It's been a bad few weeks.
First the hot temperatures in my house in early August.
Then my computer crashed, screwing up my version of HSS.
When I found a new, good one, I had to hunt down all the mods I used for RiC (yes, my backups got hit too).
When everything was working ok again, my back disease flared up. Limiting my 'sitting time' to 5 min. at a time. Not the amount of time to get
some serious work done.
Still, finished messages for Shannon and made a start with the messages for Effie.
Now, my back is slightly better (and I have a new chair) and I started working on the events for Effie again.
Currently I'm working on the last event for the Coffee Shop. And I occasionally curse myself for having made the events so complicated, but I think they will add to
a nice game play.
And as always for your patience: