TM | Twisted Games

GDI Spec Ops
Dec 30, 2020
On another note, the dev diary somewhat emphasizing them hiring young management is kind of weird. Given that they already have a track record of immature moderation, staff, and managers from back when they only did SFM animations, that still carries over to their community management today, is it really wise only focus on them being "young" new blood? I hope I'm just reading too into it and they're not actually focusing on getting specifically younger people in as managers.

EDIT: It really just comes off as super weird that they push everything on the fact that their dev team and managers are on the older side as where the problems lie.
I kind of read that as sarcasm tbh


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
On another note, the dev diary somewhat emphasizing them hiring young management is kind of weird. Given that they already have a track record of immature moderation, staff, and managers from back when they only did SFM animations, that still carries over to their community management today, is it really wise only focus on them being "young" new blood? I hope I'm just reading too into it and they're not actually focusing on getting specifically younger people in as managers.

EDIT: It really just comes off as super weird that they push everything on the fact that their dev team and managers are on the older side as where the problems lie.
I agree - I thought that was a strange thing to mention regarding the age of the newhires, I just don't see the relevance. Middle aged people can do fine at managing projects and so can older folks. Just hire the best person for the job.


Jun 26, 2017
I kind of read that as sarcasm tbh
I hope that's what it is. Still, it'd be pretty off-putting that a good portion of the Dev Diary is dedicated to a sarcastic joke, when so many players have serious problems with the management as it stands. That's bad PR at its core. Why would you joke about hiring the wrong way?


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Wait, what? What would be the ramifications of having a setting that allows players to turn on or off these avoidable mantic sex scenes?
That's not even what people are complaining about. You can already avoid those scenes. The complaints are about them being mentioned in the main story.

And the negative ramifications I'm talking about is how canon scenes will feel even if skippable if there's direct erotic integration.
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Jun 26, 2017
I think you misunderstood what I was talking about. I'm making no arguments for the head canon argument.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
My 2 cents about how sex content should be reworked In-game.

1) Longer animations, even if it means fewer scenes added.

2) Integrate the sex scenes into the story. It works well with Kily's recruitment scene

3) Add some talking to the action during sex scenes

4) Add a preference button to allow people to skip content they dislike, but still show the content anyway to create maximum rage and drama


Jun 26, 2017
Best suggestion ever. I want to see all these nitpicking wankers lose their shit completely.

I mean, the game's far from perfect but the shit happening in this thread is so cringeworthy I just want to see how far it can go.
What's cringe worthy is someone jumping into a thread without any argument and labeling everyone as "nitpicking wankers". At least point to a single person's suggestions first and tell us why they're just nitpicking in your eyes.


Mar 28, 2017
People complaining about things that they've said will get fixed with the update, like ??? and the Pandora system will never get removed cause it's quite clearly tied to quite a few of the game's mechanics.

A change that i'd like, is to still be able to unlock the scene in Pandora but get a very short quest/story where it's introduced to you and seeing how most of them are either related to the MC or the mantics, they wouldn't have to go out of their way to make that change.


Mar 30, 2018
What's cringe worthy is someone jumping into a thread without any argument and labeling everyone as "nitpicking wankers". At least point to a single person's suggestions first and tell us why they're just nitpicking in your eyes.
Not enough fingers to do so, mate.

It's not about suggestions, it's about weird kinks complaining how the game wasn't tailored exactly to their taste or how it's completely ruined if there's even one thing they don't like. It's about the self-entitled twats who think that their opinion exactly is the one the DEVs should listen. It's about the people who seemingly think that the users on this forum are FOWs main customer base. It's also about the fanboys who are completely blind to any flaws in the game. It's about the people who should be beaten down back to reality.

If the shoe fits, wear it with pride, I suppose.
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Jun 26, 2017
Not enough fingers to do so, mate.

It's not about suggestions, it's about weird kinks complaining how the game wasn't tailored exactly to their taste or how it's completely ruined if there's even one thing they don't like.
I'm gonna stop reading here, since you've missed that nobody has been doing this for the past 5-10 pages. Check the past two pages and you'll see that nobody is arguing for that right now. You jumped into the thread to bitch about the people who have already left these threads pages ago. Right now, people are talking about solutions to help do what StudioFow was trying to do, but better. FOW wants to appeal to EVERYONE, but the way they're implementing the features to make this work comes across as lazy and just badly designed. That is what the current convo is about.

I agree, the people whining "NOOO NTR!!!!" and only that are a problem and their being selfish, but there's nobody currently active in this thread doing that. The same goes for their reddit page, though I haven't checked the Steam forums as of late to know. What I have seen in all their suggestion platforms is people on both sides of the isles, Monster/Rape/NTR fans and Vanilla fans universally agreeing and suggestion the same singular solution; just implement a damn setting to turn on or off that content. This makes it so both the Vanilla and Non-Vanilla content can finally move away from being forced into disjointed and lackluster Pandora scenes. The only people who seem to be against this universally agreed upon solution are the actual fanboys that keep making it seem like the majority of people who haven't forgotten about the game are being entitled brats. Most of the people who come into this thread or even the other websites to whine about any form of NTR usually leave after 2 days and completely forget about the game, never to be seen making more comments on the subject again. They're literally normies that are so alien to these fetishes that they can't help but cry over it. I'm a monster/rape/NTR fan and I haven't asked for the game to be tailored to me. I've also seen plenty of vanilla only fans who have been reasonable with their suggestions to appeal to both parties as well. You guys need to stop having tunnel vision on the minority of "fans" who act unreasonable. That kind of tunnel vision is what led Studio FOW to misread their player base and started changing the Pandora system to what we got now. Now they have to constantly push through endless threads suggesting the same solution by the non-normy fans who actually stayed and didn't forget the games, or the fanboys who will defend any form of critic to their dying breath.
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Jun 26, 2017
People complaining about things that they've said will get fixed with the update, like ??? and the Pandora system will never get removed cause it's quite clearly tied to quite a few of the game's mechanics.
The only thing the Pandora system is tied to right now is the PP points you get from completing quests. It's completely isolated outside of that. It literally isn't that integrated into the game, so I don't know why people keep making it out to sound like it is. You could remove it right now and find different places to put the already made scenes, and no other systems in the game will break.

And again, we've already established that we know they have no plans on removing it. If you had paid attention, I even said this in the page before this one. What we're merely suggesting are ways to improve it and how we hope that they're going in the right direction in the upcoming patches.

A change that i'd like, is to still be able to unlock the scene in Pandora but get a very short quest/story where it's introduced to you and seeing how most of them are either related to the MC or the mantics, they wouldn't have to go out of their way to make that change.
This is something we and many others around their other feedback sites (Discord, Reddit, Steam) have suggested also. What we're all hoping is that the next patch with the 50 or so scenes they talked about adding will at least show that their attempting to do something like this. Even if it's unfinished, we just want to see if they've actually taken this kind of feedback into account. If the next patch is just 50 more 30 second long scenes, then they clearly haven't listened to anyone, or they simply don't care.
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Mar 30, 2018
I'm gonna stop reading here, since you've missed that nobody has been doing this for the past 5-10 pages. Check the past two pages and you'll see that nobody is arguing for that right now.
Nope, didn't miss that and probably should've noted that I indeed don't mean the people who've been posting lately. I simply caught a suggestion that might bring those complainers back cause I enjoy the chaos it ensues.

The only people who seem to be against this universally agreed upon solution are the actual fanboys that keep making it seem like the majority of people who haven't forgotten about the game are being entitled brats.
Did you really stop reading after the second sentence? I cringe at the fanboys as well and on that notion, some of those still seem to be active.

When there are two polarized groups fighting each other, I'm the guy who you can find standing in the middle flipping a bird at both sides. :sneaky:


Jun 26, 2017
Nope, didn't miss that and probably should've noted that I indeed don't mean the people who've been posting lately. I simply caught a suggestion that might bring those complainers back cause I enjoy the chaos it ensues.

Did you really stop reading after the second sentence? I cringe at the fanboys as well and on that notion, some of those still seem to be active.

When there are two polarized groups fighting each other, I'm the guy who you can find standing in the middle flipping a bird at both sides. :sneaky:
I didn't stop reading. There are two polarizing groups, but it's not the exaggerated extremes you're thinking. It's not the rape/monster fans vs the vanilla fans, it's fans of various fetishes vs the normy extremists that only want the game to cater to them. There are lots of rape AND vanilla fans in agreement that the people who keep requesting that everything but the most vanilla stuff need to be removed are unreasonable, and not worth even giving attention. This isn't even something unique to Subverse either. You will find these guys in any doujin site's galleries. They're a known meme. They go into galleries with NTR and then cry that it didn't end the way they wanted it too, because they refuse to accept that not everyone only likes vanilla and ants to ban other stuff like they do. The majority of the people who are like that are only on their Steam forums. You'll rarely find those kind of guys continuously posting on reddit, here, or their own discord. It's just the normy grifters that look in, complain, then forget the game exists, or drop it immediately. The issue with FOW's direction on the game is them putting too much focus on the Steam feedback, which is where the bulk of these unreasonable complaints came from. They not only gave them more attention that the rest of their fanbase, but allowed them to dictate these kind of changes to begin with. These kind of players will never be happy, unless the content is completely neutered for them.

EDIT: Go check the Dev Diary steam post's comment section. There's a bunch of them being salty that they'll be futa and other stuff this patch. When you're done with that, skim through their reddit or discord. Even with the boot lickers who constantly go ham over any form of critic clustering in their discord server, you'll rarely see anyone asking for the same thing the steam normies are. Those guys are the kind of people who never heard of Studio Fow before Subverse and thought this would be Mass Effect 3, but with porn.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
I think you can be disappointed in a game but still want to offer constructive criticism.

I've already made a full post talking about my direct disappointments with Subverse as a game and how I don't have expectations for it sexually.
EDIT: But for me there's a bunch of reasons for that. I don't like 99% of the content StudioFOW puts out normally, and I prefer erotic content in adult games be integrated in the main game seamlessly. This isn't the case for everyone. Some people enjoy 99% of the content Fow puts out. Some people want to be able to toggle off adult content in a game and play in SFW mode or wtv.

At this point, I mostly make points and come back to the thread to finger the pulse of the game, and see how people are viewing their design decisions, while trying to give ideas of how the game can be improved.

That being said, I also think Subverse devs were kinda cowards about the sexual content that was going to be in their game, and were really scared of the normy audience they managed to mysteriously draw. Heck I think they even got gameranx from YouTube talking about them like Mass Effect with porn though that vid got taken down. Lol if only they knew what kind of content FOW made before XD.

And unlike subverse the beast content is actual beast content. No "Chodestool" not having a red rocket.
Oh StudioFOW isn't really into bestiality I think? For all intents and purposes they are, but technically... They aren't the SFM animators that made laura croft get fucked by that horse. They get off to "monsters" from like Taimanin Asagi and shit. Straight up bestiality isn't something you'd see in Japanese hentai, so I don't think they care about trying to make animal parts feel like animal parts.

It's not about suggestions, it's about weird kinks complaining how the game wasn't tailored exactly to their taste or how it's completely ruined if there's even one thing they don't like. It's about the self-entitled twats who think that their opinion exactly is the one the DEVs should listen. It's about the people who seemingly think that the users on this forum are FOWs main customer base. It's also about the fanboys who are completely blind to any flaws in the game. It's about the people who should be beaten down back to reality.
Would really help if you like... quoted someone.

Basically NBV hit it spot on.
I agree, the people whining "NOOO NTR!!!!" and only that are a problem and their being selfish, but there's nobody currently active in this thread doing that.
The issue with FOW's direction on the game is them putting too much focus on the Steam feedback, which is where the bulk of these unreasonable complaints came from. They not only gave them more attention that the rest of their fanbase, but allowed them to dictate these kind of changes to begin with.
I was legit surprised when they added that dating system. Following this game on and off, that was a big ass whiplash. Like the game wasn't designed for that, but after checking steam feedback and looking through their reddit, I can see who they listened to.

Those guys are the kind of people who never heard of Studio Fow before Subverse and thought this would be Mass Effect 3, but with porn.
Where'd this comparison start do you know? I don't remember the team ever explicitly saying it was gonna be that, but the idea of Mass Effect 3 with porn made its rounds.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
A change that i'd like, is to still be able to unlock the scene in Pandora but get a very short quest/story where it's introduced to you and seeing how most of them are either related to the MC or the mantics, they wouldn't have to go out of their way to make that change.
Great suggestion. I think I saw someone mention something similar some weeks back where they had said something along the lines of you unlock whatever the 'scene' is in pandora but instead of the scene happening in Pandora, it happens shortly thereafter on the ship as an event - for example you walk into the bar and there is a dialogue option with Killi that leads into the narrative scene with her that you had just unlocked - this would provide better narrative integration and add dialogue etc to it to increase eroticism.
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TM | Twisted Games

GDI Spec Ops
Dec 30, 2020
My 2 cents about how sex content should be reworked In-game.

1) Longer animations, even if it means fewer scenes added.

2) Integrate the sex scenes into the story. It works well with Kily's recruitment scene

3) Add some talking to the action during sex scenes

4) Add a preference button to allow people to skip content they dislike, but still show the content anyway to create maximum rage and drama

I endorse this all whole-heartedly.

TM | Twisted Games

GDI Spec Ops
Dec 30, 2020
It's hard for me to be too angry at FOW for taking the money and 100k fans...I get it, artistic vision is one thing, paying the bills is another...but I wasn't even aware they were making changes based on Steam feedback to get the content more vanilla. I would be sad, but I think there are new artists and developers upcoming who could become the 'new' to fill the content void that they no longer it's all good in the end.
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Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
It's hard for me to be too angry at FOW for taking the money and 100k fans...I get it, artistic vision is one thing, paying the bills is another...but I wasn't even aware they were making changes based on Steam feedback to get the content more vanilla. I would be sad, but I think there are new artists and developers upcoming who could become the 'new' to fill the content void that they no longer it's all good in the end.
Yeah I wouldn't be worried about that. Just based on the previews on the update post and twitter, there'll be a healthy balance of scenes being added.


Dec 1, 2017
It's hard for me to be too angry at FOW for taking the money and 100k fans...I get it, artistic vision is one thing, paying the bills is another...but I wasn't even aware they were making changes based on Steam feedback to get the content more vanilla. I would be sad, but I think there are new artists and developers upcoming who could become the 'new' to fill the content void that they no longer it's all good in the end.
Yeah, but I am worried how much impact on normies this game's KS had. It was so successful everyone heard about it and a lot of people who normally have a rule to not pay for porn decided to give it a chance. It had a lot of controversies, very good jokes and ridiculing in the trailer, sjws were crying on twitter... everyone loved Subverse for it. This game was supposed to be the one which will ascend the porn game industry into light and making people believe it can be a serious market. Everyone was talking about it and what? We got what we got. I can't even imagine how many people felt discouraged enough to never financially back any porn game in the future. It could be seen with following campaign of Mirror 2 which looked interesting in my opinion but was Ks's massive failure. For me Subverse alone was a reason i made a KS account and was also a reason why I will never back anything on this site again. So yeah, someone will fill the gap, the question is who will give new studio a chance and will be willing to pay upfront for anything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Yeah, but I am worried how much impact on normies this game's KS had. It was so successful everyone heard about it and a lot of people who normally have a rule to not pay for porn decided to give it a chance. It had a lot of controversies, very good jokes and ridiculing in the trailer, sjws were crying on twitter... everyone loved Subverse for it. This game was supposed to be the one which will ascend the porn game industry into light and making people believe it can be a serious market. Everyone was talking about it and what? We got what we got. I can't even imagine how many people felt discouraged enough to never financially back any porn game in the future. It could be seen with following campaign of Mirror 2 which looked interesting in my opinion but was Ks's massive failure. For me Subverse alone was a reason i made a KS account and was also a reason why I will never back anything on this site again. So yeah, someone will fill the gap, the question is who will give new studio a chance and will be willing to pay upfront for anything.
You were able to get a chargeback when they changed the early access rewards, right?
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