Probably 9.0 end:Another save request sorry, looking for start of v10, pretty sure i messed mine up and can't seem to progress further. Would like to try again from the start of v10
if someone has a start of v10 save i would be grateful
What are you on about? Bob has been here from the start. Every new version will get released here a month after its release on Patreon. Besides by that time most if not all bugs will be resolved by then.It's sad to see what this thread has been reduced to ever since the developer decided to take part of it and completely kill all momentum.
buy hair removal cream in the office think its at 11 or 12ok so I finally got to the point where I offer to shave the beard off yet after the offer I have no way to shave it there's no option to do so and I played in game for 2 more weeks and never got past 2 events second of which was the beard shave offer. Any way to trigger the shaving?
With firefox browser memory overflow may occur. Run out of RAM. Use the MEGA Desktop App, or other browsers. For example: opera.I have problem with mega, when download end shut down my browser