- Dec 15, 2018
- 878
- 1,707
By the way, where can I find that game?I mean having played all of part one and some of part two I must say that the story twist did sap most of my motivation to play. I have just been half heartedly chipping away at it now. It is undeniable that the part one story was not a particularly original one but it did provide a fairly consistent effort at worldbuilding and making us care about the characters and there goals.
The fact that moving on to part two we not only play someone else with goals entirely in opposition to our prior protagonists but then set about undoing everything we have achieved is a bit of a gut punch. Our new protagonist being 'evil' is something that I do not particularly object to but what I do object to is how as a villain he is completely uncharismatic and basically fits every stereotype of the "fat, ugly guy can't get women so uses mind control" trope. Villains as protagonists always work best in my eyes when they inspire some desire for them to prosper in the viewer, in the case of the new protagonist I genuinely would not care if he died the chapter after he was introduced, his character archetype is over explored in power fantasy works and so is uninteresting and he is not likable or funny so I would not want him to do well for those reasons. This complete absence of redeeming qualities means I find having to listen to the protagonist talk for extended times to be tiresome which is never a good sign for a work of fiction.
So in the absence of the above reasons the main reason to proceed to part two would of course be the porn. The porn in the game is decent but uninspired but is dragged down heavily by the scenes focusing on characters who have undergone the 'corruption' scenes. These 'corruption' scenes are pretty cookie cutter and uninspired; character starts out resistant, gets drugged into suggestibility, get subjected to a bunch of leading questions and child level psycho-analysis to get them to change there core principles and beliefs (and at one point even re-writing a characters sexuality) and then they pop out fully devoted slaves. This incredibly simplistic version of corruption saps any and all joy from the process as it is more akin the character murder than corruption as there is barely any sign of the original personality at all as they all just become generic devoted slaves. The physical changes corruption brings while making sense on a story level as our protagonist obviously has a type does risk alienating chunks of the audience as you actively remove variety from the cast by making the physical features more similar. If you want to see examples of corruption done well I would recommend looking at Corrupted Saviours as that game demonstrates how to make the downfall of a character satisfying to witness as there personalities warp and change in believable manners as a result of experiences they are subject to while still visibly being the same people they once were just warped and twisted. The sex scenes themselves in the game are okay but with the protagonist and the characters he fucks all being subject to the problems above it is difficult to enjoy them as much as I would have otherwise.
The strategy gameplay on the other hand is still up to standard and is very enjoyable but now I feel as though the story and supports are detracting from my enjoyment of it rather than complimenting it. It still represents a decent example of a fire emblem based game but I could only recommend the actual story in the first part.
In short the game is a good example of how porn games can have good gameplay but I feel it has completely botched the implementation of the porn part with a new unlikeable protagonist and weak and uninteresting corruption scenes all paired with being told after hours of gameplay to turn around and help tear down what you had been trying to build throughout the first part.