Thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to make a story that is semi-believable for a sci-fi world where the characters do plausible things. People into the mind-control fetish will (hopefully) play the game mainly for the story and scenarios first and foremost. Those that complain about the visuals are probably not my target interest audience, rather just site browsers. Oh well.
And part of the reason I made this game is because I wanted to play something that had a lot of mind manipulation and brainwashing and there just aren't that many! There were two here I really enjoyed for the content, but they were both abandoned -
The Lust Hero and
Due Process. I'd be interested in any other suggestions on games on this site with good mind-control and brainwashing content that is the central focus of the gane (in a sci-fi / technology setting even better). Superpowered is kind of OK but skirts around the edges and Take Over is difficult to play casually.
There are planned harem endings, but not too many.