I refrained from commenting when chapter 5 came out, it had a lot of content, but I kinda disliked the direction.
Almost all the girls were throwing themselves at MC! It was overload really. Especially Jenni, what was that about? Felt like easy mode. Perhaps a competition between Sophie and Bree might be plausible, but this early?
Don't get me wrong, I like that there's a chance to get closer to all the girls in the game (except Helen), but all at once in one chapter?! Too much.
Both the interactions with Sophie and Bree, of course, had their moments, but like I said, the timing.
And Eve...man she's starting to come alive, naughty girl, a bit unexpected specifics, but I'll roll with it.
Now Mia... I love her..."reaction" towards the end of chapter 5 is both sad and really hot at same time, you know?

She has to up her game to stay relevant? That nature of it was very unexpected and so hot.
Which brings me to chapter 6...shorter affair, but with big revelations.
I can like that.
Mike and Helen hitting it off...had to happen I guess, odd one's out find each other

Mia gets to shine more, that's always a plus, its getting hard (pun intended)
not to go for her, she's so adorable and fine.
One thing annoyed me though...when you talk with Mike about the girls you saw at the club, you can't mention Hannah?!
Easily the cutest and most interesting of the 3(bartender...maybe, don't see that one going anywhere though), need more Hannah, she might give Mia some competition
So yeah, this game is still on my top 3, but some times...less is more?
Not all of the girls have to throw themselves at the MC in the same chapter, that should be reliant on player choices.
And again...more Hannah!