1. If you choose VN mode and then choose to ignore a character, Robin, Lana, Heather, whoever... don’t complain about not understanding the story. Remember, you just ignored a whole character!!! If you didn’t want to sleep with the character then are other chances to say no, with the exception of Robin.
2. The updates for 7C, are at the main menu on the updates button. There are walkthroughs at the main menu on the walkthrough button.
3. If you created a list of games to play, games you like, top games, whatever... and ROCKING ROBIN isn’t on it, don’t
Robbery1211 me. @ one of the devs you support.
4. The game has been out for 2 years. If you have played it, then you have already made up your mind as to whether you will support it or not. I don’t make ROCKING ROBIN for the people that have already played it. That’s what the updates button is for at the main menu. When you click start or load a save expect something new or redone every time.