Don't worry, you didn't come across as an asshole. It's fine for people to dislike elements of the game, I just wanted to explain why they're the way they are. You're not wrong for having an opinion about it.Please know I was not trying be an asshole. This vn has way less for me to be irked about than most. Thank you for taking the time to explain the walkthrough and also how to get the 3some or how it's possible.
I'm currently on a sub only playthrough and I assume I have to be with Cassie romance Until I get a submission choice? Also with Cassie I assumed I would have to reject the fwb choice to get slave Cassie but I'm a tad confused if that's right reading your words, I'm sure the fault is my comprehension.
I can't imagine how complex it is to make 3 routes and all the overlapping paths straight let alone working properly but it's very appreciated. Thanks again
There is currently no submission choice in the game for Cassie since I haven't made that yet. I think I messed up my words before about Cassie's deal (If I even brought it up. I can't remember). Whilst Cassie's content is currently limited to romance route stuff, her romance route is required in order to sub her, because she has to assume you're interested in her sexually for it to work. So rejecting her fwb thing will make her assume you're not interested, and limit you to slave route at most. I misspoke before, and this is how it's actually intended to be when I get to her final route selection event.
So basically yeah, unless you want to slave or ignore her, you should accept her fwb thing. However, Cassie is a little different to most of the other girls in that accepting her fwb thing should still allow you to slave her later on, so there's basically no reason to reject her fwb thing unless you have no interest at all in Cassie. (And for those worried that it will remain as a fwb thing forever and she'll never develop feelings for MC, of course she will, just not yet.)