3.20 star(s) 6 Votes


Aug 9, 2019
Man, this game is *hard*. I'm not a strategy expert by any means, but I've gotten stuck a few times—notably the second half of Chapter 17, where you have to beat two bosses on the same map—the general and his daughters, and also the prince, who both are physical tanks when you have at most three mages capable of dealing damage to them, unless you promote your healers early. I had to rely on Meer's special spear to kill both of them, and I have no idea how I'm going to kill the rest of the bosses with that spear about to break.

My main gripe, though, is chapter 18. You're required to field all 3 of your fliers in order to stop the mages, obviously. None of your other units even have a chance of reaching any of the bridges in time to stop any of the mages—even committing all of my cavalry to trying to get to the 4th bridge before one of the mages results in me being two tiles too short to even block the spot temporarily. The other problem is that the mages themselves have high movement and are surrounded by other units who will happily murder your fliers—even Selica goes down after a turn or two of punishment from all those (again) heavy armored knights and archers. If I could make a recommendation, having the mages in that map not carry weapons or retaliate in combat would actually make it a lot easier—maybe it'd even be viable to have Thurnausen try and hit one with a war bat, or have Claudia throw a javelin.
Another recommendation would be to downgrade the other two wizards on the bottom of the map—like I said, by the time you get to the bottom half of the map, your fliers have been focus-fired to death by the pile of troops on the other side of the river, you have a hard enough time fighting your way through the enemies on your side with your infantry to keep your cavalry from being picked off, and then you still have to kill two promoted units with advanced weaponry while you're still stuck with whatever halberds you can scrounge and Marek's fancy sword. None of the higher tier weapons are even *usable* without wasting Bonus EXP on a weapon scroll instead of saving up for the incredibly limited resource of promotion items.

Actually, there is another gripe I have with this game—the fact that I have to fast-forward through all the pre-mission cutscenes every time I retry a map. It's not usually that big of a deal, but in Chapter 18 in particular it takes like, a minute even when holding down the fast-forward button and mashing A to proceed.

The strategy gameplay is actually *really good* when it's not bogged down by bosses having such huge defense none of my fighters can touch them, so I'm really sad that I'm being forced to stop here, because I actually enjoy this game a lot. I just can't seem to proceed with my current units, and the idea of going through all those maps again just to try it in easy mode drains my motivation.


New Member
Oct 7, 2017
Man, this game is *hard*. I'm not a strategy expert by any means, but I've gotten stuck a few times—notably the second half of Chapter 17, where you have to beat two bosses on the same map—the general and his daughters, and also the prince, who both are physical tanks when you have at most three mages capable of dealing damage to them, unless you promote your healers early. I had to rely on Meer's special spear to kill both of them, and I have no idea how I'm going to kill the rest of the bosses with that spear about to break.

My main gripe, though, is chapter 18. You're required to field all 3 of your fliers in order to stop the mages, obviously. None of your other units even have a chance of reaching any of the bridges in time to stop any of the mages—even committing all of my cavalry to trying to get to the 4th bridge before one of the mages results in me being two tiles too short to even block the spot temporarily. The other problem is that the mages themselves have high movement and are surrounded by other units who will happily murder your fliers—even Selica goes down after a turn or two of punishment from all those (again) heavy armored knights and archers. If I could make a recommendation, having the mages in that map not carry weapons or retaliate in combat would actually make it a lot easier—maybe it'd even be viable to have Thurnausen try and hit one with a war bat, or have Claudia throw a javelin.
Another recommendation would be to downgrade the other two wizards on the bottom of the map—like I said, by the time you get to the bottom half of the map, your fliers have been focus-fired to death by the pile of troops on the other side of the river, you have a hard enough time fighting your way through the enemies on your side with your infantry to keep your cavalry from being picked off, and then you still have to kill two promoted units with advanced weaponry while you're still stuck with whatever halberds you can scrounge and Marek's fancy sword. None of the higher tier weapons are even *usable* without wasting Bonus EXP on a weapon scroll instead of saving up for the incredibly limited resource of promotion items.

Actually, there is another gripe I have with this game—the fact that I have to fast-forward through all the pre-mission cutscenes every time I retry a map. It's not usually that big of a deal, but in Chapter 18 in particular it takes like, a minute even when holding down the fast-forward button and mashing A to proceed.

The strategy gameplay is actually *really good* when it's not bogged down by bosses having such huge defense none of my fighters can touch them, so I'm really sad that I'm being forced to stop here, because I actually enjoy this game a lot. I just can't seem to proceed with my current units, and the idea of going through all those maps again just to try it in easy mode drains my motivation.
about the strategy part, its all about using as often as possible (and promoting once they are lvl 19-20) the most useful units. in my playthrough i had rekkard being an undestructible killing machine via lucky levels up, and i've used him as failsafe for most missions when time is ticking, or when normal units are not enough and trying to making them gain a few levels is not enough to reach the end stages of the mission. but also a few others very strong units as well. dora for example is an incredible killing machine once high level. and you must preserve unique equipment for when it counts, hard to kill bosses or for very tricky situations. especially the meer spear. if you take care leveling her up, she can basically oneshot even the strongest foes with that spear, so make those 20-25 shots count. or if you want to use them more often, remember to repair that piece of equipment in the base with a 500 bonus cost, but i've never had the need of it

so in short, for the first part my suggestion is to use as often as you can the 3 air units, merek and euphemia, dora, meer, at least a second healer and less often a third(hilda or lily or estelle or marie, your choice), rekkard i've been lucky with level ups but anyone can be as good as joker, i suppose repanse and claudia could be even better given their passive ability. agnes also have very strong passive abilities, can be useful to have her in the standard lineup.
and this could be your core, anything else more to fill the mission slots is up to your tastes, but take care leveling at least a bit everything by making them do a killing blow or two, as in a few missions you're forced to use only certain units and they may not be your bestest

now how much of this can be useful after the revamp, we will see but for now it should work as guideline
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Aug 4, 2017
Man, this game is *hard*. I'm not a strategy expert by any means, but I've gotten stuck a few times—notably the second half of Chapter 17, where you have to beat two bosses on the same map—the general and his daughters, and also the prince, who both are physical tanks when you have at most three mages capable of dealing damage to them, unless you promote your healers early. I had to rely on Meer's special spear to kill both of them, and I have no idea how I'm going to kill the rest of the bosses with that spear about to break.

My main gripe, though, is chapter 18. You're required to field all 3 of your fliers in order to stop the mages, obviously. None of your other units even have a chance of reaching any of the bridges in time to stop any of the mages—even committing all of my cavalry to trying to get to the 4th bridge before one of the mages results in me being two tiles too short to even block the spot temporarily. The other problem is that the mages themselves have high movement and are surrounded by other units who will happily murder your fliers—even Selica goes down after a turn or two of punishment from all those (again) heavy armored knights and archers. If I could make a recommendation, having the mages in that map not carry weapons or retaliate in combat would actually make it a lot easier—maybe it'd even be viable to have Thurnausen try and hit one with a war bat, or have Claudia throw a javelin.
Another recommendation would be to downgrade the other two wizards on the bottom of the map—like I said, by the time you get to the bottom half of the map, your fliers have been focus-fired to death by the pile of troops on the other side of the river, you have a hard enough time fighting your way through the enemies on your side with your infantry to keep your cavalry from being picked off, and then you still have to kill two promoted units with advanced weaponry while you're still stuck with whatever halberds you can scrounge and Marek's fancy sword. None of the higher tier weapons are even *usable* without wasting Bonus EXP on a weapon scroll instead of saving up for the incredibly limited resource of promotion items.

Actually, there is another gripe I have with this game—the fact that I have to fast-forward through all the pre-mission cutscenes every time I retry a map. It's not usually that big of a deal, but in Chapter 18 in particular it takes like, a minute even when holding down the fast-forward button and mashing A to proceed.

The strategy gameplay is actually *really good* when it's not bogged down by bosses having such huge defense none of my fighters can touch them, so I'm really sad that I'm being forced to stop here, because I actually enjoy this game a lot. I just can't seem to proceed with my current units, and the idea of going through all those maps again just to try it in easy mode drains my motivation.
In a mission with bridges, my cavalry managed to reach the last bridge on time, the main thing is to tie the closest mage to it with a battle so that he does not destroy it, I went through this mission 2 times and it seemed to me the most optimal, if the forces allow other troops to kill on the way to him the boss of the magician with the help of archers, magicians or flying elves, but the main thing is to get to the bridge and tie up the nearest magician, after that you just finish the rest.
In the game, the increase in characteristics when gaining a level is highly dependent on randomness (levels without an increase in characteristics are useless), I played on difficulty with an additional 30% experience for the troops and did not take levels with an increase in less than 3 characteristics, and as a result, the troops turned out to be very pumped, spearman, which is given from the beginning, in general, with rare exceptions, no one could harm him.
There are also other difficulty levels, I see no problem in playing the one that is more suitable.
I do not mind knocking out a better level up, but not everyone will want to spend time on it, although again this is not particularly required and there are other difficulty levels.
Also, due to the rework of the main character, the story in part 1 may change slightly, and part 2 will be completely reworked, most likely, which may also entail balance adjustments.


Sep 29, 2018
That... actually hurts.

I modelled this plot device (MC switch) after my favourite corruption game, that is TS Mahou Shoujo Nao. But I guess it isn't to everyone's taste.
Okay, you've convinced me guys. Vox populi, vox dei.

I'll scrap Bosun and give you some more interesting villain / second MC. Obviously this comes with major changes to overall story structure and, less obviously, to corruption process, so it'll take a bit.

Fortunately, I have an idea how to handle it. In ROAW prototype, main villain/MC was not wimpy Bosun but Chad-like commander. Let's see if I can scavenge this concept...

From what I've read, the current Record of Asturion War plot twist "2nd" protagonist thing wasn't well received, so here's my suggestion:

Have "2nd" protagonist actually secretly be 1st protagonist but from the future. "2nd" protagonist travelled from the future back in time to prevent something really bad from occurring, but after several attempts and several time loops, he's gotten more desperate and aggressive, and more willing to use "dark" methods to prevent the future from going to shit.

The reason "2nd" protagonist is acting in such a manner is because he thinks that there was a spy or spies in his ranks who sabotaged his efforts, so he wants to act "dark" to try and expose the spy/spies. Of course, the spy/spies don't even have to be people, they could be inanimate objects that worked as secret recording devices, or perhaps there doesn't have to be spy/spies at all and it was just a hunch of his that was incorrect like if it was just a manipulative ploy from [whoever the villain of the game was, i didn't actually play the game yet i just wanted hentai srpgs and this showed up in that search] via dark magic or something.
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Feb 13, 2020

From what I've read, the current Record of Asturion War plot twist "2nd" protagonist thing wasn't well received, so here's my suggestion:

Have "2nd" protagonist actually secretly be 1st protagonist but from the future. "2nd" protagonist travelled from the future back in time to prevent something really bad from occurring, but after several attempts and several time loops, he's gotten more desperate and aggressive, and more willing to use "dark" methods to prevent the future from going to shit.

The reason "2nd" protagonist is acting in such a manner is because he thinks that there was a spy or spies in his ranks who sabotaged his efforts, so he wants to act "dark" to try and expose the spy/spies. Of course, the spy/spies don't even have to be people, they could be inanimate objects that worked as secret recording devices, or perhaps there doesn't have to be spy/spies at all and it was just a hunch of his that was incorrect like if it was just a manipulative ploy from [whoever the villain of the game was, i didn't actually play the game yet i just wanted hentai srpgs and this showed up in that search] via dark magic or something.
getting the first protagonist consumed by demon is not that bad either as second MC


Aug 4, 2017

From what I've read, the current Record of Asturion War plot twist "2nd" protagonist thing wasn't well received, so here's my suggestion:

Have "2nd" protagonist actually secretly be 1st protagonist but from the future. "2nd" protagonist travelled from the future back in time to prevent something really bad from occurring, but after several attempts and several time loops, he's gotten more desperate and aggressive, and more willing to use "dark" methods to prevent the future from going to shit.

The reason "2nd" protagonist is acting in such a manner is because he thinks that there was a spy or spies in his ranks who sabotaged his efforts, so he wants to act "dark" to try and expose the spy/spies. Of course, the spy/spies don't even have to be people, they could be inanimate objects that worked as secret recording devices, or perhaps there doesn't have to be spy/spies at all and it was just a hunch of his that was incorrect like if it was just a manipulative ploy from [whoever the villain of the game was, i didn't actually play the game yet i just wanted hentai srpgs and this showed up in that search] via dark magic or something.
This somehow does not fit at all with the current story tied to mirrors, of course, you can compose anything and with enough imagination even write it into the plot, but why?
In the prologue we have a typical good hero who gathers allies and fights against "evil", but after "victory" we play for the other side.
I'm always happy to play as an "evil" hero, or at least a chaotically neutral one who doesn't need any excuses, doesn't try to save everyone, is ready to make sacrifices and he just goes to his goal.
Why justify evil deeds that this is a hero and he just despaired.
There is more than one game where we play as an ambiguous character, in this game the plot is interesting to me, however, there are 2 problems because of which I almost decided to quit the game:
1. An unexpected change of character.
2.wimpy uninspiring second main character
If it was known about the character change in advance that the first part is just a prologue, and the main story begins in Chapter 2, and instead of Bosun there was an interesting charismatic character, (which is not so difficult as Marek is a typical good hero) some charismatic bastard, or evil genius (like Bastian, but tougher) I had no problems at all.
It's just that such an unexpected abrupt change of the character and the squad that you developed and following their history was like a strong punch in the stomach that not everyone liked it.
To shove here the movement in time and the looping of time when now history does not bring this tastelessly to me (you can, for example, add that in fact this is not a transformation, but a replacement of a person with the same person from a parallel other world occurs, or that Balthazar was so passive, because he wanted to resettle his soul (in the world of the game, there are lychees and animated skeletons, why not, for example, be so) in Marek to become young and create a new empire for himself and wash the whole world with blood, or for example, what elves really are a stranger from outer space (like some Krigans from the heroes of might and magic) who suffered shipwreck on this planet a long time ago, but why if history works like that), I think it's not worth overcomplicating the story.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
Actually, there is another gripe I have with this game—the fact that I have to fast-forward through all the pre-mission cutscenes every time I retry a map. It's not usually that big of a deal, but in Chapter 18 in particular it takes like, a minute even when holding down the fast-forward button and mashing A to proceed.
Click RMB to skip scene instantly.

BTW, as for rework, part 1 will also get major changes. For a first few maps, I improved weapon drops and gave minor buff to Eugeo/Dora, so player should have some more killing power early.

Burning Bridges chapter is tricky, but not impossible, even if you don't rush with fliers. The key is to rush last bridge. It was already discussed in this thread.

Hope he can be deployed too instead of just sitting on the sidelines like Bosun did during the fights, that would soften the blow of losing all the units from part 1 a little.
Absolutely. He's anti-Bosun after all :) And he'll have a two-three own chapters between Marek's missions in part 1, so player should have time to get used to him.

Nice ideas all around, but I already have a story draft for rework, and no, there's no time-travel. A few characters are gone though, a few new ones introduced, not to mention some necessary lore/character changes (Anignum out, Balthazar takes more proactive role in part 1, Theodia/Bosun grand conspiracy is gone).


Aug 4, 2017
Click RMB to skip scene instantly.

BTW, as for rework, part 1 will also get major changes. For a first few maps, I improved weapon drops and gave minor buff to Eugeo/Dora, so player should have some more killing power early.

Burning Bridges chapter is tricky, but not impossible, even if you don't rush with fliers. The key is to rush last bridge. It was already discussed in this thread.

Absolutely. He's anti-Bosun after all :) And he'll have a two-three own chapters between Marek's missions in part 1, so player should have time to get used to him.

Nice ideas all around, but I already have a story draft for rework, and no, there's no time-travel. A few characters are gone though, a few new ones introduced, not to mention some necessary lore/character changes (Anignum out, Balthazar takes more proactive role in part 1, Theodia/Bosun grand conspiracy is gone).
I hope you spare his sister.:)
Feb 8, 2019
Dev Tjord. Is it futile to expect that ROAW w/ bosun As 2nd Protag will still be finish? or will it be finish alongside the new ROAW or perhaps before or after new ROAW is done.. I' m a bit sadden by it really but its your decision. Revamps are fine but outright scrapping this version of ROAW is quite harsh.
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Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
Click RMB to skip scene instantly.

BTW, as for rework, part 1 will also get major changes. For a first few maps, I improved weapon drops and gave minor buff to Eugeo/Dora, so player should have some more killing power early.

Burning Bridges chapter is tricky, but not impossible, even if you don't rush with fliers. The key is to rush last bridge. It was already discussed in this thread.

Absolutely. He's anti-Bosun after all :) And he'll have a two-three own chapters between Marek's missions in part 1, so player should have time to get used to him.

Nice ideas all around, but I already have a story draft for rework, and no, there's no time-travel. A few characters are gone though, a few new ones introduced, not to mention some necessary lore/character changes (Anignum out, Balthazar takes more proactive role in part 1, Theodia/Bosun grand conspiracy is gone).
Thanks for the Theodia/Bosun conspiracy extermination!
What about Jetho? I'd like to see a looser master-servant relationship, you know like he being the only friend Bosun has.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
Dev @Tjord. Is it futile to expect that ROAW w/ bosun As 2nd Protag will still be finish? or will it be finish alongside the new ROAW or perhaps before or after new ROAW is done.. I' m a bit sadden by it really but its your decision. Revamps are fine but outright scrapping this version of ROAW is quite harsh.
Really depends how new storyline will turn out. And I'm not scrapping everything, far from it.

What about Jetho? I'd like to see a looser master-servant relationship, you know like he being the only friend Bosun has.
Jetho is 90% out as well, or at least will appear as completely different character. New villain will get new follower and different method/reason to corrupt girls.
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Feb 8, 2019
Really depends how new storyline will turn out. And I'm not scrapping everything, far from it.
Ok. at the very least, I won't push too hard on this. But I thought that maybe there was a chance for old ROAW and the new ROAW to be both finished. Even if the new ROAW takes priority first of course (And rename the old ROAW as "ROAW-Alter" or something like that, just like "fate/stay/night", "unlimited blade works" and "heaven's feel" if you know these, similar stories w/ almost the same cast but w/ different scenarios) It's not impossible and perhaps even easy for you considering you already have the script for old ROAW (the one w/ bosun as 2nd protag). It will nullify the feud (the pro and anti-bosun factions) among the fans too.

And does the corrupting will be "enjoyable" as well in the new ROAW?:sneaky::sneaky:
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Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
Ok. at the very least, I won't push too hard on this. But I thought that maybe there was a chance for old ROAW and the new ROAW to be both finished. Even if the new ROAW takes priority first of course (And rename the old ROAW as "ROAW-Alter" or something like that, just like "fate/stay/night", "unlimited blade works" and "heaven's feel" if you know these, similar stories w/ almost the same cast but w/ different scenarios) It's not impossible and perhaps even easy for you considering you already have the script for old ROAW (the one w/ bosun as 2nd protag). It will nullify the feud (the pro and anti-bosun factions) among the fans too.

And does the corrupting will be "enjoyable" as well in the new ROAW?:sneaky::sneaky:
Truth be told, one of the reasons I decided to do this rework is certain sense of dissatisfaction I felt with second part, in particular corruption scenes. I have something different, more... drawn-out in mind for the second try.

Knowing myself, I'll decide if to continue with (slightly altered) Bosun's or new MC's path depending on reaction from the players.

Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
Absolutely. He's anti-Bosun after all :) And he'll have a two-three own chapters between Marek's missions in part 1, so player should have time to get used to him.

Nice ideas all around, but I already have a story draft for rework, and no, there's no time-travel. A few characters are gone though, a few new ones introduced, not to mention some necessary lore/character changes (Anignum out, Balthazar takes more proactive role in part 1, Theodia/Bosun grand conspiracy is gone).
Actually I though Balthazar was an good character when i see him died (if none of my offspring is able to win this war i prefer to let the empire be destroyed).

Really depends how new storyline will turn out. And I'm not scrapping everything, far from it.

Jetho is 90% out as well, or at least will appear as completely different character. New villain will get new follower and different method/reason to corrupt girls.
If it can be a more subbtle/progressive corruption i will definitly applause (applause from a random on internet yeah!)

Anyway, good luck on it.


Aug 4, 2017
There are 2 questions:
1. What is the damage multiplier (not specified in the description and it is not double, judging by the attack) for skills of the "man-hater" type? Is it the same for all such skills? When attacking, it is also not written what the final damage will be, taking into account the skill, which is not convenient when calculating damage, is it a bug?
2. Do you plan to add the ability to save not only at the beginning of the turn, or is it an engine limitation?


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
1. What is the damage multiplier (not specified in the description and it is not double, judging by the attack) for skills of the "man-hater" type? Is it the same for all such skills? When attacking, it is also not written what the final damage will be, taking into account the skill, which is not convenient when calculating damage, is it a bug?
Some skills are calculated by engine after action is performed, that's why their effects don't show in estimate box. If attack is described as "effective" (as is the case with man-hater and woman-hater), it should deal 200% damage.

This is BTW one of the skills which might get revised in the future, since it's a bit too powerful. I'll see during my next playtest how it fares with new balance.

2. Do you plan to add the ability to save not only at the beginning of the turn, or is it an engine limitation?
Engine limitation, unfortunately.


Aug 4, 2017
This is BTW one of the skills which might get revised in the future, since it's a bit too powerful. I'll see during my next playtest how it fares with new balance.
You can, for example, link the probability of triggering a skill with luck, like with other skills.


New Member
May 31, 2018
Been a while since I've been here but my thoughts on the changes
This is coming from someone who only played part one, but honestly I'm glad Balthazar is getting more involved in the first part. The reason is that he was made out as this big end boss for Marek but he didn't have the impact as one. It's understandable that he doesn't do much in the beginning as Marek needs to settle in as being a leader. Although by the time i hit the middle of part 1, I was hoping after we beat his children that he decided to go on one huge joy ride. To see if he can beat this new worthy opponent and conquer what he couldn't last time, before he kicks the bucket. If he died attempting it at least he had a blast before dying. Also if he did win I was expecting him to pull an Alexander the Great.

Although I'm curious are the changes only in the empire or are we gonna see changes in the western kingdoms as well?

As for units, while I was playing i was wondering what was the role of Lisolette in the game. Cause by the time i finished part 1 I leveled her to 20 and did a class change and leveled her to level 6. Even then compared to my other characters who had to be leveled to be good she still under performed. As a tank Agnes and Osbert did a better job and even could dish out more damage then she could. While my damage oriented characters like Claudia, Eugeo, and Orland could deal way more damage then her regardless of what they are targeting.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
Although I'm curious are the changes only in the empire or are we gonna see changes in the western kingdoms as well?
Yes, some. For example, there's one new addition to Marek's side roster, Isolde got a new background, Grado storyline begins way earlier. Up until chapter 26 game's mostly the same though.

As for units, while I was playing i was wondering what was the role of Lisolette in the game. Cause by the time i finished part 1 I leveled her to 20 and did a class change and leveled her to level 6. Even then compared to my other characters who had to be leveled to be good she still under performed. As a tank Agnes and Osbert did a better job and even could dish out more damage then she could. While my damage oriented characters like Claudia, Eugeo, and Orland could deal way more damage then her regardless of what they are targeting.
Lisolette actually has pretty good growths, and with luck can become decent all-rounder like Marek. But her being kinda meh isn't surprising to me. I'd say the main reason to use her is the unique weapon :)
Feb 8, 2019
Yes, some. For example, there's one new addition to Marek's side roster, Isolde got a new background, Grado storyline begins way earlier. Up until chapter 26 game's mostly the same though.

Lisolette actually has pretty good growths, and with luck can become decent all-rounder like Marek. But her being kinda meh isn't surprising to me. I'd say the main reason to use her is the unique weapon :)
I guess replaying the whole game is not out of the question now (for plot purposes). hehe. and on the topic on Liselotte, she's great really, decent dmg dealer w/ decent defense, and a nifty weapon too. and if you change her class. she becomes really scary (in a good way). maybe changing the name of her "Job change"? ("Foot Knight" sounds a bit wrong for a princess)

That said, more than the gold that players accumulate throughout the game. I'm concerned more on the BP. It feels kind of heartbreaking that evolving EVERY "basic job" character you get is impossible given the lack of "order of valor" and BP points (even w/ the Master Hammer and Martial Instructions, I ignore them both for the Order of Valor, even as appealing of their respective uses, weapon repair and user weapon level increase)
3.20 star(s) 6 Votes