Gee its almost like...I'm the same guy in a different form
Yes, they did receive all the criticism the first few updates. But those changes were never going to be instant. Heck as early as the update that added Elaisha, we were told of Pandora being overhauled. That isn't going to occur until 1.0. Drastically changing the game mid-development is a recipe for disaster (See Duke Nukem Forever for an easy example).
Its not that 'nothing has been done' its that its all being done, just not shown yet.
Man I didn't think it'd take this long to find another person that looks at things rationally and not personally.
For the record I didn't give Subverse any rating, but like so many, I didn't quite dig the launch. The 7 month wait for the first major update wasn't great either (though they did explain why, like their lead dev becoming a dad and taking paternity leave, as well as training the staff they hired with the budget they got).
But since then its been a smooth development, 3-4 months per update, with monthly blog posts to keep everyone appraised. I just can't comprehend how people saw this of all things as a scam when I know there are soooooo many games or animators on this website that work barebones and hardly provide anything after years.
And as you've said, there is no other game like this. Wild Life is still chugging along in development (despite it existing since before FOW was removed from Patreon), Something Unlimited has existed since 2016 and isn't done. Miro has foregone continuing his Bloodlust series and is now doing AI image sets which is just....baffling.
But this is the game they want to make a molehill out of.