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Developer of Stormside
Game Developer
Jan 4, 2022
What the other guy said, having some WIT in games (or even professional writing, for fucks sake) has become hard to find.

As to the financial perspective, i think you should advertise your kickass animations more. This game seriously flies under the radar. Even here in this thread, the OP shows three fairly short and weak animations and what looks like a generic renpy AVN and it did absolutely not make me suspect the sheer quality of your game.

Maybe advertise with some longer animations and perhaps include some of the games jokes/banter in the preview pictures. It can only help.
I appreciate the kind words. It's strange to say, but I almost like the idea of it flying under the radar. There's something attractive to me about the whole "sleeper hit" kinda thing. Not to say it's intentional, but I definitely don't mind it. Whenever I get a comment that says something along the lines of "I thought this was gonna be generic school AVN nonsense, but I was pleasently surprised" it feeels like a gotcha moment for me. I know my premise is super common and generic, so when I hear that I catch people off guard with the way I do it, that's fun for me. Financially of course it doesn't make sense, but it doesn't get me down. I'm fine, and the project isn't in danger.

Regarding promo, there's actually a really specific reason I don't advertise the animations too much. Primarily, I have a rule where I don't use the animations from the most recent update in promo for the sake of spoilers, and also I don't actually do all that many long animations. What I do however, is lots of animations strung together to make an overall scene. I'll likely be changing some of the promo animations when the next update comes out though because the existing ones are exactly how you describe them. For animations in general, I think there are generally two types of devs. (I may have typed this out before, but I can't remember).

Type A: Fairly long animations, perhaps 10-20 seconds each, but only 2 or 3 of them in a sex scene, and all dialogue runs over the top of those animations. Typically they'll feature position changes for a moment before returning to the original position, or maybe a kiss half way through, or maybe a bunch of random neck movement. Either way, something to justify the length of the animation.

Type B: Shorter animations, but sometimes 10-30 of them per sex scene, because each 1 second loop is designed to match the dialogue or whatever. Typically less detailed individually than the type A animations, but greater in quantity.

I very much fall into type B. Type A markets better since showing a really good animation is great for promo, but if that really good animation is pretty much all you get for a scene, it doesn't really suit my tastes.Typically when I go into type A realm, it's for a climax animation, or maybe a transition. Either way, not something loopable, so it feels a bit weird for promo.

As I said though, the game isn't in financial danger, just in case anyone thought that was why I brought it up in the first place. It's actually at all all time high which is a bit weird. Not by very much, but since the last update I had a minimal drop off, and at this point I think I'm actually making more than I did just after the last release (Which is usually a peak since people sub for the update, then unsub). I'm in no huge rush. It'd be great to get to go full time, but rushing to a goal like that would likely mean either rushing updates as well, or going all in on monetisation. I'm unwilling to do either. I just want it to be good.

All of this said, promo images and stuff will definitely be updated following the next update.


Apr 15, 2021
Essentially, I don't want to do something new, I just wanna do what I like, but my way. So we'll have tropes, familiar situations, settings, all of that. I'm basically selling my characters, and my style of doing things, rather than my story. So far I think it's going ok :D

This strategy is of course a really stupid one from a financial perspective, but that's fine. If the game were designed to make money, it would be different enough that I'd have lost interest ages ago.
Morale is very important for a long term small team project. More than min-maxing your click-through rate or whatnot. It all falls apart if you hate the grind.

And if we're being real, most of the games on this site are for hobby. I quite like exploring quirky labor-of-love games even if I play through almost none of them. And I think this era will end in just a few years with the onrush of advanced combined AI tool sets that will make everything cookie cutter. It will be much easier to make a fap game but infinitely harder to make a standout one.
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Reactions: smokey5144


Jul 4, 2018
Just want to establish that for the ghost hunt there are no grates in the ceiling, whoever wrote the walkthrough needs to rethink that one. Can't find the key.
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Reactions: MaxRichard


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2023
Just want to establish that for the ghost hunt there are no grates in the ceiling, whoever wrote the walkthrough needs to rethink that one. Can't find the key.
the key is hanging from a grate in the ceiling when you go up a stairway cant remember witch one


New Member
Jun 22, 2024
A very funny game but also well done game. The humor is very on point. The ghost hunting part is actually scary. Can't wait for more from the developer. I would definitely buy the game if it was available on steam.


Jan 28, 2024
the key is hanging from a grate in the ceiling when you go up a stairway cant remember witch one
The stairway is the one on the left side when you get to the highest floor. The ceiling is very high up and the grate is a little to the right of the stairway. The key is hard to see but it is there hanging from the grate. If you click with the mouse your "ghost hands" will grab it.
I should add that the sandbox mode is extremely fun but it is challenging. You must be patient and check the map all the time to be sure where you are. At first it is easy to get lost until you learn to navigate.
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Reactions: GoblinSlayerZ


New Member
May 28, 2024
Is there an onion with Akeme during the physical? I keep hearing sounds but can't find any onions. I know it's after the number 20 so I can't find any walkthroughs to depict it.


Jul 11, 2020
Hi everyone, big fan of bondage here. I have a couple of questions before I download the game:
1) How frequent is the level of Bondage displayed in the 11th image of the first post here (the one labeled Hikari1.png)? way too often I get excited because a game is tagged BDSM and all thats in game is like, a spanking once or twice and a character had a blindfold on in one scene. I want that BDSM you know?

2) is the game in a state where the end is a year away? next update is the penultimate? the developers keep adding stuff and this game will never end? I'll still play it regardless of what the answer is but it is still nice to know how finished I should expect the plots to be you feel me?
Looks like a good game and thanks to the dev!


New Member
Mar 29, 2023
2) is the game in a state where the end is a year away? next update is the penultimate? the developers keep adding stuff and this game will never end?
The game has 3 main routes for each of the 7 main girls: love, submission, and slave. Within those are many mini branches of different variations of scenes and dialogue. With that much branching each update only adds a little bit of in game time, so it will be years before stories conclude. Not all the girls can even be on a route yet.

way too often I get excited because a game is tagged BDSM and all thats in game is like, a spanking once or twice and a character had a blindfold on in one scene. I want that BDSM you know?
The variety and frequency of BDSM in Stormside is absolutely worth checking out. If you're into BDSM exclusively don't have anyone on the romance path as Atem has said there won't be any punishments on those routes. There are in game hints on choices, so you'll be able to find all the fun stuff (be prepared for multiple plays)

The early stuff before you reach stormside academy is not representative of the submission and slave routes, so make sure to get to school before making any judgments even if that means riding skip if you're finding it slow. There are only a few in game school days so far, but there is still tons to explore.

Highly recommend.


Oct 7, 2021
I appreciate the kind words. It's strange to say, but I almost like the idea of it flying under the radar. There's something attractive to me about the whole "sleeper hit" kinda thing. Not to say it's intentional, but I definitely don't mind it. Whenever I get a comment that says something along the lines of "I thought this was gonna be generic school AVN nonsense, but I was pleasently surprised" it feeels like a gotcha moment for me. I know my premise is super common and generic, so when I hear that I catch people off guard with the way I do it, that's fun for me. Financially of course it doesn't make sense, but it doesn't get me down. I'm fine, and the project isn't in danger.

Regarding promo, there's actually a really specific reason I don't advertise the animations too much. Primarily, I have a rule where I don't use the animations from the most recent update in promo for the sake of spoilers, and also I don't actually do all that many long animations. What I do however, is lots of animations strung together to make an overall scene. I'll likely be changing some of the promo animations when the next update comes out though because the existing ones are exactly how you describe them. For animations in general, I think there are generally two types of devs. (I may have typed this out before, but I can't remember).

Type A: Fairly long animations, perhaps 10-20 seconds each, but only 2 or 3 of them in a sex scene, and all dialogue runs over the top of those animations. Typically they'll feature position changes for a moment before returning to the original position, or maybe a kiss half way through, or maybe a bunch of random neck movement. Either way, something to justify the length of the animation.

Type B: Shorter animations, but sometimes 10-30 of them per sex scene, because each 1 second loop is designed to match the dialogue or whatever. Typically less detailed individually than the type A animations, but greater in quantity.

I very much fall into type B. Type A markets better since showing a really good animation is great for promo, but if that really good animation is pretty much all you get for a scene, it doesn't really suit my tastes.Typically when I go into type A realm, it's for a climax animation, or maybe a transition. Either way, not something loopable, so it feels a bit weird for promo.

As I said though, the game isn't in financial danger, just in case anyone thought that was why I brought it up in the first place. It's actually at all all time high which is a bit weird. Not by very much, but since the last update I had a minimal drop off, and at this point I think I'm actually making more than I did just after the last release (Which is usually a peak since people sub for the update, then unsub). I'm in no huge rush. It'd be great to get to go full time, but rushing to a goal like that would likely mean either rushing updates as well, or going all in on monetisation. I'm unwilling to do either. I just want it to be good.

All of this said, promo images and stuff will definitely be updated following the next update.
Hey, I thought this was gonna be generic school AVN nonsense, but I was pleasantly surprised. Humour is on point and the animations are quite good. I quite like your 'type B' approach.
4.80 star(s) 91 Votes