"c:\Users\!User!\AppData\LocalLow\Doctor MAD'S GAME STUDIO\Project ATMOSPHERA Release\Save Games\"
Unfortunately, I have no way of reproducing this error. 10 people had been playing this game before it was released on different operating systems. And it wasn't noticed.
If you don't mind, please send me the game log.
Player.log file is located at "c:\Users\!User!\AppData\LocalLow\Doctor MAD'S GAME STUDIO\Project ATMOSPHERA Release\".
Thank you.
The game menu has save and load buttons. Do you have them available in the menu after the prologue?
Thank you for the error report.
If you don't mind, please send me the game log.
Player.log file is located at "c:\Users\!User!\AppData\LocalLow\Doctor MAD'S GAME STUDIO\Project ATMOSPHERA Release\".
Thank you.
Yeah. But not in main a story. It will be realized as a separate event. Or a few.
In general story is a little hint at the end of the game. But it's not Mom. There'll be a dialogue with Mom on day 10. I don't rule out that the theme with Mom can be revealed as a standalone addition to the game. But not in the main story .
By the way, I read some of your stories. Nice work!
Okay. I'll do it.