Yeah I agree, I just meant that the tag shouldn't be in the game at all.
Do you know a way to formally request to remove a tag? I asked in the thread, but I guess I should report the thread and ask the owner to change it?
Yeah, reporting the thread or (maybe better) a comment with the reasoning is probably the way to do it. The mods don't keep a constant watch on every thread, so you have to flag these things for them to catch it.
Maybe the Dev is waiting to go full on swing mode with Maddie and MC. I for one hope there’s an option to break up with her, but that’s wishful thinking.
The dev is not responsible for the tags on this thread. Someone (I forgot who) many pages back asked for additional tags, and I skimmed through the tag list and suggested a handful that might arguably apply, including that one. I guess some mod must've noticed and picked them up.
I am not sure if Maddie and MC are an actual couple and I am too lazy to replay the game to check the dialogue. Anyway if they are a couple they can swing with singles. If either one of them communicates to the other one the desire to have sex with a third party and the green light is given, it is by definition swinging. Feel free to call me stupid if you like.
That was my reasoning, yeah. Others feel it is misleading, which is also fair. I don't really have a dog in that fight.
Edit: See
here and the next 3-4 comments for the arguments for and against in nuce.