
Jun 9, 2017
I don't know why so many people make excuses for SR7 when he does clearly smoothbrain shit like copy/pasta his code when like you said he could just use the same code. He could keep notes, or better hire a better coder since they make more than enough monthly to afford somebody to JUST work on the code, they don't because that would actually force them to put out more than like 5 updates a year.
I just have to laugh at the idea this guy , that made a 100k (or so) a month game does anything "smoothbrain". So the option at this point are

1. Hes been having "Bug Issues" for about 6 years now. Built aforementioned gaming company, but doenst hire a game coder.
2. He realizes that this games funding is basically on auto pilot ,and all he has to do is release the absolute bare minimum which is about 3 of the same picture with a slightly altered face, every 3 months.

SR7 is not a "soothbrain". Heck if anything hes roughbrained lol. Ive said something similar to this before, but I dont even think negatively of him for doing what he does at this point.

If you went for a job and the descriptions was "100K per month, every 3 months you have to submit 3 hand drawn images". 100K, You start out inking painting and framing gorgeous pieces, As the years pass you start to live the 100k life style. you travel, and life happens. You rush and send a quick pencil drawing....and you get that 100K check. Next month same , so you stop all that extra stuff. Now you realize you dont have to do more than erase the face or doddle a dress you can send anything, and you will get a 100K check . Why would you do more? Worse case people stop paying....at this point youve made millions, youve brought property, invested, your doing this because why kill the golden goose, but if the goose dies, Ok.

We've all seen artist burn out. I would argue MOST artist burn out. They grow up, they have kids, they become adults, and drawn cartoon tits and ass becomes less rewarding. In this case Sunset is feeding the golden goose, but im sure the allure of taking care of this thing is gone. One trait that you can see in the artist that stay is a need to grow. To improve there art style. SR7 has gone in reverse. Look at lois, mercy , then look at tera, cassie. Then realize that when lois was being made he was making about 5K a month. I paid early on, i love the game when it was just the first 3, then the "bugs", and delays etc. I dont pay anymore, so i dont mind that he does what he does, but i just laughed at the "smoothbrain" part, and the comments that assume hes lacking, and not the more obvious, he doesnt care. Which is fine, Thank you for the free Crisi butt shots.


Jun 6, 2017
I just have 3 things to say about this update.

First we already had like 4 years of not getting the excuse of Sunset got sick in the last week and the entire update got fucked, for the people here who have been following this game since 2016 will remember that back in 2017/2018 that was always his main excuse, Oh Sunset eat a bad burrito 2 days before the release and the entire update got fuck, like we understand that people can get sick thats not the issue here, the issue here is that Sunset excuse is that for the week he was sick he couldnt fix the "bugs" then if its just a week that you need to fix the issue then just release a statement explaining the situation and that you just need another week but we know thats not the case, also his time management is horrible like even if he actually got sick the last week should always be to fixing last moment issues not a game breaker error

Second the fucking lack of creativity for the scenes for the Meta Bordello content is really astonishing, here Sunset is supposed to have more freedom for the scenes because he doesn't have to add multiple costumes and yet the perfect example is Black Canary content, her bj scene in the private room is super boring and her exhibition content the first scene is a fucking handjob and her second scene is a copy paste from Supergirl scene

Third the real reason for the lack of content for the Themyscira event is because Sunset already burned out of this event the same way that he burned out with the completion updates or other incomplete events in the game. Thats why he added a new character to the event with Circe and previously added the Avatar's characters and April O'Neil, he has always had the same modus operandi which is when he gets bored he uses the excuse of bugs or just add characters. The addition of Circe makes zero sense when supposedly main characters of the event like Grail and Diana have zero content.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
I hope someday whoever proofreads the script for this game learns the difference between glower and "growler".
One of these is not a real English word.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
Query; do any of the heroines/villainesses "get caught" by patrons during their walk through the Glamour Slam? I would think that would be enjoyable to watch...
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