
Cute as a button
Oct 15, 2019
I think we moved on from that point guys, lets not beat a dead horse anymore then we have to.

=O! That THEORY! Like, I am shook if tht last one turns out to be true, though I feel like it would invalidate alot of things tho if it turns out he's been dead all along...
What would it invalidate? I mean it's far fetched sure.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
Can a Mod do something about this thread? At this point the majority of the comments are people crying (I'm just using their own term) about others complaining about NTR! In 30 pages there are maybe 2 or 3 people calling that scene NTR and some others just asking about the game's content because of one review! Just do a damn search with "NTR" and you'll find 6 pages of people talking about how it's not NTR ffs!!! I understand some people are dying to push their agenda or play the white knight in every chance they get, but this is getting fucking ridiculous!

Also the first damn rule of this site is supposed to be: "Be respectful. Opinions are fine, attacks are not"

Yeah, right! There's so much respect in different opinions in this thread, it's like I'm hearing Anselmo singing Walk...


Jul 8, 2017
I am happy you added an option to turn bob down but later on it still implies that zaida did it. Didn't know if this was brought up but I decided to let you know it kind of threw me off.

I wasn't sure about this VN because of some potential situations that seemed like a turn off to me, but after finally playing it and with the latest fix I do find this VN to be interesting and entertaining so far. Good luck and I hope to see further progression of the story!
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I am happy you added an option to turn bob down but later on it still implies that zaida did it. Didn't know if this was brought up but I decided to let you know it kind of threw me off.

I wasn't sure about this VN because of some potential situations that seemed like a turn off to me, but after finally playing it and with the latest fix I do find this VN to be interesting and entertaining so far. Good luck and I hope to see further progression of the story!
That was an oversight that will be corrected next update.


Cute as a button
Oct 15, 2019
Can a Mod do something about this thread? At this point the majority of the comments are people crying (I'm just using their own term) about others complaining about NTR! In 30 pages there are maybe 2 or 3 people calling that scene NTR and some others just asking about the game's content because of one review! Just do a damn search with "NTR" and you'll find 6 pages of people talking about how it's not NTR ffs!!! I understand some people are dying to push their agenda or play the white knight in every chance they get, but this is getting fucking ridiculous!

Also the first damn rule of this site is supposed to be: "Be respectful. Opinions are fine, attacks are not"

Yeah, right! There's so much respect in different opinions in this thread, it's like I'm hearing Anselmo singing Walk...
Let's all drop it, it has been updated and the game got some visibility from it (I hope)

The discussion has slowed down and is not that much of a problem anymore imo.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2019
Okay a few things:

First, the dialogue in this game is great. It is genuinely funny and I am enjoying the story a lot so far.

Second, the female models are beautiful. I am loving Zaida and Violet sooo much. And the glimpses into what the adopted daughter is thinking are really cool.

Third, the 'sharing' scene wasn't all that bad, but I'm glad there is a choice to see it or not. (I have a save for a 'sharing path' if there turns out to be more of that type of content and a save without it.) So thank you Red Rocket for giving the player choices.

Fourth, that reveal that the 'customer' at the end
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was crazy and I can't wait to see how that plays out.

Last, are we sure that Lydia cheated on the MC? As much as the idea that Violet could possibly be Lydia's love child is interesting, especially if that is how she and your adopted daughter (I'm blanking on her name) met, I'm not entirely convinced that she cheated on the MC.

Fertility tests can be wrong. I mean how many stories are there about couples being told they will never have kids and then getting pregnant? Also, her reaction didn't really seem like that of someone who was caught cheating. Maybe she was just a good actress? Maybe she just thought the MC kicked her out just because she got pregnant? He doesn't ever actually say why he is kicking her out, unless he tells her in a later scene or something. Plus, even if Violet isn't Lydia's kid, she is still a sexy little vixen that I can't wait to see the MC go after. Of course if Lydia did turn out to be pregnant and it was the MC's kid, adding a little incest to the game could be fun. Patreon will probably already be upset about the MC going after his adopted daughter, why not throw his real daughter into the mix too? And if not, not every game needs incest. I think we will be okay.

Also, stop complaining about the game being short. It's only episode 3. What is there is well written and interesting. Quality over quantity and all that. Plus, if you want longer updates or less time between them, support the dev.

I'm already supporting 5 different games and even I'm thinking about supporting Red Rocket. I'll probably wait until the next update to decide, but I'm definitely thinking about it.

Unless of course part of the complaining is just to see that sexy redhead get spanked. In which case, by all means keep complaining. :love:
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New Member
May 6, 2020
Idk, I just love it.
All the episodes up to now are amazing!<3
I hope there will be some incest scenes :oops:

Still a bit short, but understandable why so no worries.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
I don't get all the people thinking MC's wife wasn't cheating. Like her whole this is bullshit thing,seems to me like a reaction to being thrown out of the house but naked after rough sex IMO. Sometimes a cat,is just a cat.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I don't get all the people thinking MC's wife wasn't cheating. Like her whole this is bullshit thing,seems to me like a reaction to being thrown out of the house but naked after rough sex IMO. Sometimes a cat,is just a cat.
Yeah, I think MC never ever actually uses the words you have cheated to her or that he knows he is infertile. He is just angry, has rough sex with her that she enjoys, calls her a slut and then throws her out after just having heard she is pregnant. The whole cheating accusation is never even mentioned, so it is pretty believable Lydia has no idea what is happening and might be bitter or shocked at that moment in the game. :p Now Lydia might later on suspect that he somehow found out she cheated if she actually did, but at that moment and with the info she has that seems unlikely. :p

Still I think it would be incredibly bittersweet if Roxane would be Lydia's daughter of that pregnancy and MC found that out while preparing for that court case and part of his guilt and love for her is based on that and the fact he threw Lydia out and it had such bad impact on the child that was in the end innocent. Not so much guilt to Lydia, but the child that could or should have been his. I do think though that the shooter would make more sense.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
The protagonist told Lydia why he suspected her of cheating, but it was behind the scenes. At the time, I didn't want to stretch the scene. And no, Roxana is not Lydia's daughter... It wouldn't make sense. I specifically made Roxane's parents with blond hair and similar eyes to make it clear... she's their real daughter...
Fair enough, like I said it was not what made most sense, though you could have done a lot with that from guilt and painful revelations pov. The blonde thing is actually not a dealbreaker. Blonde hair is recessive so both could have carried blonde genes and easily could have a blonde daughter while neither of them is a blonde. Not even one of the grandparents would have to be blonde either to make it even worse, though chances become lower that a blonde recessive gene would be carried forward. On the other hand, two blonde parents with a dark haired baby would be a lot more suspicious, though mutations do happen. :p Blue eyes is same kind of thing. Also it is not unheard of especially if people have money they sometimes like to choose the looks of the child they adopt, in some countries that is forbidden, others are way more lenient.

The little tidbit that he told Lydia behind the scenes is nice to know. :)
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Sep 6, 2017
i have currently only played episode 1 and 2 but i really like it would hope is game gets work on intill it is complete and not like a game i supported where it seams the Dev just was not happy with not having many patrons so Dev just end up "finish" the game with a plot that made no sense and then deleted the Patreon account completely
so keep working on you on pace Dev and try to not make to many promises

and about the red head Dev ingame avatar/character she is good looking if i was prince of darkness then i would love the meet the red head Dev ingame avatar/character needs someone to spank in till she understand that "ALL SHALL SERVE THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS"

and no i will not a lest at the moment not reveal who the Dev i talk about is does that knows knows and does that don't know don't know


Cute as a button
Oct 15, 2019
I don't get all the people thinking MC's wife wasn't cheating. Like her whole this is bullshit thing,seems to me like a reaction to being thrown out of the house but naked after rough sex IMO. Sometimes a cat,is just a cat.
Well quite obviously a cat, is just not just a cat. (See what I did there :sneaky: just not just)

Here the cat is a hot demon slut from hell, daughter of some powerful entity that gives her off as a fucktoy to a demon and is then assigned to us for "safe" keeping :ROFLMAO:

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Nov 9, 2019
I really like what you have so far and hope you continue. I love the story and great art and very good use of the black cat. since you never heard of it Red Rocket is from south park episode Proper condom use for those who want to find it. the dogs name is sparky. red rocket it what happens when you milk a dog. I hope too many do not find it disturbing that i knew this.
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
How could I possibly lust after such a delicate and precious little thing as Roxy? No, I will avoid any perv interaction with her; I just want to protect her, hug her and keep her safe.
And I'm not saying this because she's disabled and I believe disabled people are asexual. If she got a boyfriend in the game good for her! My MC would receive him with open arms and whisper into his ear what would happen to him if he didn't treat her like she deserves.
But as far as my MC is concerned, he's gonna fuck Zaida, Violet, the doctor, the ex, or any other lady or slut that the dev throws his way. Just not sweet Roxy if I can avoid it. Their connection is far beyond that.

F**k you Red Rocket ! How could you provoke such a reaction in me with such a short game ( :BootyTime:)?!
Nice job! I'm really liking it.
BTW I read you had started dealing with this issue, but some scenes are still too dark.

PS: So some people considered Zaida's first scene was NTR and the dev had to change it? I mean, I hate NTR myself but you guys should have a herbal tea and relax or something. How the fuck is that NTR?
PS2: Red Rocket I'm curious as to the relevance of our karma points. At the moment I don't know what I should go for :LOL::LOL:
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Hi! Thank you for the comment. About the scenes that are too dark, can you list the scenes that need to be brighter? Or is it just about the hospital night scene?
Yeah, the night scene at the hospital is still a bit too dark for me. I had to adjust my screen brightness and then turn it down again after the scene was over. In the other scene with her at home when you can punish her most of the renderings are fine but a couple of them could be a bit brighter, especially these:

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I can barely make out Zaida's body (at least as I see it on my screen), and after thinking about it I believe this whole thing has to do with her complexion being quite dark. In fact, in both scenes I have no problem distinguishing the MC's or Roxana's bodies and faces.
EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention that the scene where whe meet Zaida in hell looks perfect even though it takes place in a dark environment. I'm saying this just in case it helps, maybe it had to do with the kind of lighting you used or something. I have no idea.

Also, since you're open to suggestions, I'd like to point out a weird thing that happens with Roxy's head a couple of times.

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As you can see, in these particular 2 moments it looks as if there were some kind of bright edge around her head.
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Is it me or (judging by your screenshots) you were playing a compressed version of the game? Zaida's body is poorly visible because of the shadow that comes from MC. About Roxane's head, the white glow has to do with overlaying one image on another, I don't know how to fix it.
I am, and actually I reduced the images even further before posting them here. To be honest, 2.5 GB is too big for me at such an early stage of the game so I went for the compressed version instead.
As for the glow, it's OK. It's just a minor detail. I just thought you might have not noticed it.
Thanks for answering (y)


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Don't worry, when the next episode comes out, size of the game will be much smaller. I already changed the pictures format from PNG to JPG.
I am not an expert on the subject, so take this with a grain of salt, but have you thought about webp format? from what I know it works really well reducing size while keeping quality. It is developed by google.

According to this website you have a really nice size cut even without losing quality:

"WebP lossless images are in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are than comparable JPEG images at equivalent quality index.

Lossless WebP supports transparency (also known as alpha channel) at a cost of just . For cases when lossy RGB compression is acceptable, lossy WebP also supports transparency, typically providing 3× smaller file sizes compared to PNG."

I think it is worth checking it out.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I'm sorry, but I won't change anything else. Because I had to change the pictures format by myself, one picture at a time... There's about a thousand of them.
I don't feel well.
I did not mean it that way. It was a comment not for the past, but for the future. But, of course, you do what you have to.
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