This guide seems to be focused on how to progress through stages, but completely omits game systems.
What exactly are Lewdness, Lust, Poison Level and how does them impact the gameplay? From my first playthrough it seems that Poison Level and body part Sensitivity acts as a multiplayer for Lust (and Lewdness)? There's a level of Lewdness (and Lust?) that makes our character sex-crazed doll, making her voluntarily push herself into various encounters. But there's some sort of threshold, a cap that will bring us to the bad end. But it's not clearly defined, neither in game nor in this guide.
By pressing C in game you can show/hide top bar with three stats. Left one is Lust, middle is Poison Level, but the right one is unknown to me - it's not represented in stats menu. What is it?
Also, what's the difference between weapons?
What are the untranslated bottom three options in the setup menu for?