the BJ training scene there are tons of numbered options that all currently do not work, he has them defaulting to the stupid cum sneeze dialogue as a placeholder for now, but clearly there is something else planned there that hasn't been built out yet.
The massage is basically pointless as implemented. You cannot get the belt off yet, presumably this option will advance things - but that means a lot more work, more renders, code, etc.
There are a bunch of stats that are not used yet.
There are also a bunch of bugs I listed above, and easily 10-25% of the dialogue is showing the wrong speaker (says the Princess's name when the MC is speaking or vice versa) - there is just a LOT of work left to even begin to call this "done" lol.
I could go on and on but suffice it to say, anyone logically looking at how little has been implemented so far, and how long it took to get implemented, can probably tell that the massive amount of items remaining will take several months if not much longer.