Thank you for the help here, I knew that rushing the mages would be a priority but just couldn't figure out how. Also kind of forgot that I could change what tiles units deployed on at battle start so I was making it unnecessarily harder on myself. It did cost me all but one of my flyers and some of my cav to pull off though, also is it fair to assume that the map is meant to be played with all bridges but one destroyed? It is very difficult to kill the 3 mages near start before they can destroy the first two bridges so I assume that the map is balanced around those being lost and then there is that wizard that was near the third bridge which I didn't even notice until the third bridge was suddenly destroyed.Remember that contrary to f.e. Fire Emblem, you don't lose units when they die, so sacrifice them at your will. It's the only map where boss can be killed literally in turn 1 (place Selica in the closest available starting square and rush him - she'll die as well, but that's strognest mage out). If you defeat all mages, even if you lose all fliers and mobile units, rest of the map should be a cakewalk.
yes, those units are there, but are quite weaker than my usual side and they struggle to keep up an endless wave of imperial soldiersHm, but you also can use units units like Junia, Beatrice, German and Tanya, who appear late (in fact Tanya appears in this very chapter) and should be decent enough to handle the enemies even without much additional XP.
Key of this chapter is to rush with flyers (especially if yours have good stats) the northern forts asap. Part of enemy forces will retreat after you gain some progress.
Ha ha, yes, holding to any other bridge than the furthest one is extremely difficult. You can safely give up on other three and rush to save that one.Thank you for the help here, I knew that rushing the mages would be a priority but just couldn't figure out how. Also kind of forgot that I could change what tiles units deployed on at battle start so I was making it unnecessarily harder on myself. It did cost me all but one of my flyers and some of my cav to pull off though, also is it fair to assume that the map is meant to be played with all bridges but one destroyed?
Hmm, to be frank, i myself never saw an option to load saved state during gameplay. I'll look into it, maybe I (un)checked some box in studio by mistake.Also sorry to bother you with all these bug reports but I've noticed that since switching to 2.2 I can no longer load saves from in gameplay only from the main menu. Save is still there at the start of turns as normal but load does not appear at any point on the menu so if you want to reload a previous save you have to quit back out and reload the game.
If you station unit on them (preferably, one you don't need to kill Esterhazy), enemies won't spawn. I believe there was a tip about that at mission start.yes, those units are there, but are quite weaker than my usual side and they struggle to keep up an endless wave of imperial soldiers
the problem here i think are the forts,i have cleared almost all northern side with the three elves alone(they are between my strongest units), but occupying them does not prevent them to keep spawning
i see, so its as intended. because until now, missions that have spawning enemy units, is enough to just occupy once that tile and they stop spawning. and the tip from the beginning yes, it suggests to occupy forts to prevent the spawn of enemy units, but so does in the previous missions where that was a thing. i guess i have been misled by experienceIf you station unit on them (preferably, one you don't need to kill Esterhazy), enemies won't spawn. I believe there was a tip about that at mission start.
Thanks for all the help, finally managed to beat the level. You've done a good job regarding making objectives that are a challenge to accomplish without just making the enemies stats higher as figuring out how to use my flyers to snipe the mages without exposing them to fatal reprisals was surprisingly difficult, although it did feel a bit mean spirited to have that last mage and swordsman pair spawn when you're near the last bridge after I had gone to such lengths to deal with the others. You were also correct it felt a lot easier once the mages were dealt with, just felt like a simple by the books level once they were out the way.Ha ha, yes, holding to any other bridge than the furthest one is extremely difficult. You can safely give up on other three and rush to save that one.
Swords counter axes, axes counter spears, spears counter swordshey just got this game and it looks awesome, its just my style of game ;D.
but i was just wondering if theres a guide that helps me figure out what unit type works best on which
im presuming similiar others like this
sword works best againest.... archers,
archers best againest pikeman?
pikeman best againest horseback,
horseback best againes heavys ?
heavys againest soldiers ?
Yeah I had the same problem before, apparently it is an engine issue and is not easily fixed. You can work around it by turning of the real battle option in the menu. It just means you miss out on seeing the attack animations.Error attack\attack_realbattle.js
Line 350: "null" is null or not an object.
I got this error a few times when attacking or defending, different enemy/ally units so it's not a particular unit. Sometimes other units also show the wrong graphics in my case the defender shows the footman lancer graphics.
Okay, I'll redo that capter in next releaseJust managed to beat chapter 30 after numerous attempts and I feel I have to mirror lvx900's sentiments further up thread. That level is absolutely brutal, especially if you haven't focused too hard on levelling your flyers. I spent the entire level not being sure if I was winning or not as you are stuck in a brutal slog of trying to commit enough troops to hold off the endless wave assaults of decent quality units while the rest of your troops try to take a fort and even when you succeed you still have to commit a unit to occupying it.
Obviously this isn't a problem if the level is meant to represent a difficulty spike but if it isn't I would suggest the forts should work like they do in previous levels where you only need to visit them once to shut them down so we don't need to permanently commit a unit to occupying them.
You missed support conversation around chapter 6I have 1 and 3 stores (Quartermaster and Cassie's New Wares ), but no 2 (ch 21), did I miss it somehow?
P.S. I have never had any errors or crashes, although I play without animation, they slow down the game too much.