Good grief... Do some of you just immediately assume the worst before you even give a dev a chance to tell his story? LOL
I won't respond to your comment concerning "YET" because it is pointless. But consider this: If you're going to immediately assume the worst case scenario in any AVN (in other words, you think it isn't going to go your way), then why bother ever reading another one? When you watch a movie, do you turn it off in the first 15 minutes because you didn't like something? Or do you stick it out and see if there is more to it than what you saw on the surface?
I really wish "fans" of these games would not spend so much effort trying to browbeat devs into changing their stories based on their personal preferences or "fears" of the dreaded 3 letter word. Honestly, it seems like every thread I read nowadays, every few pages has a few fans or other complaining about some theoretical future event in a game that hasn't even happened yet, just so they can try to shame the dev into deleting the offending event.
I think you nailed it right on the head N2TheFire. If you are a reader of books, you don't expect the author to write a story that is exactly how you expect it to be from the book description. If you are watching a movie, you don't expect the director to tell a story completely straight, twists are celebrated if done well. But for some reason AVN writers get tons and tons of criticism over every single aspect of their stories that doesn't match a fans preconceived notions of what he wants it to be.
Seriously, guys (you know you you are), take a deep breath and chill out. If you like a story, or a particular dev trust that he will write his AVN so it is an overall fun and positive experience.
I am not saying you shouldn't criticize if, say, the quality drops off a cliff from one update to the next, or part of the story makes no sense, or you hate a particular character. Say what you want. But to try to complain over things that haven't even happened, or to be so sensitive that the character in a completely different game, can't have be a different MC's LI, this is just silly.
Are you going to get all upset if the Melody copy in Serenity is an LI because you liked her in the game Melody, or you liked Celeste from Sylphia Island (too late)? Just have fun with the game. It's not real life (hint see cat ears and tails + magic).
Anyway, for the 95% of people around here that don't spend their time moving from thread to thread trying to intimidate devs to tell stories exactly how they personally want, feel free to ignore my rant.