
Jun 2, 2020
So the character Mar the wolf shapeshifter that wants to "Protect" your mother, if you choose to keep him around you get to see the scenes i was talking about. not the first one you get where you can join, but after a while and multiple vists you can talk to mar and you can give your blessing to have him impregnate your mother, and then later you can give that blessing to her. then even later you get the NTR scene. After that there is another shared scene. Thats all.
So, if you kill Mar, you get no new Farm Mom content? Fucking LAME! What made them think this is a good idea? The only decent mom/son stuff in the game and they ignore it in favour of some Deus ex NTR. If you can already fuck your mom, why not have the MC impregnate her and not some random dude from nowhere.

I could understand if Mar were locked behind Female MC, because you can't really fuck your mother as a female. So fucking a dog/wolf together with your mom would be the second best thing.

This is a real disappointment. I was hoping for more Farm Mom stuff, like inviting her to the bloody FARM in your castle. But no, nothing.

MC presumably gets her Preganant, but all of the new scene feature threesomes or sharing in em.
Nah, pretty sure Mar gets her pregnant. There is that whole dialogue with Mar wanting to know the source of your power and him looking for the source in your mother. The dialogue ends with the MC telling Mar to ask Farm Mom if she would give birth to his child.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
Seeing the new art, I have to say that on some scenes the AI is better, but on the others not. It was necessary the change to an only one art style, because it was clear that they were drawn by different artists or styles. It is a game made by pure patches, not a solid core. So I hope it works well, eitherway if on some scenes are worse than the original, it would be good that they remake them until it fits to what it is intended, so they dont feel like dolls and have better expresions. About the rest , I expect massive bugs because they dont know how to fucking code, they are amateurs trying to act like professionals, and never gets the job done. One example is their new game that worked so much.Damn I have hopes but my expectations are very low.
This was not necessary, never necessary.

Bug fixing was necessary because it improves (and in worst cases allows) gameplay and satisfaction from it. New content was somewhat necessary because it gave people more things to do, allowed them to experience game is slightly different ways.

At worst inconsistent art was a matter of taste, not necessity. Personally, I prefer variety of styles so I can enjoy different approaches each artist put into their work and find something that suits me. Roundscape had this in spades before and much less now. And counter-point to you whole point of view is Legend of Queen Opala. That game series has varied artstyles, yet variety wasn't an issue, but a selling point.

As for the opinion that AI made some scenes better - in most cases its an illusion that does not hold the scrutiny. Besides elven priestess scene I struggle to remember at least another 1 scene (though I recall it was some 3-4 scenes total) that was improved by AI. And by that I mean made better overall, not better in some aspects and worse in others. Almost every time with AI-replacements even a surface-level scrutiny brings on aspects that were made worse - often MUCH worse.

The most common case is portrayal of emotions. Even the best AI pictures lack in this department - and that's the best. Usually, you encounter doll-like faces or emotions that does not fit the action.

Another point is that AI draws eyes very poorly. Irises inside irises as circles within circles, eyes that point in different directions at once, eyes that point in wrong direction.

And the last part is that AI-generation usually makes very soulles pictures that look alike. They lack personal touch that makes art interesting, instead looking like a result of mass-production. You've seen one picture of particular AI-generator - you've basically seen them all.

Those are glaring issue, objective issues, issues that go beyond mere question of personal preference. And I didn't even took into consideration many purely technical mistakes - misshaped or miscolored bodyparts, for example.

None of this shit was necessary. And it would probably not happen if not for people who tried to push their personal opinion about phony "necessity" to make artstyle uniform. The result of your collective actions and expressed opinions is a game that made noticeably worse in art department - the most important department given the genre.

Not by opinions - by metrics, measurably worse, objectively worse. Dozens of posts in this one thread delve deep into dozens of examples of AI-replaced images and their many issues.

It is not a matter of opinion anymore. AI-generation as it is now is lacking - plain and simple. And wish for unifrom artsyle was a mistake.


Active Member
May 23, 2020
This was not necessary, never necessary.

Bug fixing was necessary because it improves (and in worst cases allows) gameplay and satisfaction from it. New content was somewhat necessary because it gave people more things to do, allowed them to experience game is slightly different ways.

At worst inconsistent art was a matter of taste, not necessity. Personally, I prefer variety of styles so I can enjoy different approaches each artist put into their work and find something that suits me. Roundscape had this in spades before and much less now. And counter-point to you whole point of view is Legend of Queen Opala. That game series has varied artstyles, yet variety wasn't an issue, but a selling point.

As for the opinion that AI made some scenes better - in most cases its an illusion that does not hold the scrutiny. Besides elven priestess scene I struggle to remember at least another 1 scene (though I recall it was some 3-4 scenes total) that was improved by AI. And by that I mean made better overall, not better in some aspects and worse in others. Almost every time with AI-replacements even a surface-level scrutiny brings on aspects that were made worse - often MUCH worse.

The most common case is portrayal of emotions. Even the best AI pictures lack in this department - and that's the best. Usually, you encounter doll-like faces or emotions that does not fit the action.

Another point is that AI draws eyes very poorly. Irises inside irises as circles within circles, eyes that point in different directions at once, eyes that point in wrong direction.

And the last part is that AI-generation usually makes very soulles pictures that look alike. They lack personal touch that makes art interesting, instead looking like a result of mass-production. You've seen one picture of particular AI-generator - you've basically seen them all.

Those are glaring issue, objective issues, issues that go beyond mere question of personal preference. And I didn't even took into consideration many purely technical mistakes - misshaped or miscolored bodyparts, for example.

None of this shit was necessary. And it would probably not happen if not for people who tried to push their personal opinion about phony "necessity" to make artstyle uniform. The result of your collective actions and expressed opinions is a game that made noticeably worse in art department - the most important department given the genre.

Not by opinions - by metrics, measurably worse, objectively worse. Dozens of posts in this one thread delve deep into dozens of examples of AI-replaced images and their many issues.

It is not a matter of opinion anymore. AI-generation as it is now is lacking - plain and simple. And wish for unifrom artsyle was a mistake.
Lol, it is like you put your anger and frustration, blame on those who share their personnal opinions to feel better about it,instead of putting the blame on who take the final decisions of what to do in their game. I wouldn't understand why a fucking long post to a nobody who randomly put his own opinion, if that's not true.

Don't care if you dont like my personal opinion, I dont care about your personal opinion either. But I dont like your try to put the blame on me, among many others.
I played the game, didnt like the difference between the artstyle on sex scenes, told to the creator, and above all other bugs that make the game annoying for me. He cares for my opinion? I am cool with it. He doesnt care? I am cool with it too, I will still sleep.
I liked the history of the game and new approachs on mechanics though.

But if I dont like this new "revamp" I will not play it either, like I tried the new arenus and didn't like those bugs that made the game annying for me.
The team of roundscape adorevia will still get the cash and roll with it, we like it or not.

Don't like, dont play, there are many other games and developers out there. I will support those I think it is worth and stop to those who are not worthy anymore.
Time put everyone in their place, so if they still get cash, it means that they are doing a pretty good job so far on the eyes of who support them.

Chill and have a nice day.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
Lol, it is like you put your anger and frustration, blame on those who share their personnal opinions to feel better about it,instead of putting the blame on who take the final decisions of what to do in their game. I wouldn't understand why a fucking long post to a nobody who randomly put his own opinion, if that's not true.

Don't care if you dont like my personal opinion, I dont care about your personal opinion either. But I dont like your try to put the blame on me, among many others.
I played the game, didnt like the difference between the artstyle on sex scenes, told to the creator, and above all other bugs that make the game annoying for me. He cares for my opinion? I am cool with it. He doesnt care? I am cool with it too, I will still sleep.
I liked the history of the game and new approachs on mechanics though.

But if I dont like this new "revamp" I will not play it either, like I tried the new arenus and didn't like those bugs that made the game annying for me.
The team of roundscape adorevia will still get the cash and roll with it, we like it or not.

Don't like, dont play, there are many other games and developers out there. I will support those I think it is worth and stop to those who are not worthy anymore.
Time put everyone in their place, so if they still get cash, it means that they are doing a pretty good job so far on the eyes of who support them.

Chill and have a nice day.
Its just your turn to face my verbo-rancid word-squirt, baby. As for the devs - I have already said everything I want to say about them. Spoiler: I think they are greedy lazy asshats who couldn't care enough about doing the job they were paid to do via many donations. I just don't want to rant about them any longer since I've already took a dump on them in few dozen other messages in this here thread. I don't like to repeat myself.

Buuuuuuut, I also see where your opinion about unifrom artstyle comes in - because it is a shared opinion that many people expressed. And I don't think there is a chance devs weren't aware that many people who played their game wanted artistic uniformity. I think a good proof of that is the fact that latter pre-Gold Edition updates featured the same artist for most, if not all scenes added then - heck, all new (not replaced) scenes in this update (spare for 1, maybe?) were done by that person too. So, the push for unifrom art was real - and I am certain it came from players, not devs.

The logical solution to make this push real, given the era, was to use AI. Roundscape have hundreds of images. Re-doing them via an artist would cost a lot, obviously. AI-generation presents money-free solution that would get the same result, albeit with shittier quality.

I know it may be a stretch, but for me it is quite clear that push for uniformity affected devs' decision making, that, given their laziness, culminated in cheapskating through the means of AI-generation.

So, yes, I am kinda seething at you (and coping, yes, probably, maybe). But there is a seed of rationality and reasoning behind my seething. Which, I think, makes it a passable opinion to share. I mean - as long as anyone can put reasoning behind words, that is opinion worthy of attention. In my book at least. And yes - I am a very pretentious and verbose asshole, as you can see.

As for "why the longpost?"... Well, how to put it?

Gentlemen, I LOVE LONGPOSTS. I love sheets of text. I love overly verbose messages. I love violet prose. I love those pretentious young authors who try to pump words at the rate of machinegun. I love see rows of letters floating on top of each other from daybreak to dawn. I love add empty bullshit into my master's degree work just because I can pretend I am smarter than I am. I love to dust people's eyes and ears with glitter of complex wording that I may not even know the definition of!

Gentlemen, I cannot control my textual urges call 911 help heeeelp! MEEEEEEEDIIIIIC!!! fucking love longposting.

I am not arguing with you, to be honest. Kinda appreciate chill "time will tell", "don't like - calmly walk away" approach - a good one to have, actually.

But I just don't like this point of view that diverse imagery is somehow bad. I mean - yes, to someone, its a matter of taste. Its just - and I have said it here many times even before this whole Gold Ed debacle extravaganzo - that push for one style to rule them all is a dice roll. You may have good result, bad result, okay result, mediocre result, but you are stuck with it. And I think there are higher chances - especially with devs like these - that the result won't be that good, that devs will just roll with cheaper options for obvious reasons. Having tons of style to me isn't just a matter of preference, but is sort of a life-jacket - with variety I can be sure I will find something to my licking, anything. With single style its either hit or a miss.

And what we can learn from this game, with one style it could also be AI-generation: soulless, expressionless, bland, boring, cookie-cutter crap, riddled with tons of issues that even a novice artist usually hammers out of their works. To put it bluntly, with AI the push for uniformity risks a drop in quality, should the devs take AI option and run with it. After all, its cheap and lazy option, so why would anyone expect high quality from devs who chose it, right?

P.S. To put into perspective how lazy we are talking about here - some of original image sets had close-ups that were used as prelude for main action or interlude between its stages or variants. Obviously, those close-ups were just cropped from bigger pictures - I mean, it would take only seconds in any image-making program, right?

What devs did, however, still baffles me no matter how many times I encounter it. In way too many cases they didn't use 30 seconds in MS Paint to make a close-up. They have generated it separately. Which often, oh so very often led to broken continuity of a scene, so much so that expression, direction of gaze and even things like skincolor of character and whether or not she has cum on her face, changed mid-scene.

Imagine being that lazy. They've just made an input, waited for result, named the images and dropped them into folder. Not even checking what was generated. To tell you the truth - one of Ruksana scenes has her changing color from teal to green. That was laughably absurd.


Active Member
May 23, 2020
Its just your turn to face my verbo-rancid word-squirt, baby. As for the devs - I have already said everything I want to say about them. Spoiler: I think they are greedy lazy asshats who couldn't care enough about doing the job they were paid to do via many donations. I just don't want to rant about them any longer since I've already took a dump on them in few dozen other messages in this here thread. I don't like to repeat myself.

Buuuuuuut, I also see where your opinion about unifrom artstyle comes in - because it is a shared opinion that many people expressed. And I don't think there is a chance devs weren't aware that many people who played their game wanted artistic uniformity. I think a good proof of that is the fact that latter pre-Gold Edition updates featured the same artist for most, if not all scenes added then - heck, all new (not replaced) scenes in this update (spare for 1, maybe?) were done by that person too. So, the push for unifrom art was real - and I am certain it came from players, not devs.

The logical solution to make this push real, given the era, was to use AI. Roundscape have hundreds of images. Re-doing them via an artist would cost a lot, obviously. AI-generation presents money-free solution that would get the same result, albeit with shittier quality.

I know it may be a stretch, but for me it is quite clear that push for uniformity affected devs' decision making, that, given their laziness, culminated in cheapskating through the means of AI-generation.

So, yes, I am kinda seething at you (and coping, yes, probably, maybe). But there is a seed of rationality and reasoning behind my seething. Which, I think, makes it a passable opinion to share. I mean - as long as anyone can put reasoning behind words, that is opinion worthy of attention. In my book at least. And yes - I am a very pretentious and verbose asshole, as you can see.

As for "why the longpost?"... Well, how to put it?

Gentlemen, I LOVE LONGPOSTS. I love sheets of text. I love overly verbose messages. I love violet prose. I love those pretentious young authors who try to pump words at the rate of machinegun. I love see rows of letters floating on top of each other from daybreak to dawn. I love add empty bullshit into my master's degree work just because I can pretend I am smarter than I am. I love to dust people's eyes and ears with glitter of complex wording that I may not even know the definition of!

Gentlemen, I cannot control my textual urges call 911 help heeeelp! MEEEEEEEDIIIIIC!!! fucking love longposting.

I am not arguing with you, to be honest. Kinda appreciate chill "time will tell", "don't like - calmly walk away" approach - a good one to have, actually.

But I just don't like this point of view that diverse imagery is somehow bad. I mean - yes, to someone, its a matter of taste. Its just - and I have said it here many times even before this whole Gold Ed debacle extravaganzo - that push for one style to rule them all is a dice roll. You may have good result, bad result, okay result, mediocre result, but you are stuck with it. And I think there are higher chances - especially with devs like these - that the result won't be that good, that devs will just roll with cheaper options for obvious reasons. Having tons of style to me isn't just a matter of preference, but is sort of a life-jacket - with variety I can be sure I will find something to my licking, anything. With single style its either hit or a miss.

And what we can learn from this game, with one style it could also be AI-generation: soulless, expressionless, bland, boring, cookie-cutter crap, riddled with tons of issues that even a novice artist usually hammers out of their works. To put it bluntly, with AI the push for uniformity risks a drop in quality, should the devs take AI option and run with it. After all, its cheap and lazy option, so why would anyone expect high quality from devs who chose it, right?

P.S. To put into perspective how lazy we are talking about here - some of original image sets had close-ups that were used as prelude for main action or interlude between its stages or variants. Obviously, those close-ups were just cropped from bigger pictures - I mean, it would take only seconds in any image-making program, right?

What devs did, however, still baffles me no matter how many times I encounter it. In way too many cases they didn't use 30 seconds in MS Paint to make a close-up. They have generated it separately. Which often, oh so very often led to broken continuity of a scene, so much so that expression, direction of gaze and even things like skincolor of character and whether or not she has cum on her face, changed mid-scene.

Imagine being that lazy. They've just made an input, waited for result, named the images and dropped them into folder. Not even checking what was generated. To tell you the truth - one of Ruksana scenes has her changing color from teal to green. That was laughably absurd.
I like honesty

Let's have a coffee one day.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
I like honesty
View attachment 2788731

Let's have a coffee one day.
Amen to that. Honesty is terribly underrated. Its easier to find a billion polite asshats who won't give a shit about you, than one dude who will tell you what he thinks about you.
Lets look at it through more romantic lenses - if someone went after your personal opinion, they must care about it and you enough to spend their time.
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Active Member
May 23, 2020
Amen to that. Honesty is terribly underrated. Its easier to find a billion polite asshats who won't give a shit about you, than one dude who will tell you what he thinks about you.
View attachment 2788769
Lets look at it through more romantic lenses - if someone went after your personal opinion, they must care about it and you enough to spend their time.
True. I agree with it.


Dec 28, 2017
So, if you kill Mar, you get no new Farm Mom content? Fucking LAME! What made them think this is a good idea? The only decent mom/son stuff in the game and they ignore it in favour of some Deus ex NTR. If you can already fuck your mom, why not have the MC impregnate her and not some random dude from nowhere.

I could understand if Mar were locked behind Female MC, because you can't really fuck your mother as a female. So fucking a dog/wolf together with your mom would be the second best thing.

This is a real disappointment. I was hoping for more Farm Mom stuff, like inviting her to the bloody FARM in your castle. But no, nothing.

Nah, pretty sure Mar gets her pregnant. There is that whole dialogue with Mar wanting to know the source of your power and him looking for the source in your mother. The dialogue ends with the MC telling Mar to ask Farm Mom if she would give birth to his child.
Yeh you right, i just presumed it was mc. this is even worse. it certainly wasnt made for us people in mind. which is fine, but damn what a shame. the 2dcg rpgm mom/son stuff has always been my favorite on this site. so it hits double to see a good one fall off the preference

Leo D. Marstone

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
I also see where your opinion about unifrom artstyle comes in - because it is a shared opinion that many people expressed.
I believe from deep down my heart that the majority of people who whished for a uniform artstyle had not AI style in mind but one artist that draws for them. This was also not a pipedream or something with the kind of money they are making. No one wanted AI.
Maybe they were thinking along the lines not to put more money than needed for this game because it is old and they want to move on.

It is also weird that no one from the devs or associates are in this thread defending this crap. They either know what shit they fabricated or are afraid.... or worse they just dont care anymore.
There was at least one dude fron the team over on the Arenus thread but here? Radio silence.

I guess this tells us everything. :HideThePain:
Dec 28, 2022
Thank you greatly. Though I've made that screen literally after talking to her in Xas. What part of the quest am I missing?
did you help her find the book in the library? after that meet back up with her after completing another quest or so, and you can meet up to find the beast who's blood she needs.


Feb 14, 2021
I believe from deep down my heart that the majority of people who whished for a uniform artstyle had not AI style in mind but one artist that draws for them. This was also not a pipedream or something with the kind of money they are making. No one wanted AI.
Maybe they were thinking along the lines not to put more money than needed for this game because it is old and they want to move on.

It is also weird that no one from the devs or associates are in this thread defending this crap. They either know what shit they fabricated or are afraid.... or worse they just dont care anymore.
There was at least one dude fron the team over on the Arenus thread but here? Radio silence.

I guess this tells us everything. :HideThePain:
If I take a guess they'll keep doing bug fixes then when they are all gone maybe make the game open for the people and move on with their lives as they are most likely burned out.


New Member
Feb 16, 2019
Damn, searched everwhere, finished the game, but still can't find how to trigger new Emek's rest ending. Anyone got it?

The plug of power is op.


Oct 22, 2019
hi where do I find camilla after meeting her at the castle she is not in the forrest


Aug 29, 2021
So, can farm mom never move to your castle if you join her as a prostitute? Gonna be annoyed if i have to restart the whole playthrough bc i made the wrong choice. Probably gonna have to anyway if & when the bugs are fixed. Curious bc there seems to be no scenes of you Working with her. You're always alone. Despite the tavern owner asking if you're okay with working with her. I thought paying her to quit would lock out her scenes, but it seems to be the other way around?


New Member
Jun 20, 2022
So, can farm mom never move to your castle if you join her as a prostitute? Gonna be annoyed if i have to restart the whole playthrough bc i made the wrong choice. Probably gonna have to anyway if & when the bugs are fixed. Curious bc there seems to be no scenes of you Working with her. You're always alone. Despite the tavern owner asking if you're okay with working with her. I thought paying her to quit would lock out her scenes, but it seems to be the other way around?
You can get 1 scene with you, your mom and Katelyn. You must do Katelyn's companion quest, after that have Katelyn in your group and visit your mom at her home then go to the tavern to talk with your mom and then go visit Katelyn at your castle and talk to her, after that you can visit your mom at the tavern and get a new scene.
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Jul 26, 2018
Guys where are the people for Oakshire restoration? Also anyone have the list of mysterious shards locations? I've only found 11 of them.
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