
Dec 4, 2017
You do you. It's great to hear about things taking a turn for the better. Invest in your health, be well. Quit doing what triggers the bad stuff. Stop being a poopy pants. Get advice from less ...degenerate sources (incl. us here). The future is yours.
The developer can sell created characters
in daz3d on:


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
Hey guys - long time no see.
I just posted this one to my Patreon and you of all people deserve to see it as well.

Hi everyone (long post)
It has been a while and shit went from worse to catastrophic in just a few weeks after I cancelled SotF. Depression had really gotten the better of me up to me cancelling the project and I had dug myself down into a hole again in the company of oxy and codein … and a lot of it.

My doc suddenly realized that I was popping them like candy, and we had words. I was forced to cut down on the meds, of course, and I went to see a shrink … again.

Somehow, she helped me get back on track with the meds and managed to pull me up from the hole. I even reached a point where I wanted to cook again and actually eat something healthier than junk food. That was when things really went downhill. I lifted a pot from the stove and my back went from reasonable to … not reasonable is the understatement of the century.

Somehow this movement managed to throw me back twenty years and I could now look forward to starting all over again. I had long forgotten how terrible the pains were back then but it’s funny how easily your memory can be jolted back in time.

I had the wits to drop the pot on the stove before I fell on the floor. Luckily, I have my phone with me at all times so I could call my youngest to come help me into bed. I am so thankful that she lives close to me.

A quick word with my doc the next morning made him up my medication and add a little extra umph so I could get some resemblance of rest. The MRI showed that I had sustained the exact same injury from 20 years ago and I have to admit that I was devastated.

I was referred to the local hospital for a possible surgery as I could not see myself surviving going forward with this kind of pain and lack of mobility. The 75% risk of being paralyzed from the waist down was still a thing, and they were not able to reassure me that even if I was paralyzed the pain would go away. In effect I could end up being both paralyzed and having these crazy pains in my back. Their advice was that I contemplate a few days before making such a decision as their advice was to not get surgery. They would do it if I was adamant about it, but they strongly suggested that I shouldn’t get the surgery.

Fast forward ten days. I went to sleep just hoping for a just a few hours of rest. High as a kite and I did fall asleep. When I woke up again, I had slept for six hours, but more importantly … there was no pain in my back! Befuddled I got out of bed, and it was not a trick of my imagination – the back pain was gone!

I have never in my life felt such a relief in my body. I lack the vocabulary to describe this feeling and the emotions that flooded me. Grown men don’t cry … they weep! I popped some more meds and got back into bed because I was feeling strangely exhausted and the next time, I opened my eyes I had gotten twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep. The pain in my back was still gone and it still is to this day.

What had happened? My doc’s very scientific response was: “It’s a miracle!” I am not very religiously inclined, but I have to admit that I have thanked God quite a few times since this happened. The neurologists have explained that this kind of injury usually goes in itself within a year in 99% of the times. There are a select few where it does not. I was one of the select few for twenty years and now I am suddenly cured.

I have been very mindful with myself and my body these last weeks and I have even managed to drop half of my medication intake. Still no pain. I was a little worried that the pain had only receded to a level where the medication could effectively combat them. Well I still have another half to get rid of so I may discover this going forward, but right now I am full of hope for the future, which is something that has been severely lacking for quite a while.
The past five years have been more than just a nightmare all in all. From the beginning where I took up the mantle of game developer it feels like Murphy put a collar around my neck and attached a leash to it so he could jank me back if things were beginning to go too well for me. Maybe he has found a new favorite victim (poor soul), or he has reasoned that I am not fun anymore.

There is a long road ahead of me with physical therapy. Both for me to lose weight (I have gained forty pounds over the past twenty years) and to build some muscle again. My physical therapist claims that she will have me back in better shape than I was twenty years ago, but it may take me between one to two years depending on how slow we need to take it. For the first time in decades I am actually looking forward to living.

It is a long post, but I feel like I owe you some good news about my life considering how many times I have given you bad news in the past and I think this news is as good as it can possibly get for me.

What about the future of SotF? Well, I have decided to live a little before returning to the project and over the next six months I will go wherever my inspiration and creativity takes me in regard to making erotic comics. Come April 2023, I will hopefully be able return to working on SotF.
I want to able to work eight hours a day before I get back in the saddle, so it may even be more than six months, or if I am lucky and physical therapy really kicks off, it may even be less – I am hopeful!

Cheers - Kaffekop
That is great to hear Kaffekop!

I hope and pray you may get fully better.

I agree with you that it is better to wait until resuming SotF and wish you a good recuperation.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Yes this things so dead the MC's last name should be Kennedy.

Shame too, I really liked this one.
Yeah, a lot of the "supernatural" or "paranormal" games are just bad, but this one stood out as something worth playing and watching. Ah well. At least hope the Dev gets his life together and lives a good one.


Feb 4, 2022
Is it worth playing in current state: does landlady already had real action with MC? I see abandoned tag and developer last post, but plot and previews look interesting.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Is it worth playing in current state: does landlady already had real action with MC? I see abandoned tag and developer last post, but plot and previews look interesting.
IIRC he does get the landlady and roommates before the game ends in current form. Might require at least two playthroughs to get all of them.


Dec 27, 2018
Is it worth playing in current state: does landlady already had real action with MC? I see abandoned tag and developer last post, but plot and previews look interesting.
IIRC he does get the landlady and roommates before the game ends in current form. Might require at least two playthroughs to get all of them.
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May 25, 2019
Big Brother: Another Story
And it made me remember this amazing gem of agame and wondering what happened to it, just went threw patreon and saw the last public post. Regardless if you pick up where you left off or not with Stof, hope you feel better Kaffekop.
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Reactions: Daiju Fuma
Jan 2, 2022
I've read the last 2 pages.
I'm to the point where the MC is going to the 'psychic bookstore owner.' I'm wondering how much more of the game there is, and whether it's worth continuing to play, or if it ends before a satisfactory point. Meaning we are left wondering about the plot, etc. I'm not worried if no sex with family members. Plenty of other sex scenes already. :geek:

Mikey Mike

Engaged Member
Feb 18, 2018
I've read the last 2 pages.
I'm to the point where the MC is going to the 'psychic bookstore owner.' I'm wondering how much more of the game there is, and whether it's worth continuing to play, or if it ends before a satisfactory point. Meaning we are left wondering about the plot, etc. I'm not worried if no sex with family members. Plenty of other sex scenes already. :geek:
We'll never know because they'll probably never be any new content. The game is dead Jim! I hope someone recreates the mom character in a new game with animation, oh yeah!


Active Member
Jun 2, 2017

Heya folks and foxes.
A belated merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.
It has been a while and on my end it has been quite a tough while with little energy and serious downtime as I had to get weened off my oxy and codeine. Not just learn how to handle the addiction but cut it completely. This has been a tough one much to my surprise, actually. I thought that it would not be a problem - oh boy was I wrong! Long story very short, I managed to fight my way trough to the other side and I am now clean. One hell of a struggle, though.
I am not sure I would not have made it if not for The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Zero Dawn. Those 400+ gaming hours managed to keep my mind occupied throughout December and into January, which helped me managing my withdrawal symptoms. I am never doing this again! playing games; yes! Not the oxy and codeine addiction.
Anyways. I am still trying me hands on animating and I have decided that any animations are going to be made in DAZ, which is the program that I use for the images. It's mostly like fighting a toddler, throwing a husky temper tantrum, but if I where to dive into Blender for the animations, I am not sure when I would be able to return to SotF. I also tried my hands on UE5, IClone8 and Cascadeur. None of those really tickle my fancy. There seems to be quite the learning curve with these programs. UE5 looks fairly interesting and it could be interesting to create an adult game in that engine, but that is maybe something for the future - who knows.
As you probably already have guessed I am returning to SotF sometime this year. The first order of business will be an updated version 0.7 (will be labeled as version 0.7.1). It will be released when I have added animations to all the sex scenes that exists in the game at the time of writing this. There are quite a few sex scenes so it will take a while.
I hope that life treats you well and thank you for your patience.
I will try to keep you updated on a more regular basis in the future.

Cheers - Kaffekop
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