
Mar 30, 2018
Both are related to each's debuff you gain after seeing each's defeat scene. The Succubus crest can be removed from the npc on photo 1 and the rope could be removed from the second photo.

But watch out there is a chance you might not get those removed, in fact if you fail on the Succubus crest removal it will change to the improved version.
Wow D:


Jan 31, 2021
I just press Z usually to skip
But even without me skipping things it is already lagging. I choose the skippable things to be skipped in the option though. I also reduce the background effect via option too... But still laggy during battle, especially when you got ero-attack...
Did you ever figure out how to fix/mitigate this? I am also getting a lot of lag during battles, especially with text. Its weird because this is the only rpgm game that has major lag in battles for me.


Jul 27, 2019
Was catching up on the devs' official blog and saw that they made a post on May 2nd hoping to have a playable alpha build of the sequel (probably for members of the Ci-En?) ready by the end of the month.


Apr 2, 2019
Was catching up on the devs' official blog and saw that they made a post on May 2nd hoping to have a playable alpha build of the sequel (probably for members of the Ci-En?) ready by the end of the month.
Yeah saw that as well and am excited.

Not sure if I will do a full translation for an alpha, at least I will do a quick and dirty MTL.

Hoping the final product will include the original idea of having multiple characters in your party but it is looking less and less likely.
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Jan 31, 2021
Yeah saw that as well and am excited.

Not sure if I will do a full translation for an alpha, at least I will do a quick and dirty MTL.

Hoping the final product will include the original idea of having multiple characters in your party but it is looking less and less likely.
Not sure if you have used it before but do you know how good MTool is? From the main thread it seems like it works really well but not sure how well it does on rpgm games in the wild (especially with extra/different mechanics).


Apr 2, 2019
Not sure if you have used it before but do you know how good MTool is? From the main thread it seems like it works really well but not sure how well it does on rpgm games in the wild (especially with extra/different mechanics).
Not familiar with MTool. Got a link you can share about it?

I typically use Translator++ for my initial translation, auto translate for base text. Followed up with manually reviewing each line and confirming the translation accuracy and any syntax errors. After which I move my files into RPG Maker for a final review and translate any remaining text that might be ignored by Translator++ (i.e. call text functions).
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Jan 31, 2021
Not familiar with MTool. Got a link you can share about it?

I typically use Translator++ for my initial translation, auto translate for base text. Followed up with manually reviewing each line and confirming the translation accuracy and any syntax errors. After which I move my files into RPG Maker for a final review and translate any remaining text that might be ignored by Translator++ (i.e. call text functions).
Guess I got the name mixed up, here it is:

I was going to use it but then the games I wanted all announced official translations coming soon so I just decided to wait for that instead.
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Jan 31, 2021
Also since you know more about rpgm and this game than I do, do you know any methods to reduce lag in battle (paticularly with displaying the text)? It seems like there are no graphical options that affect anything in-battle but maybe there are other values that could be edited to improve performance? It’s weird because other rpgm games have no major lag for me.

Edit: Just noticed it only seems to happen/get worse the more lines of text appear in the top left, when they disappear the dialogue becomes completely smooth. Not sure what I could do to help with that.
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Apr 2, 2019
Also since you know more about rpgm and this game than I do, do you know any methods to reduce lag in battle (paticularly with displaying the text)? It seems like there are no graphical options that affect anything in-battle but maybe there are other values that could be edited to improve performance? It’s weird because other rpgm games have no major lag for me.

Edit: Just noticed it only seems to happen/get worse the more lines of text appear in the top left, when they disappear the dialogue becomes completely smooth. Not sure what I could do to help with that.
So looked into this issue but I don't experience any major lag. Now if I have tons of bastes and take a ton of repeated damage from one attack sometimes the game slightly slows down. I typically hold down enter key (or any confirmation button i.e. z key) and the game moves on just fine. The fast forward for text might help you as well on these slow downs.

Can you share your save file, config and global files and I will take a look?

Digging through the JS files there might be an issue for some people with the MPP_SmoothBattleLog plugin not playing well with some of the other plugins but nothing definitive I could locate.

Going to include a few optional plugin.js files if you want to try. After messing around with some settings it could be when the game tries to display the battlelog from nothing to lines of text. Only try one of these files but what it will do is always leave the battle log on (no more disappearing battlelog) but will vary the lines of text.

Original configuration will have up to 6 lines of text and a disappearing log, the new options will be 6, 4, or 3 lines of always on battlelog. Doubt this will solve the issue but might help on some slow downs.


Apr 2, 2019
Guess I got the name mixed up, here it is:

I was going to use it but then the games I wanted all announced official translations coming soon so I just decided to wait for that instead.
Ah, haven't tried it out. Doubt I will though, I use a different cheat plugin and for RPG translations I prefer to edit the text since even the best MTL is still Engrish.

Nice find though.


Jan 31, 2021
So looked into this issue but I don't experience any major lag. Now if I have tons of bastes and take a ton of repeated damage from one attack sometimes the game slightly slows down. I typically hold down enter key (or any confirmation button i.e. z key) and the game moves on just fine. The fast forward for text might help you as well on these slow downs.

Can you share your save file, config and global files and I will take a look?

Digging through the JS files there might be an issue for some people with the MPP_SmoothBattleLog plugin not playing well with some of the other plugins but nothing definitive I could locate.

Going to include a few optional plugin.js files if you want to try. After messing around with some settings it could be when the game tries to display the battlelog from nothing to lines of text. Only try one of these files but what it will do is always leave the battle log on (no more disappearing battlelog) but will vary the lines of text.

Original configuration will have up to 6 lines of text and a disappearing log, the new options will be 6, 4, or 3 lines of always on battlelog. Doubt this will solve the issue but might help on some slow downs.
Oh wow this made a big difference in the few battles I tried (3 line version). The only lag I really noticed was when the portrait was changing positions/effects (it sometimes freezes for half a second or so) but other then that it is much more smooth. Thanks for the help!


Apr 2, 2019
Oh wow this made a big difference in the few battles I tried (3 line version). The only lag I really noticed was when the portrait was changing positions/effects (it sometimes freezes for half a second or so) but other then that it is much more smooth. Thanks for the help!
Glad to hear it.


Jan 31, 2021
I have a small question about one of the endings:
I finished the game with the loss ending, or at least I lost to cloudy and was told to lose to every enemy. Is there still more content/stuff to do after accomplishing this or is it just a way to introduce recollection room and there’s no story left? Figured I should ask before I grind to lose to the rest of the ollicts and get disappointed when nothing happens.


Apr 2, 2019
I have a small question about one of the endings:
I finished the game with the loss ending, or at least I lost to cloudy and was told to lose to every enemy. Is there still more content/stuff to do after accomplishing this or is it just a way to introduce recollection room and there’s no story left? Figured I should ask before I grind to lose to the rest of the ollicts and get disappointed when nothing happens.
That's it. Win the final fight or lose to unlock the recollection room. Some fights have different dialog while you have the Masochist Knight baste.

Also in the recollection room you can start up NG+.
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May 27, 2018
From the developer/artist's blog post:

Looking forward to the game but I hope he/she is taking necessary breaks


Active Member
Apr 10, 2018
So, just discovered this game, and here are my first couple thoughts. Love the structure and the idea. If you're a competent RPG player, so far it least it seems you fight everything without any real danger. I'm about to fight the first boss, and have yet to climax, having fought every single encounter I could to 1: see if it was doable without climaxing (it was) and 2: earn some money.

I also made a discovery that some quick searches have not shown anyone else mention in thread yet. For ambush combats, at least in the forest, it is in fact possible to turn the ambush around. I discovered this with reflexive button clicks in the face of ambush, but if you are looking at the tentacles about to jump you (so basically if you go to them to trigger them, rather than walk by them by accident) and press z before they complete their jump and start the fight, then when the fight starts you aren't caught off guard, and in fact none of the enemies act during the first turn, so you have actually countered their ambush and gotten the extra turn for yourself. Very useful if you want to clear an area, or even just want a spare turn to activate regeneration to get some mana back.

Loving the game so far, even if I will have to play a second time after my first purity run (I curse the completionist/achievement hunter in me at times that insists that all H games must be done virgin/purity run first to prove that I can do it even if I want to just go straight for the H. "No" says my brain, "You must complete the game 'properly' before you can lose on purpose").

Edit: forgot to ask, how do other people pronounce Ollicts? My brain keeps on reading it as Ocelot, which I know is wrong, but since I don't know how it's actually supposed to be pronounced, I can't properly correct myself either.

Edit Edit: Alright, I've reached the Ard Village and discovered that some of the ambushes here can also be countered. Specifically, some of the bloody mirrors. Not the ones that spit out monsters when you get near that then chase you, those are an ordinary encounter. The ones I'm talking about are the ones that you pass directly in front of, and your movement gets halted and a monster fades into the mirror then attacks. If you press Z before it fades all the way in and attacks then you counter it and get the free first turn, just like if you counter the tentacles. I was apparently wrong about needing to be facing the direction of the ambush, because I now have direct evidence that it works when you are facing away. I apparently just mistimed it in my quick experiment with not facing tentacles directly. The ambushes that have the monsters watching you closely (turning to follow you) and then eventually jumping you can't be countered as far as I've experienced. I've only had two though, so I might just be mistiming it, but so far I've not been able to counter them.

Also, can anyone provide a clear mechanical explanation for how the cameras and deleting the data from them works? I understand the idea in general, that photos of you taken climaxing or reacting to training build up as the cameras take pictures, which empower the ollicts, but you can depower them again by deleting the photos. Same goes for the photos of Emerald, which I think just slowly build up for every turn you have in combat. But specifically how does the empowerment work, and what are the tipping points in terms of amounts of data, and how much of a boost does it provide? Does anyone know?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Also, can anyone provide a clear mechanical explanation for how the cameras and deleting the data from them works? I understand the idea in general, that photos of you taken climaxing or reacting to training build up as the cameras take pictures, which empower the ollicts, but you can depower them again by deleting the photos. Same goes for the photos of Emerald, which I think just slowly build up for every turn you have in combat. But specifically how does the empowerment work, and what are the tipping points in terms of amounts of data, and how much of a boost does it provide? Does anyone know?
sportsfan30 produced a sheet with most of the baste effects, however, that one is not included. IIRC it powers up their attacks, rather than reduce your strength, so the value isn't necessarily obvious. Emerald does go up after every combat, and if it's above basically 0 then you will start the fight with the boss at a big disadvantage.

Regarding your discovery that you can foil ambushes, damn, I had no idea, I just avoided them.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2018
sportsfan30 produced a sheet with most of the baste effects, however, that one is not included. IIRC it powers up their attacks, rather than reduce your strength, so the value isn't necessarily obvious. Emerald does go up after every combat, and if it's above basically 0 then you will start the fight with the boss at a big disadvantage.

Regarding your discovery that you can foil ambushes, damn, I had no idea, I just avoided them.
Thanks for the camera explanation and thanks for offering the baste sheet, but I was already using it. That's why I was asking about the mechanics of the cameras because they aren't on there. Thanks for the advice about Emerald data. Further experiments with the ambushes that look and then jump at you after throwing aphrodisiac mucus at you show that while you can't counter them, they land a space or two away and only count as an ambush if they run into your back, so you should instead of trying to press z to counter the ambush, you should press x to open the pause menu, and use your skills to wipe off the mucus then purify yourself, and then immediately turn and engage them in battle, so that the fight isn't an ambush and doesn't start at a disadvantage.

Some of them this trick won't work on, usually the ones with three jumpers, because the one jumps behind, one jumps in front and one jumps on you directly, and ambushes you no matter what, but immediately after that fight you should move forwards to avoid getting a second ambush in the back, then after beating the fight in front of you, turn around to get the last. Turning potentially three ambushes into only one.

Edit: Okay, further experiments have only left me confused. I know that the press z method sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. At a guess it's a timing thing, but I haven't been able to figure out the exact timing. I'm actually not sure if it's consistent. It was much more consistent with the tentacles in the forest though, so I'm not sure what's up with the mirrors. I can't figure out the timing. If anyone figures it out, let me know.

Edit Edit: Okay, I think I figured it out. You can't press it more than once. If you press z more than once, it doesn't work, and you get ambushed as normal. You also can't leave the button press too late or too early. Press z just once, and as quickly as possible to counter an ambush. Still doesn't work on mimics or things that directly jump you though. It only works on things that pause your movement and have a moment of wind up. Just press z during that windup quickly, but not jumping the gun and only once and you can counter the ambush.
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