Yeah, I've seen some of the previous posts complaining that 'dreams' are the first 'sex scenes' and there's too much THINKING?!! Being told, often in "My Life"©, I was "too smart for my own good". How smart is... 'just smart enough'? Pretty low bar, these days.
Been playing only 15 minutes and I'm engrossed in the scenario (relevant to today). Perhaps some of the possible audience for VNs enjoy the journey via their avatars. I enjoy vicarious sex scenes, but I LOVE a great story. The dialogues need some 'non-native English Speaker' editing needed, but I'm 'multi-cultural' in my life experiences and overlook grammar errors when communicating with someone. Kudos for your work.
No! Just... NO.
Let me be clear, I understand that not everyone has a good handle on English. It's not a problem.
What is a problem, is that this Dev team, by their own decision, knowing full well that they: 1- don't speak English or 2- don't care about it, made the decision to publish themselves a game in this sad state. This tells us, that they don't care. Then we go into the game, and there's at least one coding error when the MC is talking with Alice in the car. There's plenty of Strabic people. There's the height issues. Then there's the Fake reviews here. Posts like yours telling us that in reality we aren't seeing a very bad job, but a good one. That WE are the problem, not this Dev team that simply couldn't care less. That the story(?) is good. What story if they can't even get the genders straight? Kudos for this work? The dialogues need editing? No, they need to be remade.
The MC is a stupid ass. He brought his best friend to be his "Mommy", to clean the house for him, to wake him up. He can't be responsible for himself, he treats everyone with bad manners, he is a smart-ass and I simply couldn't find one single thing about him that I could like. He's a fucking child with a bad attitude problem.
The best friend is simply irrelevant. If she wasn't there, no one would even notice. Oh, she's good at cleaning HIS house. And has an alarm clock.
I couldn't understand anything in the dialogues with Darrel. Why call him Drex? What's the point of it? The wife, the Strabic Vampire, what is she even there for? Nothing in that scene made any fucking sense.
Alice, rude, entitled and "Hot". Not a nice person. Just as bad as the MC.
No one, not a single one, is a half-decent character. None of the scenes make any sense, because either the writing is BAD or the translation kills it.
No, this is not a good job. This is in fact a really BAD job.