So, summary of this first release: pretty darn great.
There's a lot of feels with this update for a number of reasons, but the most notable and prevelant is the way Mia is around the MC. You can tell she still hasn't got over her feelings for him and it's both heart-wrenching and exciting all at once because you know that she's trying hard to fight them, but at the same time knowing that eventually that dam will burst and we'll finally get that emotional reveal and it will be glorious.

I just wish the MC was a little more perceptive because he still doesn't recognise the signs of a woman in love or understand that this is why she left.
This is also one game where I'm really wrestling with messing with other women or not, because on the one hand, I feel like the MC really has to show some maturity this time around, far more than he did before, which would mean not messing around with others to show that he's changed and doesn't always think with his dick as this would certainly go down well with Mia. But on the other hand, well, the other women are HOT, especially Grace, and I'd
really like to tap that, but there's a fear that by doing so it could cause the same kind of problems as the previous game if he's found out. So the struggle is real, folks; stay "faithful" to Mia, or fuck all the hot women. It's a real moral quandry.
As for those aforementioned hot women, well...
- Vivian - Very hot but lesbian, and seems like she's firmly rooted in that and we won't be able to turn her, but we'll see.
- Cindy - Hot, but really, really, really dumb, and probably so dumb that she might not even remember her own sexual orientation (assuming she is lesbian based on how we first saw her), so we might have a chance, but then she probably won't remember that either, so it could end up being like Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates.
- Isla - Very nice looking MILF and the main motivation to do anything with her would seemingly be to cuck her a-hole husband Sebastian, which honestly doesn't seem like such a bad reason.
Also, I'm glad they had some reconciliation, even if it's not as much as I'd have hoped for, but that discussion on the beach was very interesting given the different choices you could make.
There wasn't too much of a difference between the MC saying that he ended things with the Mom or that she ended it, but I suspect it was better to say he did as it shows Mia that her leaving really impacted him such that he couldn't carry on with her anymore because of Mia. Also, the Emma choices couldn't be more different; either she tried to extort the Mayor of their hometown with sex and got sent to jail for it, or she's a successful pornstar living in a penthouse apartment. Don't think she really deserved something as harsh as prison, but chose that one anyway since I don't think her life ending up so great would please Mia in the long run.
So, all-in-all, this was a great start and I'm really looking forward to more updates like this one.

Just hope we won't have to wait too long for it.
IncetonGames Conviction07
Yes, Mia has a boyfriend, but we all know we're not going to see anything here, and even if he does show up, it'll likely be after she and the MC rekindle their sexual relationship so he'll surely be swiftly dumped.
Love the fact that the MC's girlfriend Sadie looks so much like Mia.
I guess he has a type.
Nice cameo.