Rarely do I read a lot of comments on a game before I grab it or ignore it. Usually after 4 or so comments, I can tell if the game would be interesting enough for me to get it right away, if it would be just meh, or if there was something there that would be a deal breaker for me.
This is the ONLY game that I have read through 9 pages (as of 7/24/19) of comments before I downloaded. Why? Because I have never seen, in my short time on this board, so many members in agreement about a game being this great. Oh sure, I see the reverse all the time (This game sucks lemons, Don't waste your time with this POS, etc.), but this is the first time I can recall seeing the comments remain so universally positive. That's positively amazing.
I'm downloading this bad boy now. I'm pretty confident that it will not disappoint, so DEV please keep up the good work.