Ren'py is easier to use and easier to extract cgs on. I've also heard it's easier to develop games on too. But I am no dev so I dunno about that.
Yes Ren'py is much easier to use and develop games in behind the scenes but I personally like to work with a UI to develop games, I just find it easier on the eyes instead of stearing at code all day.
I also like to see just how far I can strech a program and get it to do something it shouldn't such as I did while developing RIC on RPGMV.
Most people will choose Ren'py because it's what everyone is used to which isn't a bad thing at all.
But there are so many developers that start of using Ren'py and fail / give up on their projectes because they find it to hard or can't get used to it etc etc, So I like to show them that they can still create a great game using other programs.
As for extracting cgs ren'py is probably the easier program to extract images on and I know a lot of people love doing so.
Because of this I made sure to release the entire image gallery for this game for each release.
Yes it's to my higher pledging supporters but that's because I feel as though I owe them more than just the project I am working on as they're pleding a lot of money to me each month and it's another way for me to say thank you to them.
I also know that several of them are from F95zone so I knew it would be posted here eventually.
I gotta say Boomatica uses dam good looking models, I have yet to see anything he's done make me go "WTF?"
Give it time, I'm sure I'll end up making a model that'll make everyone say WTF.
Just wanted to give you a little support here, I hope you didn't lose too much with your decision of developing only this new game. You made an awesome work previously so I don't see why TPSR couldn't be promising =)
I'm not a huge fan of TyranoBuilder but hey, you're the dev who made RPGM looks great so let's see what you can do here !
And on a personal note, I prefer Daz3d models so... Happy to see you back on tracks
I've seen that you'll try to do an Android and iOS version later. Will you do a macOS one as well ?
I hope so as well... But I've seen the work Dr.Smith is doing on RIC and I'm more than happy leaving it in his hands ^^.
I just hope this new game will be just as good or even better than my old project.
A lot of people arn't a fan of Tyranobuilder but I personally believe that's because a lot of people that have played a game that has been developed using Tyranobuilder just haven't been developed correctly.
(That is not a dig at anyone)
I've played a few games that have been made using Tyranobuilder and the biggest issues I have see developers doing is not removing or lowering the "Wait" counter on each action which causes the game to hang/lag.
Now I'm not saying Tyranobuilder doesn't have issues because it does, But I've been in contact with the people developing the program for a while now and they're aware of the issues and are working hard on fixing them.
I reported a couple of bugs to them when I started this new project and they sent me a small patch for the program to fix the issues after 2 days which is fantastic customer service.
They could have just said it'll be fixed in the next update.
Anyway I'm getting off topic.
As for your request about the Mac version I've already started doing it.
Luckily I'll be adding a cheat menu into the game at some point for this ^^
Was scrolling through pages today, Turns out the only difference in INcest and NIcest are the ordering of the first two letters. We should start making some of the NIcest Games on Patreon. Just a thought . . .
You... I like you.
I can happy say this game will have elements of Nicest in it ^^
Can't respond for the other guy but as a player tyrano builder always seems sluggish and lacking feature everytime I used it.
Hi Groove,
Can you explaine a little more on which features Tyranobuilder is leacking?
I'm asking because I'd like to see what I can do about adding these missing features into my game as well as passing on some of the suggests to the Tyranobuilder developers for their next update.
can't find the old saves??
They will appear in the main game folder as a .sav file name varying depending on the game.
If you wish to use a old save from the previous version you'll need to transfer them from the old build into the new build folder.
This made my day, Thank you.
FYI, it only opens in original resolution for me on OSX. On my small screen, that makes it impossible to navigate windows or change resolution, if possible.
Hmmm... I'll look into this... Is there no button on a OSX system which you can resize windows with ?
Because with Windows you can resize the game to any resolution and it works perfectly.