3.20 star(s) 6 Votes
Feb 8, 2019
I can agree broadly with the sentiment that corruption can represent both of those ideals at the same time, but the problem with the 'make them a cock addict' route as it is in the game right now is that the characters essentially have being devoted cock sleeves as there only personality trait, this tends to make them very samey and destroys the character that the first part of the game was trying to develop. So I would say it would be fine for the characters to become cock addicts once corrupted as long as they still maintain some kind of interesting personality outside it.
Hey, If there is a way, either way is fine by me. HAHA!
Sep 21, 2017
Hey Tjord, I am on chapter 40 right now, and since I skip the first 34 chapters I didnt build up my strategy making skills. So this level is killing me, with my units unable to scratch the enemy and me dying everytime. Came up with a strategy of holing up at spawn, use the confusion book to confuse griegori and let him fight the other enemies. But it aint working. So any clues/guide on how to pass this map?


Dec 24, 2020
Since junia can't be corrupted for some reason in this version, could you post what she would look like, since I assume it will be a while until the new version will be completed


Jan 10, 2018
Hey Tjord, I am on chapter 40 right now, and since I skip the first 34 chapters I didnt build up my strategy making skills. So this level is killing me, with my units unable to scratch the enemy and me dying everytime. Came up with a strategy of holing up at spawn, use the confusion book to confuse griegori and let him fight the other enemies. But it aint working. So any clues/guide on how to pass this map?
One of the houses on that map should have special javelin that ignores armor so its quite useful against the boss. I also recommend using Bosun to stun him. Other than that ignore the middle "stream" of the troops since they dont seem to follow you so just sneak past them, you can also use them to "farm" XP since they are pretty weak. Also speaking about leveling characters i recommend leveling up Velka since she can soak up a lot of damage and later on gets a special skill that redirects damage towards her instead of allies, super useful if you want your mages/archers/damage dealers to survive.

Ps. If you cannot get past him no matter what i can post my save of the beginning of chap 41 so you will be able to skip that level.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017

Test021's answer is pretty much all you need to know. Yeah, if you didn't play through part 1, I can imagine you might have some trouble with certain chapters, since I assumed after over 30 chapters players need no more hand-holding.

Since junia can't be corrupted for some reason in this version, could you post what she would look like, since I assume it will be a while until the new version will be completed
Sure, since old corruption designs will get scrapped in new version. Funnily enough, Junia had actually two corrupted sprites (I didn't like first one)

CharaStudio-2020-10-27-09-54-48-Render.png CharaStudio-2020-10-27-13-46-25-Render.png

And a bonus shot from scrapped H-scene.

Padanian_Feast (6).png
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Jan 10, 2018
Sure, since old corruption designs will get scrapped in new version.
Quite a shame since i think you nailed the visuals of corruption. I like that not only the costumes changed but also eye pupils, nipple darkness etc (although im not the biggest fan of all corrupted forms having bigger breasts, flat is justice!)
For me personally corruption visuals should follow two general guidelines, they should be easily distinguishable from uncorrupted form and should affect body too (especially love changing eye colors).
Also color scheme, red was nice but you could also use dark purple, fits corruption theme pretty nicely i think.

Btw first sprite of Junia got its charm, kind of reminds me of samurai armor, also a nice change from usual skimpy armors that most corrupted characters have, the armor nicely shows the womb crest so its erotic while also looking like actual armor.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
Quite a shame since i think you nailed the visuals of corruption. I like that not only the costumes changed but also eye pupils, nipple darkness etc (although im not the biggest fan of all corrupted forms having bigger breasts, flat is justice!)
For me personally corruption visuals should follow two general guidelines, they should be easily distinguishable from uncorrupted form and should affect body too (especially love changing eye colors).
Also color scheme, red was nice but you could also use dark purple, fits corruption theme pretty nicely i think.
No need to worry, new corrupted forms will follow similiar pattern. Change is needed because of new storyline (new bad guy is not Imperial prince, so Imperial eagle tattoo would be out of place) as well as different corruption method (girls won't be corrupted in one scene, there will be mid-stage form for most of them).


Jan 10, 2018
Cool, i kinda liked the imperial tattoo placements tho, how each girl had it placed in different parts, not gonna lie placing tattoo in the middle of Tanya forehead had me laughing but it was also kinda fitting.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
First thanks,
Since the old designs are getting scrapped, do you mind showing any others you have?
Actually, I don't have any more (well, there's prototype design for fully-corrupted Theodia, but it's not that different from normal one). I only create corrupted forms for heroines when I reach their scenes in gamedev, as a means of motivating myself to make some progress :)
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Feb 25, 2018
this game need to fix it's AI for it's a fucked up help from them when lose conditions have to save them while they go to death themselves tf !!


Mar 4, 2020
First thing first, I think the plot of the games and the second protagonist was perfectly fine, and I think that trying to make a corruption game protagonist likeable will be a high risk low reward scenario, considering the main ways to make someone likeable
  • They have relatable/good goal: considering that corrupting someone is a combination of drugging, raping and murdering them, the kind of goal that make this a necessary evil is going to either make the corrupted into total monster or be very contrived/silly and will probably be a mixture of both.
  • They are overpowered: this pleases some people a lot, but it makes the story boring and often fill it with plot hole. and let us be honest, the ability to switch someone's allegiance in a few days is already really powerful, so the corruptor is already at risk of being too powerful.
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Slaanesh Champion

Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
, and I think that trying to make a corruption game protagonist likeable will be a high risk low reward scenario,
Making protagonist that is unrelatable and unlikable has even higher risk and even lower reward.
Why even bother with making interesting and unique characters and their motivations at all if it's so risky and unrewarding, let's just make shallow dummies without any hint of personality like in all those third-rate nukiges.
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Mar 4, 2020
Making protagonist that is unrelatable and unlikable has even higher risk and even lower reward.
If you need a protagonist that is relatable or likable to like the plot, this is a you problem, not a problem on the plot: some of the best fictions have protagonist that are unrelatable and unlikable and that's sometimes their entire point (or at least, you are making a mistake if you try to relate to them).

And in the case of corruption plot, making the protagonist unlikable is IMO the good choice. For proof, when you ask people for the best corruption author, they give you name like Shinra-kun (in the Fallen Star, the main corruptor is Lucifer, and by giving you his name, I have spoiled everything about its character traits and motivation), Maxcse (the only notable character trait of the corruptor in Dinaranger is an Hitler moustache) or Inoino (the corruptor in his story are either generically evil or monster): none of these corruptor have any relatable trait, and they are too shallow to be liked.

This works because the appeal of a corruption story lies in the corrupted, not the corruptor. Watching them falling, seeing their moral being twisted is why you read/watched/play those stories, whether they are porn story or not. I mean, the main character in Faust isn't the devil, it's Faust. And in the original Dracula, you don't know much about the titular character, but you will spend age on his corrupting influence on the main heroine, because, as with any well paced story, it focus most of its time on the character that change during it, not on the character that remains mostly static.


Jan 10, 2018
For proof, when you ask people for the best corruption author, they give you name like
Definitely Satou Kuuki for me tbh
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I agree on other points, I think that its even in the japanise name of the fetish, "悪堕ち", "evil fall" or "to fall to evil". Not "make others fall to evil". Definitely good corruption media focuses on the future-fallen and fallen not the ones doing the "falling" to evil. Hell some of my favorite corruption doujinshi have the corrupting force as impersonal as it can get, like a curse, parasite or some non human monster like a bundle of tentacles.

Personally most of the fun in such media for me comes from heroines getting their personalities, characters or motivations twisted. There are some exceptions (like Venus Blood Frontier for eg.) where you can sympathize and root for the main protagonist in his journey to corrupt the heroines. But i think the big difference comes from nature of the media too, you usually don't self insert as a character in doujinshi but in video game you often do.

Dunno really I think that good corruption game could go either way, have likable protagonist, or have story and other characters good enough that its still enjoyable despite having unlikable protagonist. I also think that detestable antagonist/protagonist works better in FemMC game than in MaleMC one. Personally i would rather play game where likable heroine gets corrupted by detestable protagonist and helps him than have unlikable protagonist as MC from the get go.
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Slaanesh Champion

Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
If you need a protagonist that is relatable or likable to like the plot, this is a you problem, not a problem on the plot: some of the best fictions have protagonist that are unrelatable and unlikable and that's sometimes their entire point (or at least, you are making a mistake if you try to relate to them).
Boring, uninteresting and superficial characters usually kill all interest in the work.

And in the case of corruption plot, making the protagonist unlikable is IMO the good choice. For proof, when you ask people for the best corruption author, they give you name like Shinra-kun (in the Fallen Star, the main corruptor is Lucifer, and by giving you his name, I have spoiled everything about its character traits and motivation), Maxcse (the only notable character trait of the corruptor in Dinaranger is an Hitler moustache) or Inoino (the corruptor in his story are either generically evil or monster): none of these corruptor have any relatable trait, and they are too shallow to be liked.
Noone gives a fuck about characters and plot in this type of fiction, everyone just faps mindlessly. I don't remember single character's name from their works, so boring and shallow they are.

This works because the appeal of a corruption story lies in the corrupted, not the corruptor. Watching them falling, seeing their moral being twisted is why you read/watched/play those stories, whether they are porn story or not.
It's not working at all. Usually people show interest in this not because of the love of corruption, but simply to jerk off.

I mean, the main character in Faust isn't the devil, it's Faust. And in the original Dracula, you don't know much about the titular character, but you will spend age on his corrupting influence on the main heroine, because, as with any well paced story, it focus most of its time on the character that change during it, not on the character that remains mostly static.
The corruptor is not a protagonist in any of these works, and therefore your argument does not refute my claim.

You proved nothing, especially to me.
3.20 star(s) 6 Votes