Corruption is ok but mind control and hypnosis for sex to me is a form of rape.
... I have a few things I need to say here.
1) While you are entitled to your opinion, are free to believe what you wish, and I respect your opinion... The fact here is that just because you believe it to be rape does not mean that what
@Raze05 said is invalid. That's would be like me saying Pink is not a color because I don't like pink or that Seafood is not food because I don't like it. Neither is a reasonable argument against the posed inquiry. Also, I would NOT be surprised if
@Raze05 already knew that you feel mind control is a form of rape as you have posted that in so many places already.
2) I'm pretty sure that by now, EVERYONE knows that you believe mind control is a form of rape (in the last 2 weeks, I have seen you say that almost word for word in nearly a dozen different threads). So I say this for all of those that take the time to read the threads.... Please, enough already! We get it! Instead of posting it all the time, do all of us (and yourself) a small favor and just put "I believe that any form of mind control is rape" into your signature, or simply don't post in the threads of games that contain mind control. I'm fine with you believing that, but it gets old seeing it over and over like a broken record, not to mention it almost never adds anything of any value to a thread and just tends to derail the conversation/thread anyway.
3) You are free to believe what you want, however I feel that I should point out that not all mind control would be rape as I can think of a few ways in which it would NOT be (though not sure if I've seen them as of yet). I will list a few:
3a) Mind control being used to REVERSE a person's lack of inhibitions (such as making them more modest/less slutty), though it would a far less interesting game unless you make it to restore a person's sanity and they fall in love with you for doing so.
3b) You're one of 2 (or more) people with mind control powers but your role is to undo the changes made by the others (villains) and restore them to how they were before and that could potentially lead to sex via romance/gratefulness/etc (or for an interesting twist, you have to restore them while trying to fight them off from fucking you... like a reverse rape you are trying to stop).
3c) Your character has complete and total integrity and only use mind control to save lives/fight crime/etc. and the sex comes via relationships, reputation, fame, etc.
I could go on but I believe I made my point, and I should point out that trying to make a game using any methods similar to what I listed would not likely be anywhere as "fun/interesting" of a game, however it is entirely possible if the right person takes the right approach then it could be a very interesting/gripping game but it would be extremely difficult for that game to gain traction as that goes directly against the set "standard" use of mind control in adult games. I personally would love to see a game like I mentioned as I would be rather interested in the story and see how things unfold.
Aside from that, every game mentioned as a suggestion are good suggestions (I've played most, if not all of them) and I have to say that they are ALL actually pretty good for what their central theme is (Superpowered = All, Glassix & Corruption = Corruption via Drugs/Mindcontrol, Summertime Saga & Man of the House = Corruption via relationship progression, and so on).
Cohabitation (
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) by Sid Valentine, which I am REALLY surprised (shocked even) that neither of you mentioned as it's another really good one (like the others listed). Doesn't have mind control, although there are drugs (an aphrodisiac and sleeping pills), they have/are of limited uses though.