Had a few hours this afternoon to work on this so here's the latest:
Menu choice ChoiceGuide:
HeatherPhoto DynamicGuide:
LanaPhoto DynamicGuide:
FinePhoto DynamicGuide:
LanaTime FreeRoam guide:
FineTime FreeRoam guide:
Done (as far as I can get due to story abruptly halting and buggy code)
Overall FreeRoam DynamicGuide:
Not done (will continue once the bugs have been squashed)
Regarding FinesTime event I'm going to give you an "emergency exit" for the helluvit. A savepoint notification is provided to alert you so you can have a stable save file. A bit after that scene (where folks have been getting caught in a code loop) is where I created the exit choice which gives you all the info, warnings, and a way to change your mind before proceeding:
If the player decides to go back all variables are reverted 100% exact and they are placed at the end of the current Zeron event:
If the player proceeds to exit then they get an info screen then dropped in the map to have a ball:
I've also moved the Hidden Photo Guide from the gallery to the SanchoCheats screen so it can be accessed while in-game. It has been recoded to function correctly this way and when you're done looking at it you'll return to exactly where you were when you initially accessed the guide (basically a screen toggle within a screen toggle):
I'm speedrunning VN mode to insure those folks have a correct ChoiceGuide that doesn't have the non-VN mode code overlap and tuning that code as I go. This is also giving me the opportunity to flesh out the stat screens with event choice data that's relevant. Once this is done I'm pushing it all out for the mod update.