Rather than addressing every specific concern, it seems like a good idea to go through my overall plan with you all (and I'll be posting something like this to the Patreon page as well).
This patch represents a pretty big turning point in the project. Now that the animation update is "finished," I'm officially done with major changes (barring the unlikely event of a stretch goal being reached). Everything going forward breaks down into three basic categories:
- Content (bondage clothing, events, and cutscene environments that don't have significant code attached)
- Polish (upgrading the economic report, fetish interview, main UI, etc)
- Bugfixes (of which about 70% are related to character display and animation).
The goal is to finish this project in six months or so to coincide with some IRL events, but we'll see. I think it's possible, but code is notoriously hard to estimate, and I'd rather go over that deadline than leave it unfinished.
The learning process in these last couple patches has made progress slow, which is stressful with the tri-weekly release cycle I've been trying to maintain. Because of that, I definitely pushed some stuff out before it was ready, which I regret doing. Luckily, I don't expect anything still on the list to reduce the game's stability, so it should all be uphill from here.
Thanks everyone who's stuck around this long for your patience. We're in the home stretch now.