
Nov 13, 2017
Don't talk shit then, ya hater :p If you can't take logical explanations, get out the forum.
You are a like the other guy that was always in this forum and defended this game.

I find it interesting to know what criticisms you have of the game.

For me

- Main story is ok
- Side story are for me boring
- combat gets repetitive (I liked it this first couple of hours, but now its always the same, boring)
- not enough sex scenes.
- sex scenes are definitely missing dirty talk
- And it seems like there hired for a character (Kasidora or Celestina) a voice actress that does not do NSFW jobs. When this is true, then they have done a extremely stupid decision. (I am not sure if this is true or not)
- and much more

In the end for me its a bad porn game and a bad game in general.

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
That is what I wanted to hear because I'm patiently waiting for the Full Version to come out.
Same thing I'm doing for The Genesis Order which should come out Mid April hopefully.
Oh I've been waiting on TGO as well. Was a real trek for Treasure of Nadia's biweekly updates, and I just couldn't do that again. Wait a couple weeks, then download it all over again for like a micro-bit of story and one or two scenes is ehhh xD
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May 16, 2019
Yeah but there's a difference between constructive criticism and 'They should've done ___". Because at this point it is faaar too late to argue about what they could've or could not do. Nor is it constructive to be like 'look game budget means we should've gotten Mass Effect but porn', while not being aware that even with millions, it is still a small fraction of what AAA titles get.

Throughout these years, you know how many posts there've been of people either wishing this would fail, or on the opposite end, also believing they'd milk this forever? Its as though people are convinced that you could never make a game of this scale and also have it be adult themed. And here we are on the home stretch, and its still negatively skewed that way.

It shouldn't be "This isn't exactly how I wanted it to be, therefore game failure", it should be "This might not appeal to me specifically, but I applaud the devs for undertaking a project of this size, not abandoning it like so many other games I've played on this website, and I'll just wait to see what they do next"

You're more than welcome to wait, some fans on the discord, including some mods, have been patient enough the whole time.

The bickering's just silly in the long run, because its an in-development title, and much of the critique just comes from those who don't want to actually play a game that takes effort to unlock the smut and just fap to it. Which is fine, just wait for the lower quality rule34video upload and wank your anger away. But don't knock the devs for creating an actual game to go along with it.

The whole point of early access is to play it and give feedback to the devs. The devs...are not reading shit here lol. So complaining about it here is just screaming into a void. They have an entire feedback channel on their very public Discord. If you wanted to make your feelings actually heard, that'd be the place to do it.
Replies like this, are the reason why ppl think you're paid to glaze the devs, and I've seen another person doing the same (think his nick was VValen or something).

The facts are the facts - not even a month after the initial game release, the devs received ALL the criticism that they needed to improve the game, which were mainly that the mini games were repetitive and boring, and the Pandora system being separate from the actual gameplay, made the game just feel bad.
So they had all the time in the world to fix these issues, they only doubled down, and you expect a different reaction out of people? Personally, I'm one of the idiots who actually bought the game, and it's one of my biggest fucking regrets to this day, since I was lied to my face repeatedly, and nothing was done when I explained what my grievances were.
Overall, you're defending the indefensible, in the poorest way possible.


Apr 30, 2017
Are you paid to defend things and because I am not even trying to rude but the lengths you go to dismiss other people's valid criticism, is really fucking obnoxious.
To be fair, he's not "dismissing" them, he's challenging people's opinion and offering stats and information.
Most people on this board (or on the internet in general) just offer their opinion based on their own perception. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but more often than not those opinions are simply wrong. No matter how strongly you feel about it, it doesn't make it automatically true. Hence why I appreciate some reason within all this chaos, honestly. As should you - Even if it means being on the wrong side of the fence at times.

On a sidenote, as to somewhat prove my point, I for example find people obnoxious that just keep shitting on games/products for absolutely nonsensical reasons without so much as offering some valuable insight on their thought-process, if there ever was any.

And while it's true that this game in particular has it's shortcomings (let's not kid ourselves, there is no game that doesn't have it's flaws so why should this one be an exception?) can we also agree that it's in this sea of low quality VNs and otherwise nice attempts of smut-games is still an outstanding product? There's not much else you can compare it to and while it certainly could do better it also has great things going for it.
If people focus just on the negative aspects, I mean, .. that's on them.

It's by the way very ironic accusing that guy of "dismissing" opinions while also saying he's getting paid by the devs.

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
You are a like the other guy that was always in this forum and defended this game.

I find it interesting to know what criticisms you have of the game.

For me

- Main story is ok
- Side story are for me boring
- combat gets repetitive (I liked it this first couple of hours, but now its always the same, boring)
- not enough sex scenes.
- sex scenes are definitely missing dirty talk
- And it seems like there hired for a character (Kasidora or Celestina) a voice actress that does not do NSFW jobs. When this is true, then they have done a extremely stupid decision. (I am not sure if this is true or not)
- and much more

In the end for me its a bad porn game and a bad game in general.
Oh I was fully aware the initial launch was gonna tick a lot of people with as little as it had to start. Its no wonder they changed their development strategy about halfway through in regards to waifu updates.

The side missions are more or less in line with their sense of humor, though not everyone will get every reference, I sure didn't. But if you've spent enough time in gaming to know certain executives and game devs, you'll pick up on some.

Combat being repetitive is an odd critique. Maybe in the first release when there were only 3 enemy factions to fight, but since then were the kloi, imperium, and requital enemies added. That's without the Huntress boss fights which are a whole other level. But people did say that enough during the first few updates that the devs put more work into making the space missions varied. Which got us things like Ela's defense grid space run (evocative of Luke's run on the Death Star, but with more lasers). Taron's stealth mission in the pyramid, Sova's endurance mission against admiral Maeyamoto, and Blythe's mission against the turbulence.

Not enough sex scenes. At the moment yeah. But considering they're holding the rest back til 1.0, its gonna be a big windfall when it hits. 40 x 10 gals each means 400 Pandora scenes. And then add on the devotion scenes, said to be multiple minutes each, and x10 is likely 30-40 minutes of cinematic smut in the future. Just a matter of being patient :)

Dirty talk. While that is a byproduct of Pandora namely being looped, they talk quite a lot before and after the scenes in the story, so that's more than enough for me personally. I do know that some premium scenes often have the ladies say a few words when the tempo changes and during the climax.

Kasidora's character (the older Senu) was specified as being a SFW role in the casting. The VA being it is also going by a pseudonym, which means they're likely someone with a very public presense and doesn't want this on their resume (which given how we treat sex workers, is not a surprise).


Nov 13, 2017
Kasidora's character (the older Senu) was specified as being a SFW role in the casting. The VA being it is also going by a pseudonym, which means they're likely someone with a very public presense and doesn't want this on their resume (which given how we treat sex workers, is not a surprise).
That is such a stupid decision, it was clear since the beginning that they are enough people out there that want to see porn from a character like this in a porn game.
They should just cast all female characters with NSFW voice actress in the case, that the community wants to see porn from this character. I have seen enough people wishing for Kasidora and Celestina porn.

You are talking about my criticisms.

What about your criticisms?
What do you think is bad?
What should be better?
Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Last edited:


May 16, 2019
To be fair, he's not "dismissing" them, he's challenging people's opinion and offering stats and information.
Most people on this board (or on the internet in general) just offer their opinion based on their own perception. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but more often than not those opinions are simply wrong. No matter how strongly you feel about it, it doesn't make it automatically true. Hence why I appreciate some reason within all this chaos, honestly. As should you - Even if it means being on the wrong side of the fence at times.

On a sidenote, as to somewhat prove my point, I for example find people obnoxious that just keep shitting on games/products for absolutely nonsensical reasons without so much as offering some valuable insight on their thought-process, if there ever was any.

And while it's true that this game in particular has it's shortcomings (let's not kid ourselves, there is no game that doesn't have it's flaws so why should this one be an exception?) can we also agree that it's in this sea of low quality VNs and otherwise nice attempts of smut-games is still an outstanding product? There's not much else you can compare it to and while it certainly could do better it also has great things going for it.
If people focus just on the negative aspects, I mean, .. that's on them.

It's by the way very ironic accusing that guy of "dismissing" opinions while also saying he's getting paid by the devs.
Can you explain how that's ironic btw?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
Oh I've been waiting on TGO as well. Was a real trek for Treasure of Nadia's biweekly updates, and I just couldn't do that again. Wait a couple weeks, then download it all over again for like a micro-bit of story and one or two scenes is ehhh xD
There are simply rare people like you and I who are patient for things... Don't worry man. I understand you! Patience is like petrol, disappearing as time goes by!

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
Replies like this, are the reason why ppl think you're paid to glaze the devs, and I've seen another person doing the same (think his nick was VValen or something).

The facts are the facts - not even a month after the initial game release, the devs received ALL the criticism that they needed to improve the game, which were mainly that the mini games were repetitive and boring, and the Pandora system being separate from the actual gameplay, made the game just feel bad.
So they had all the time in the world to fix these issues, they only doubled down, and you expect a different reaction out of people? Personally, I'm one of the idiots who actually bought the game, and it's one of my biggest fucking regrets to this day, since I was lied to my face repeatedly, and nothing was done when I explained what my grievances were.
Overall, you're defending the indefensible, in the poorest way possible.
Gee its almost like...I'm the same guy in a different form ;)

Yes, they did receive all the criticism the first few updates. But those changes were never going to be instant. Heck as early as the update that added Elaisha, we were told of Pandora being overhauled. That isn't going to occur until 1.0. Drastically changing the game mid-development is a recipe for disaster (See Duke Nukem Forever for an easy example).

Its not that 'nothing has been done' its that its all being done, just not shown yet.

To be fair, he's not "dismissing" them, he's challenging people's opinion and offering stats and information.
Most people on this board (or on the internet in general) just offer their opinion based on their own perception. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but more often than not those opinions are simply wrong. No matter how strongly you feel about it, it doesn't make it automatically true. Hence why I appreciate some reason within all this chaos, honestly. As should you - Even if it means being on the wrong side of the fence at times.

On a sidenote, as to somewhat prove my point, I for example find people obnoxious that just keep shitting on games/products for absolutely nonsensical reasons without so much as offering some valuable insight on their thought-process, if there ever was any.

And while it's true that this game in particular has it's shortcomings (let's not kid ourselves, there is no game that doesn't have it's flaws so why should this one be an exception?) can we also agree that it's in this sea of low quality VNs and otherwise nice attempts of smut-games is still an outstanding product? There's not much else you can compare it to and while it certainly could do better it also has great things going for it.
If people focus just on the negative aspects, I mean, .. that's on them.
Man I didn't think it'd take this long to find another person that looks at things rationally and not personally.

For the record I didn't give Subverse any rating, but like so many, I didn't quite dig the launch. The 7 month wait for the first major update wasn't great either (though they did explain why, like their lead dev becoming a dad and taking paternity leave, as well as training the staff they hired with the budget they got).

But since then its been a smooth development, 3-4 months per update, with monthly blog posts to keep everyone appraised. I just can't comprehend how people saw this of all things as a scam when I know there are soooooo many games or animators on this website that work barebones and hardly provide anything after years.

And as you've said, there is no other game like this. Wild Life is still chugging along in development (despite it existing since before FOW was removed from Patreon), Something Unlimited has existed since 2016 and isn't done. Miro has foregone continuing his Bloodlust series and is now doing AI image sets which is just....baffling.

But this is the game they want to make a molehill out of.


Mar 28, 2017
That feeling when you're a clown and come to hate and harass the people that enjoy a game just because you don't :LUL:

It's version 0.9 of the game, if by now you didn't find something to like about it then what the fuck are you still doing here ? take your trash opinion and go play something else


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
You are a like the other guy that was always in this forum and defended this game.

I find it interesting to know what criticisms you have of the game.

For me

- Main story is ok
- Side story are for me boring
- combat gets repetitive (I liked it this first couple of hours, but now its always the same, boring)
- not enough sex scenes.
- sex scenes are definitely missing dirty talk
- And it seems like there hired for a character (Kasidora or Celestina) a voice actress that does not do NSFW jobs. When this is true, then they have done a extremely stupid decision. (I am not sure if this is true or not)
- and much more

In the end for me its a bad porn game and a bad game in general.
The biggest mistake they made IMO was taking to long to release the 0.1 version. It was clear straight away that things weren’t working how they should.

The changes would have been easy to make had the released 0.1 in 3 months from the Kickstarter rather than a year. 3 major changes could have been identified.
  • 1. The gameplay to story breakdown. What you got and continue to get is 20 minute plus, story scenes made of either cut scenes or visual novel style scenes. This should be broken down to do a few missions then 5 minutes of story then a few missions, rinse repeat.
  • 2. Pandora should have been different from day one. Ideally all H scenes would have been built into the story, however given this was unlikely this is the solution.
  • 2a. Captain scenes should have unlocked as the story progressed. Each one made of 5 segments, Tease, Foreplay, sex 1, sex 2 with cumshot and after. (the structure could vary but each scene would have a narrative when together)
  • 2b. Toy scenes. When a new toy is purchased (or unlocked) in game, a similar 5 part scene structure is unlocked.
  • 2c. Mantids would work the same as soon as you get the genetic code and Lily makes them their 5 part scene structure gets added.
  • 2d. Finally all Pandora should have been made as to include dirty talk, this could have turned a simple 9 second loop into a 27 or even 36 second loop easily. Loop one Dirty talk line 1, loops two dirty talk 2, loop three dirty talk line 3, loop four 4 no line rinse and repeat. Could even be randomised the longer the loop runs.
  • 3. Combat should have been made so you feel more dominant. It’s okay as it is but would be way more fun if you picked up power ups during each fight so the later in the fight the easier it gets (Like other Shootem ups)

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
That is such a stupid decision, it was clear since the beginning that they are enough people out there that want to see porn from a character like this in a porn.
They should just cast all female characters with NSFW voice actress in the case, that the community wants to see porn from this character. I have seen enough people wishing for Kasidora and Celestina porn.

You are talking about my criticisms.

What about your criticisms?
What do you think is bad?
What should be better?
Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Well I wanted to address yours first, and I'm sure you've noticed there's a lot of chatter replying to me at the moment xD

My critiques of it I would say probably boil down to the planets and the overall system. Initially the planets had heavy descriptions and cheekly detailed rewards, while later planets simply say you obtained 10-50 resources. But I think that is because it was likely deemed as not the most critical thing to focus on.

Some of the game elements can be a little unfair. Like when the kloi got added, the archers were actually faster than the waifus, and one particular battle had 3 of them gang up and take down a waifu before it was even the player's turn. Thankfully that was rectified rather quickly.

The mantics could be balanced better, many of them simply aren't as good as others. You can bench the big guy as soon as you get Napholeon. But I've not found much use for folks like Pervedillo.

DEVA mode has been a bit of a wet fart. For all the cool factor, it takes too long to use, takes a waifu and mantic off the field for several turns, and generally isn't worth using. I'm hoping that's made better in 1.0

Lastly I'd like some kind of fun mode to just play as we wait for updates. Perhaps add an arcade in the bar that simulates grid or space combat. There was an endless mode in the original beta testing that could make for a fun score attack.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
It's kind of scary how this game blew past any and all roadmaps they had early on and is slowly turn into a worse Star Citizen without the same money-making scheme lol.

They should cut their losses and move on, but whatever.

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
The biggest mistake they made IMO was taking to long to release the 0.1 version. It was clear straight away that things weren’t working how they should.

The changes would have been easy to make had the released 0.1 in 3 months from the Kickstarter rather than a year. 3 major changes could have been identified.
  • 1. The gameplay to story breakdown. What you got and continue to get is 20 minute plus, story scenes made of either cut scenes or visual novel style scenes. This should be broken down to do a few missions then 5 minutes of story then a few missions, rinse repeat.
  • 2. Pandora should have been different from day one. Ideally all H scenes would have been built into the story, however given this was unlikely this is the solution.
  • 2a. Captain scenes should have unlocked as the story progressed. Each one made of 5 segments, Tease, Foreplay, sex 1, sex 2 with cumshot and after. (these structure could vary but each scene would have a narrative when together)
  • 2b. Toy scenes. When a new toy is purchased (or unlocked) in game, a similar 5 part scene structure is unlocked.
  • 2c. Mantids would work the same as soon as you get the genetic code and Lily makes them their 5 part scene structure gets added.
  • 2d. Finally all Pandora should have been made as to include dirty talk, this could have turned a simple 9 second loop into a 27 or even 36 second loop easily. Loop one Dirty talk line 1, loops two dirty talk 2, loop three dirty talk line 3, loop four 4 no line rinse and repeat. Could even be randomised the long the loop runs.
  • 3. Combat should have been made so you feel more dominant. It’s okay as it is but would be way more fun if you picked up power ups during each fight so the later in the fight the easier it gets (Like other Shootem ups)
Not dismissing your initial line but I would like to note that this was funded in 2019, and things did kinda change the world by the end of 2019 xD. Especially for a team that's split across the world and not in a central location, that couldn't have been easy to organize.

Your number 2 could be happening. Stress the could on that. There was talk in the blogs about changing the planets and the rewards for clearing missions. It could also be tied into the waifu's levels, which will be a singular bar in 1.0

3's also been in feedback a number of times regarding powerups. So its definitely been read.


Dec 5, 2017
Hey guys, has there been any improvements to the two combat gameplay systems?
The last version I played was 0.4 or so, and the thing that really put me off was that the combat upgrades are always just bigger numbers. No new tools to play with, no visual changes, nothing fun that makes the gameplay feel fresh again.

Has anything in that regard changed or is it basically still the same thing with the same numeric upgrades?

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
It's kind of scary how this game blew past any and all roadmaps they had early on and is slowly turn into a worse Star Citizen without the same money-making scheme lol.

They should cut their losses and move on, but whatever.
I mean that's kinda why they threw the roadmap out? Like I don't know if you noticed, but the end of 2019...a lot of things didn't make their projected release dates. Other video games...hundreds of it wasn't just Subverse that didn't make its expected dates xD


Active Member
May 10, 2017
To be fair, he's not "dismissing" them, he's challenging people's opinion and offering stats and information.
Most people on this board (or on the internet in general) just offer their opinion based on their own perception

It's by the way very ironic accusing that guy of "dismissing" opinions while also saying he's getting paid by the devs.
That sounds an awful like dismissing and you actually think dismissing their perception is a good point. Perception is the aim of the game, that is what media is all about. If someone is not enjoying it, saying there perception is wrong is not a valid defence.

The accusation is to drive home a point, either they are paid or it's unhealthy, because when I look at the thread every other reply being the same person, replying to different posters, that does not look good.

Mr. Weeaboo

Active Member
Jan 21, 2023
Hey guys, has there been any improvements to the two combat gameplay systems?
The last version I played was 0.4 or so, and the thing that really put me off was that the combat upgrades are always just bigger numbers. No new tools to play with, no visual changes, nothing fun that makes the gameplay feel fresh again.

Has anything in that regard changed or is it basically still the same thing with the same numeric upgrades?
Can't quite recall what the game looked like back then. I know grid added directional damage, so where you hit the enemy is a lot more important now. Ship is still more or less the same, but there is a lot more variety in the story-based space missions.
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